How Long Should The ConnectionString Timeout Be In .NET Applications

Sep 10, 2010

n my ASP.NET application, I have a sqlclient connectionstring in my web.config file, What is the recommended timeout setting for production environment? Default is 15 seconds.My web farm and database cluster are on the same switch, so there should not be much latency.

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Web Forms :: Timeout Error Continues On Long - Running Web App Supposedly Already Configured To Accommodate Long

Jun 16, 2010

I've developed a web application to accept video file uploads and then pass them to a backend service on an external server. The application runs without error on the visual studio debugging webserver, but once on a production iis 6 or 7 server, yields a timeout error at about a consistent amount of time into handling a large upload. Specifically, it errors in the middle of transferring the video file to the external server, once the application has successfully received it from the client. I'm aware of several timeouts to be configured related to the problem, and have done so. The application's web config has been tested with one or both of the following settings

<httpRuntime executionTimeout="9999999" maxRequestLength="2048000" />
<location path="default.aspx"> (the page at issue that's timing out)
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="9999999" maxRequestLength="2048000" />

And within the initialization of the webrequest made to the external server to send the video received from the client browser:

HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWebRequest.Timeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite;

So with the execution time limits on both the webform as a whole and the connection made to the external server, I'm at a loss for what timeout is left unconfigured, or how to determine such, when I continue to get the following error: Unexpected error executing Brightcove Upload:...........................

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AJAX Timeout Although Request Is Completing Long Before Timeout Duration

Feb 15, 2010

I have an ASP.Net application that makes an AJAX request to retrieve at report. The report can run for a long time so I set the asyncpostbacktimeout in <asp:ScriptManager /> to 600. However, when I try to run the report, if it runs for longer than 90 seconds it fails to come back. I can see in the IIS logs that the POST request succeeded with a 200 status and I can see the time taken is much less than 600.

The web page dutifully waits for the entire 600 seconds before returning with a timeout error:



The server request timed out.

Is there any setting I should be checking in IIS? Connection timeout is 900 seconds.

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How Long Is Timeout For Session

Apr 6, 2012

Here are somethings confused me for session timeout. Below are the list of setting:

1) In app web.config, I set sessionstate timeout = 120

2) In IIS6 of web server,

DefaultAppPool, property, Recycle worker processes(in minutes): 15

Web Sites, property, connection timeout: 120 seconds

So, how long is timeout for session?

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IIS Request Timeout On Long Operation

Sep 30, 2010

I am experiencing a request timeout from IIS when I run a long operation. Behind the scene my ASP.NET application is processing data, but the number of records being processed is great, and thus the operation is taking a long time.

However, I think IIS times out the session. Is this a problem with IIS or ASP.NET session?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dealing With Timeout On Long SP Execution?

Sep 23, 2010

I am executing a stored procedure that takes about 75 seconds to execute. My page times out while it tries to wait for the resultset. I tried adding Connect Timeout=200; pooling='true'; Max Pool Size=200" but it still times out.

I guess I do not necessarily need to wait for the result set. Is it possible to just send the SQL command with something like (making it up:) command.ExecuteOnServerAndDoNotWait?

Here is my code:


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MVC :: Is There Any Sample Or Guideline Shows How To Properly Handle Session Timeout In Applications

Mar 24, 2011

Is there any sample or guideline shows how to properly handle session timeout in MVC applications?

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State Management :: Form Timeout Vs. Session Timeout Vs. Connectionstrings Timeout?

Jan 27, 2011

We have the timeout value set to 120 in our <form> tag within the web.config. We do not have a session timeout set.. and we have various connection strings.

We are having a problem where a session variable will disappear (become NULL) .. but, the form evidently remains 'open'.. or no re-login is required..... so, my question(s):

1. what is the relationship between form timeout and session timeout

2. how do I set session timeout

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WCF / ASMX :: Building Services To Work With Web Applications And Console Applications?

