How Determine If A String Has Been Encoded Programmatically In C#

Dec 22, 2010

How determine if a string has been encoded programmatically in C#?

Lets for example string:


I would like have my logic understand that this value it has been encoded..

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C# - Getting The Domain From A URL Encoded String?

Nov 24, 2010

Another beginner question, I'm afraid... I was wondering if someone could tell me the easiest and most efficient way of getting the fully qualified domain name (e.g. from a UrlEncoded string in ASP.Net (C#).For example: give me: basically anything where I can check the domain to make sure it's correct.)I'm guessing the first step might be to UrlDecode, but since this is how I'm getting the string, I thought I'd mention it incase it's easier Encoded.

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NON ASCII characters UTF-8 encoding SOAP

I am using ASP.NET.

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byte[] data = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(item);
return Convert.ToBase64String(data)

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I've added a CKEditor instance programmatically to my page in the code-behind of my ASP.NET page:


itemEditor = New CkEditor

... which works fine. I can get the HTML on the postback and do stuff with it.

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My first idea was to split the message into a character array and then loop these characters and compare them to the alphabet. But I bet there is a much better.

7 big alphabet:


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Mar 23, 2011

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var matchingVehicles = Vehicles.Where(v => v.Name == one of the listOfStringItem)

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C# - Render View Programmatically Into A String?

Jul 13, 2010

I would like to get the html code a view would generate in a string, modify it in my controller, then add it to my JsonResult.

I found code that would do what i'm talking about from a partial. I would like to do it from an aspx View though.

Extra explanation:

Let's say I have a page Frame.aspx that /Controller/Frame will return I would like to get my hand on the response before it out so I can to wrap it with jsonp. I do not wish to edit the return result in code every time, this is why I want to load the view programmatically.

/Controller/Frame currently returns Frame.aspx's content: <html><body>hello</body></html>

Let's say there's a function that renders a view in a string builder

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
RenderView(sb, "Frame");

now take sb and wrap it with jsonp:


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MVC :: Rendering Encoded Html?

Aug 13, 2010

I cannot seem to get over this problem. Im sure it is just a simple newbie question but I just cannot find the right answer on my own.

Im using MVC 2 and ASP. NET 4.0 to biuld simple CMS. Im storing encoded HTML in XML file which then i am passing to front page controller for display.

I understand that before inserting HTML from XML into the page, it should be decoded using HttpUtility.Decode() function.


I expected that this sould result in inserting decoded HTML into my index.aspx page. Then browser could render my decoded content for example in bold face.

What happens is quite awkward. In page source I have encoded HTML but it renders HTML with tags. For example I see "<strong> Lorem ipsum </stong>", instead of Lorem Ipsum.

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Set Date Format String As D/M/yyyy And Htmlencode=false In Programmatically Created Gridview?

Dec 10, 2010

MyDataSource is a datasource stored in a session passed through a search page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
gridview1.DataSource = Session["MyDataSource"]; [code]....

dates appearing in this gridview display as M/d/yyyy + time for example 12/31/2010 00:00:00

My Question: i need a way to display date as d/M/yyyy with no time for example 31/12/2010 usually i do this by setting the gridview properties htmlencode=false and dateformatstring="{0:M-dd-yyyy}" but in this case the gridview dont show any field because it bind data only at run time

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I am curious to know the reasons why the HTTP request encodes(URLEncoded) all the parameters before sending it across the network in POST request.

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Gridview Not Parsing Xml Encoded Characters Correctly

Nov 5, 2010

I'm having a problem using a xml file as datasource for my gridview.

I create this xml file myself using XMLTextWriter class, the file is created parsing an existing excel file so I don't have control over the data retrieved from the excel file. Using XMLTextWriter does encode the special characters correctly, for example: <Enter> instead of <Enter>. The problem is when I try to open this created xml for editing, I use a GridView and bind all the data but special character data is not show in the row.

Excel Data: Enter “E” or “e” and press <Enter>
XML Data: Enter “E” or “e” and press <Enter>
Data in GridView: Enter “E” or “e” and press

Is there a way to force the the GridView to decode the xml attributes correctly?

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Character Encoding - URL Having A & Getting Encoded In A Repeater Control?

Feb 9, 2011

I have a URL which is in a ASP.NET repeater control:[URL]This gets encoded to & when it gets rendered to the browser.We have tried decoding it using server side tags in the repeater, that did not work.How can i stop this from happening?[URL]

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Ajax - Callback To Encoded URL With UTF Characters Fails On IE?

Jan 4, 2010

I have Russian blog built with BlogEngine.NET 1.5.

I use Russian words in links encoded with URLEncode, so links are human-readable in most browsers - FF, Chrome, Opera (except for IE, but this is not the real problem with this browser). This idea is not mine, I borrowed it from Wikipedia - it uses encoded URLs on localized sites.

The real problem is that when I am trying to add comment in IE8 it fails (and only on production machine, development environment works fine).

Using Fiddler I found out that IE tries to send AJAX callback using WebForm_DoCallback to wrong address - it seems that it decodes URL, gets wrong characters and asks page with that wrong address from server and (of course) receives 404.

Here is how incorrect request from IE looks in Fiddler:

POST /ru/post/�������������-�����.aspx HTTP/1.1

Here is how FF makes same request and gets correct response:

POST /ru/post/%D0%92%D1%81%D1%82%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5-%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE.aspx HTTP/1.1

I upgraded solution from default ASP.NET 2.0 for BE to ASP.NET 3.5 but this changed nothing. I made some minor changes in BE to allow properly encoded UTF links - by default it wipes out percent symbol from links.

what wrong is with IE behavior here and how to fix it? Why development environment under ASP.NET Development works different from production machine under IIS6? Why IE does not decode link in address bar (like other browsers) but does it when making request?

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Force Formatting Text Encoded By User?

Apr 4, 2011

I used a ViewModel class as described below:

public class ProductCreateModel
[DisplayName("Id product:")]


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MVC :: Prevent Custom HtmlHelper's Html Being Encoded?

Jun 12, 2010

When you render one of the "built in" html helpers (say "TextBoxFor") with ":" (so it's encoded) it renders fine.However if I render the following (a custom file input helper) with ":", the markup are displayed.I understand why. Just don't know how to prevent this (no, I want to stay with ":" and not use "=")(I looked at the source code for the built in ones, but can't see what I'm missing: ttp:// )


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Security :: Decode A Text That Is Encoded Using AntiXss?

Jun 25, 2010

I have saved all data that comes through Input boxes using AntiXss.HtmlEncode(the text from in put box); Now all texts in my databse are HtmlEncoded So now i want to show them in text boxesSo iave to decode that ?
How can i decode a text that is encoded using AntiXss

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