HTML - Dynamically Set Value Of An Elements Attribute?

Apr 28, 2010

I have some simple code in an aspx page

<object width="550" height="400">
<param name="movie" value='XXXX' />
<embed src='XXXX' width="350" height="370"></embed>

I want to be able to dynamically set the value of XXXX.

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HTML Button Elements And OnServerClick Attribute

Feb 2, 2010

I have been experiencing some very strange behavior using html buttons with the onserverclick attribute. What I am trying to do is use jQuery to designate the default button on the page. By default button I mean the button that is "clicked" when a user hits enter. In testing, I would hit enter while in an input field and sometimes the intended "default" button was clicked and the server side method defined in the corresponding onserverclick attribute was hit. Other times a post back was made without hitting the server method. In order to isolate the issue I created a minimal test case and found some very interesting results.

Client side:
[Code] ....

Server side:
public partial class admin_spikes_ButtonSubmitTest : System.Web.UI.Page {
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
} protected void ServerMethod1(object sender, EventArgs e) {
_response.Text = "server method1 was hit";
} protected void ServerMethod2(object sender, EventArgs e) {
_response.Text = "server method2 was hit"; } }

What I found was that everything worked as expected with this code except when I removed one of the input elements. In Firefox 3.6 and IE 8 when only one input exists on the page, hitting enter does not trigger the onserverclick, it makes a post back without even being jQuery "clicked" or actually "clicked". You can test this by starting with two inputs and clicking "test2". This will output "server method2 was hit". Then just hit enter and the output will be "server method1 was hit. Now take away an input and run the same test. Click "test2" see the results, then hit enter and you will see that nothing will change because the "test1" method was never hit. Chrome worked as expected

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How To Change Html Elements Attribute At Run Time In Web User Control

Aug 17, 2010

I have a web user control menu of page. Now I want HOME (which is an hyperlink text) in menu to be Bold at the time default.aspx Loaded (Load event)! How can I do that If any one can provide code! I am using VB .Net at back.

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JQuery :: Access Html Elements Like "<p>" Tag And Others When Html Elements Are In Content Page Only?

Oct 3, 2010

i have found out a way to find controls on content pages by using

var txt = $('input[id$=TextBox1]'). But how to access html elements like "<p>" tag and others in jquery when the html elements are in content page only.

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C# - Ensuring Unique ID Attribute For Elements Within ScriptControl?

Apr 27, 2010

I'm creating a control based on ScriptControl, and I'm overriding the Render method like this:

protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
writer.Write("This is a test.");

My question is, what if I want to assign the div an ID attribute and have it be unique on the page, even if there are mulitple instances of my control?

I've seen other people's code that does this:

writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Id, this.ClientID + "_divTest");

That will prevent naming conflicts between instances of my control, but what if I've already created a div elsewhere on the page that coincidentally has the same ID?

I've also heard about implementing INamingContainer. Would that apply here? How could I use it?


I've worked around this by overriding CreateChildControls and adding actual controls, as opposed to rendering HTML directly. In that case INamingContainer does its job. However, I'm still curious if there's a way to solve my original problem (unique IDs for directly rendered elements).

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C# - Retrieve The Name Of The Attribute Dynamically Without Specifying The Name Of The Attribute?

Aug 13, 2010

I am developing mobile application. I am using LINQ to XML to query XML file. I am using the following query to retrieve the name & value of the query dynamically as follows

var TotalManifolds = from MF in FieldRoot.Element("FIELD-DEFINITION").Element("MANIFOLDS").Elements("MANIFOLD")
join SLT in FieldRoot.Element("FIELD-DEFINITION").Element("SLOTS").Elements("SLOT")
on (string)MF.Attribute("MID") equals (string)SLT.Attribute("PARENT")
select new
SlotName = (string)SLT.Attribute("NAME").Value,
SlotValue = (string)SLT.Attribute("NAME").Value

In the following statement of above query I want to retrive the name of the attribure dynamically without explicitly specifying the name of the attribute SlotName = (string)SLT.Attribute("NAME").Value Here I am explicitly specifying the name. I want to code which can dynamically retrieve the name of the attribute. I am new to Linq to xml. how this can be done programatically? or can you provide me the link through which I can resolve the above issue ?

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Use The Html 'title' Attribute With Html.Encode()?

May 26, 2010

I've been tryin to find an example of the syntax for getting an html 'title' for a string when using Html.Encode(). I want to display the full name in the mouseover title, if it's too long.

Is there a way to do this without wrapping the string in a < span >, i.e.