Jun 7, 2010

I've been worked with web services so far, and I'm interested in expanding my services to console applications as well so I started digging up with WCF but I'm conserned that I won't be able to use the HttpContext collection that I've been used to do with web services one important thing which is to generate a random value from HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["ALL_HTTP"] that I need to reckon if it's the same or at least near what machine that is calling my service. How can I overcome this problem?

I need to know what machine is calling to count the number of attempts to login into my system for example. So must do it inside of the svc code otherwise if I let the client inform what ip address or what computer he is using, anyone could forge this argument and surpass by another machine. May be I'm approaching this matter wrongly. And I should count the number of attempts per state session, but how is it done?

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Statement Timeout / System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout Expired?

Jan 20, 2010

Hopefully I am posting this in the correct forum.

I am having a problem with my ASP.Net Web application. The application is developed using and is linked to a SQL Server database. Let me explain how the application works and the problem I am experiencing. The system is an online web app which allows registered users to create a CV online. One of the pages within the app gives users the chance to add a cover note to their CV. The page that allows them to do this consists of only a textarea control and a button control. The textarea allows users to input up to 4,000 characters.

Once the user clicks the 'Save' button to save their cover note info, the following code then executes.This code checks to see if the CV already has cover note info, if it does, then the application runs an update statement, otherwise, it runs an insert statement.The table within the database which records the cover note information is called tbl_covernote and has three columns, covernote_id (int and autoincrement), cv_id(int), covernote_text (nvarchar(max)).

The error which occurs sometimes is as follows:

Dim dr As SqlDataReader
Dim param(0) As SqlParameter
Finally [code]...

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Differences In Forms Auth Timeout And Session Timeout?

Feb 1, 2010

The session state timeout is set using this web.config element

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="120" />
The forms auth is configured using this web.config element
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="Login.aspx"
enableCrossAppRedirects="false" />

What is the difference between the timeouts specified in each of these elements? If both are different, how would it work?

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Javascript - Sync JS Timeout And Session Timeout?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a page of each every click has ajax call to my server (hence, the ASP extends the session)

I have ASP.NET session set to Xmin. I want when X+1 min expires, I have expiration page. what I did was to set the JS timer to validate every x+1min to see if the session expired (the problem is that the JS and the ASP session timeouts are not synced)

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Configuration :: Forms Timeout Vs Sessionstate Timeout?

Mar 10, 2011


I have an issue to where my users are logged into my system but thier session is null so when they try to do something in the system after 20 minutes, i get null reference expceptions because my session is gon
What is the best practice for handleing the session, should i kick the users out before thier session ends and when they log back in thier session will return or atleast a new one will be created right? How should I handle this?

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Configuration :: Deploying Web Applications With Sub Web Applications?

Apr 22, 2010

Our corporate intranet is designed so that each web application is a child application in the primary application.. Everything has worked fine with Visual Studio 2008 and even in 2010 running the website locally works great, the output directory for the child apps is and the ProjectName.dll copies to that directory.. When I do a publish however it does not and I have to manually copy the dll from the bin folder in the project folder to the parent bin folder, this isn't hard of course but more of a pain in the butt each time I need to publish something. I made sure the output directory is correct for both debug and release yet on publish is just copies it to the child bin and not the parent bin as needed.

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State Management :: How To Control Session Timeout / Get Or Set Session Timeout Dynamic

Mar 9, 2011

I wanna write a method to get or set session timeout at run time.

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Web Services - Does The Server Timeout Setting Affect The Client Timeout Setting

Oct 15, 2010

I'm working with ASP.Net web services and am having a problem with a long-running process that takes about 5 minutes to complete, and it's timing out. To fix this, I was able to set the executionTimeout on the server's web.config to 10 minutes, and then set the .Timeout property on the Web Service object to approximately 9 minutes. Now, I'm worried that this may possibly cause some other web service calls to sit there for 10 minutes before they time out rather than the previous 90-100 seconds. I know the default on the client side is 100 seconds, but wasn't sure if updating the server's timeout setting would affect this.

