How To Adjust Width / Height Of A Control Based On Number Of Literal Controls On The Page

Mar 9, 2011

I have a page that will display up to 4 videos at a time.. BUT i would like to see if there is any way to calculate and set the width and height according to the number of videos im presenting..

If only one video, i want it to take up the entire width and height of the space i have allocated.. ( say thats 1000w x 800h )

If im displaying 2 videos, then split that space up between the 2 and so on.. keeping the aspec ratio so not to distort the video window..

Right now im hard coding each one 400x300 which looks good when there are 4 laid out on the page.. just want to see how doable is this to accomplish..

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<div id="paging">
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Source code:


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past the code to your In the design mood every thing is in the position that I want. However, after browse the website by IE the textboxs will be more big than it should be. is this mean that I should make the div more big than the textboxs!

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Feb 9, 2010

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Web Forms :: Resize Small And Large Images To Match The Height And Width Of Image Control

Aug 18, 2012

In my Web page,I have a Div section with height=302PX and width=302PX.

In another page,I had a File Upload control. When we will upload the image,then the image will be displayed in that Div section.

1.When the image is large,it should be re-size and display in that particular Div section completely.

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2.When the image is Small,it shouldn't be re-size and display in that particular Div section completely.

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3.If there are any tools for these type of conditions using ASP.Net.

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Jun 23, 2010

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Mar 24, 2010

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