<span title = "<%=Html.Encode(model.Name) %>"> //displays the full name on mouseover
<%=Html.Encode(model.Name.Substring(0, 10))%>... //displays the name up to a max length

Or should I just do it this way?

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Javascript - Keep Track Of Dynamically Created DOM Elements?

Mar 26, 2010

Assume you have a page in ASP.NET where it makes sense to use JavaScript/jQuery to modify the DOM with values that will eventually be read by the server on submit. For example, you have a form that allows end users to add/remove objects (like dependents on a health insurance form or assets on a loan application). What are some ways to ensure that these items are detected and retrieved by the server once the information is submitted?

I've tried a few things that work, but none of them seem perfect so I wanted to see what the community had to offer. Also, I'm not looking for suggestions that avoid dynamic DOM elements (like use a Wizard, etc.). I'm specifically trying to improve my technique with dynamically created DOM elements.

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JQuery :: Get Those Elements That Are Created Dynamically Through JavaScript ?

Mar 10, 2011

in an aspx pege, on Page PostBack we generally get thsoe control that were created either in aspx or code behind (dynamic controls ). But in jQuery its common practice to craete new set of controls on the fly. Supose i have created 10 spans with some id and text . So, can we get these spans on server side on Page PostBack ?

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How To Control On HTML Elements By Using C# Code

Jan 26, 2010

How can I control on HTML elements by using C# code in pages.

For example:

I want to change the content of span tag or td tag when load page... that's mean write code c# in Default.aspx.cs for example to change Span content

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C# - Traversing HTML Elements Using LINQ?

Jul 16, 2010

Assuming I have the following ASP.NET HTML Code:


I am trying to write a linq query that will retrieve all the ID's from any asp tag. Also, the query needs to group everything together alphabetically. So for the example above, the linq query should return "lbl1", followed by "lbl2", followed by "txt1", and finally "txt2". Notice it did not grab the "bodyID" because it was not part of an ASP.NET tag. Is there an easy way to do this? I am using C#, by the way.

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How To Name HTML Elements In User Controls

Mar 1, 2011

I recently designed my own user control.

My control consists of an ASP:Tree control and a plain HTML text input with copious Javascript, jQuery, and .net code to bring them to life together.

I have two issues.

1) I can only have one instance of this control on a page at a time. The text input is named txtUserControl, so putting a second instance on the page causes a name collision. I have the same issue with the ASP:Tree.

2) If I put my user control inside an ASP:UpdatePanel, it does not work at all. I get errors all over the page when I try to refresh it. Incidently, I have this same issue with a user control created by one of my co-workers.

I have some ideas for controls that I would like to be able to use again and again in my projects. I would like them to be rock-solid.

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How To Select All Elements With Specified Css Class In HTML Using C#

Mar 10, 2011

Lets assume that I have retrieved page html using HttpWebRequest & StreamReader. Now I would like to cut one div from the loaded html and put it in literal on my page. I know that that div has css class content. How can I do it?

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User Control's Elements Not Getting Initialised When Added Dynamically?

Jun 30, 2010

I've got a custom ASP.Net web user control I've built; done this enough times before but this one is misbehaving and I can't spot why.

Where the calling page includes the user control directly in its markup, all is well and the control behaves as expected.

However if the page adds this particular control dynamically (to a placeholder in the master page, which is what's calling this whole thing) the elements within it stay firmly NULL - nothing from the user control gets written to the client at all, including static content within the user control.

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Is It Accepted Use Literal Inside Html Elements

Feb 26, 2010

recently i used literals inside HTML elements like so:

<div <asp:Literal ID="ltlpbEmpty" runat="server"></asp:Literal> align="left" <asp:Literal ID="ltlToolTip" runat="server"></asp:Literal>>
<div <asp:Literal ID="ltlPBFull" runat="server"></asp:Literal> <asp:Literal ID="ltlBarWidth" runat="server"></asp:Literal> align="left">

in this case both of this divs are part user control progress bar i'm making, from not related reason i couldn't use ASP.NET elements and had to go back to the traditional HTML to be able to give those elements dynamic attributes such as tooltip, id, class i had to add literals inside those elemtns..

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Use String And Builder To Append Html Elements

Mar 31, 2011

I am having doubt in whether to use string or string builder to append html elements like "div" and others in my page in mvc. Is there any other approach for this thing.

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C# - Cannot Access To HTML Elements On The Server Side

Jul 20, 2010

access to HTML elements. On the server side those elements exists in temTemplate of a repeater control.

<asp:Repeater ID="rptList" runat="server" onitemcreated="rptList_ItemCreated">
<div id="accordionGiftLelo">

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MVC :: Controlling HTML Elements In Controller's Code?