Bottom line is - Is it safe to update the server's timeout setting to a long amount like 10 minutes, and rely on the default timeout on the client, or could this end up causing some problems?

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ADO.NET :: How To Use Connectionstring From Web.config

Jan 2, 2011

I have a connectionstring in my web.config <add name="HeimkinoVerbindungszeichenfolge1" connectionString="Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=Heimkino;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=*******;"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

This itself is working when using eg the SQLDataSource for a Gridview or similar.

Now I need to access this DB with different scripts and work with that database.

Eg I need to run this comand in a page_load against the DB


to remove old events from the database

For other pages I need something like


for some userauthentication things this should just create a recordset I can work with then.

Is there a way to realize this using the connectionstring in the web.config (and if so, How???)

If this will not work, how can I run such queries?

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Get DataBase Name From ConnectionString?

May 21, 2010

is there any method to get the database name from connectionString?

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ADO.NET :: Passing ConnectionString To DLL?

Nov 15, 2010

I want to know how to pass connection string to my .dll file. I have created one Class Library(dll) now i am using the dll of that in my application. My application is going to deploy on client side so he will going to change the connection string. Now iwant to know how will i directly access the connection string from web.config to my dll. With that i also want to know how will i pass parameters to my dll. I have already tried but it is giving me an error:the remote server returned an error 500 internal server error. Class Library Code:


Web Form Code: where i am using the object of my dll


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How To Protect The Connectionstring In Web.config

Oct 26, 2010

I have a website about to go live. I'm wondering what I should be doing about the connectionstring in the web.config. Do I obfuscate it and it so how?

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Configuration :: Encrypting Only ConnectionString?

Aug 24, 2010

i'm working on already built webapplication. in the web.config for connectionString section i have seen this

<add name="MyConnectionString" connectionString="3abcde12n3kd03kldwqaswe45tdw4fo23003ld3ddfot0lkdpe2d" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

can anyone tell me on how this encryption done? i know the standard way of encrypting using aspnetregiis.exe which replaces the entire connnectionString section of the web.config.

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Connectionstring Encryption In MVC2 4.0 App?

Nov 16, 2010

I have an MVC2 .NET 4.0 app, hosted on TFS 2008 (soon to be TFS 2010) that uses connection strings in web.config to connect to a database on another server. I need to encrypt these connection strings.

As I understand it, I can use aspnet_regiis.exe to encrypt the connectionstring portion of the web.config file, but I have to do it on the deployment machine because the encryption uses the machine name to generate the encryption key.

Now, it seems to me that this represents a problem - every time I deploy my code to the dev server won't it overwrite the web.config file, and need to be re-encrypted? This sort of manual process seems kludgy.

Is my understanding about needing to re-encrypt after deployment correct? If so, is there some way to automate this process? I don't want to forget this or get a new team member who doesn't know the process and have the connectionstring exposed to the world.

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What Is The Differences Between Connectionstring And Appsettings

Jun 16, 2010

in one of the application i have been reffering connection string is stored in appsettings! till now i have been storeing the connection in <connectionstring/> element. But, what is the correct way?

So my quetion is, What is the differences between <connectionstring> and <appsettings> in web.config, are there any specific reason why i should or should not be storing connection string in appsettings? Are there any rules / guidlines provided to follow? Or is this completely the choice of the developer?

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C# - Using An AppSetting To Set Inline ConnectionString Name?

Dec 23, 2010

Trying to do something like

<%$ ConnectionStrings: AppSettings:ENVIRONMENT %>

Is there a way?

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ADO.NET :: Change The ConnectionString In Linq?

Dec 3, 2010

i have a class library and i want to use it in difrent web form application.

i created a linq data class and i drag and drop the table of my local database in it.

now i want to use this class library in my web form application with a database in server with difrent database name but with same tables and also the connectionString Name is the same.

in my class library i call myDataContax("MyConnectionStringName")

my question is when i use a connectionstring with the same connectionString Name as my Class library ConentionString Name but with difrent database name it will work or not?

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