Oct 4, 2010

I pick up on the nerddinners examples, following Professional.ASP.NET.MVC wrox book. but now i'm doing some modifications for my own account. On traditionl it was possible to interact with html elements (divs, textbox, etc... )On MVC 2 is that possible or any interaction with html must be done with jquery and how? Because i'm trying to manipulate an html element on my Controller page(DinnerController.ASPX and i had no reference to html div, as i initially supose.

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Referencing C# Variables Inside HTML Elements?

Mar 14, 2010

I want to reference a variable inside an html element without having to use an asp lable. for example at the start of the page I grab the current year and then inside a paragraph html tag I want to output this. I have tried using <%# year%> and <%=year%> but I get an error. Here is the code


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MVC :: HTML Elements And Text In A Database Record?

Mar 3, 2011

I'm have started a project in MVC to get to know my way. And now i want to use it with data from a excisting database.

In the records of my exsisting database i have text and html elements like: Tekst<p><b>Title</b>Tekst</p>

How do i make mvc show this data in a view? Now it gives me the data like:


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Web Forms :: Accessing Dynamically Created Elements In Server Code

May 8, 2010

I have a page where i am creating a number of <span> elements using clientside code.

I am creating the elements using jquery like this


But this returns a null object everytime. I have tried this code on a span that is on the page at the beginning and it works so i guess its something to do with how im creating the control dynamically.

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How To Find The Number Of HTML Elements With A Name That Starts With A Certain String In C#

Oct 15, 2010

I'm not sure if the topic describes my problem very well but I am creating some HTML elements (textboxes) on the fly with jQuery and I never know how many I will create (it loops through a database). I then want to get all the elements in the code behind and perform some actions (insert them into another database).

I know I can use

string n = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["hiddenField0"]).ToString();

To get the first textbox but what if Idon't know how many textboxes I have created and want them all? Their name starts with hiddenField plus an incrementing number.

Is there a way to loop through all elements that has a name that starts with a certain string?

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Getting At Specific HTML Elements Of A Document Using C# And Hiding Them/Show?

Dec 26, 2010

Basically I want to load a HTML document and using controls such as multiple check boxes which will be programmed to hide, delete or show HTML elements with certain ID's. So I am thinking I would have to set an inline CSS property for visibility to: false on the ones I want to hide or delete them altogether when necessary.

I need this so I don't have to edit my Ebay HTML templates in dreamweaver all the time, where I usually have to scroll around messy code and manually delete or add tags and their respective content. Whereas I just want to create one master template in dreamweaver which has all the variations that my products have, since they are all of the same genre with slight changes here and there and I just need to enable and disable the visibility of these variants as required and copy + paste the final html.

I haven's used Windows Forms before, but tried doing this in WebForms which I do know a bit. I am able to get the result that I want by wrapping any HTML elements in a <asp:PlaceHolder></asp:PlaceHolder> and just setting that place holders visibility to false after the associated checkbox is checked and a postback occurs, finally I add a checkbox/button control that removes all the checkboxes, including itself etc for final html. But this method seems just like too much pain in the ass as I have to add the placeholder tags around everything that I need control over as ordinary html elements do not run at server, also webforms injects a bunch of Javascript and ViewState data so I don't have clean HTML which I can just copy after viewing the page source.

Any tips/code that you can suggest to achieve the desired effect with the least changes required to existing HTML documents? Ideally I would want to load the HTML document in, have a live design preview of it and underneath have a bunch of well labelled checkboxes programmed to hide, delete or show elements with certain ID's.

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Web Forms :: How To Edit Html Elements And Properites From Code Behind

Apr 8, 2010

first iam new here, and i have a little bit problems which i couldnt solve myself and i wish you will be my answer. ok so in my web i am using a master page and i want from another page to change the li html's elements on all its properties. how can i do that?

<ul runat="server">
<li><a href="Main.aspx">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Products</a></li>
<li><a href="#" runat="server" onserverclick="Button1_Click" id="A1">Support</a></li>
<li><a href="frmGlobalLogin.aspx">Login</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact</a>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="Logout" Visible="False" /></li>

this what i have right now.

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Web Forms :: User Controls With HTML Elements And Persistence?

Jan 4, 2010

I have created a Web User Control (e.g, uc.ascx) which has a few HTML checkboxes in it (using Input Checkbox).

As uc.ascx is dynamically created in my webform page (e.g. page1.aspx), I discovered that the HTML checkboxes did not persist their "Checked" status. how I can make these HTML checkboxes persist?

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