Web Forms :: Adjust A TextBox Height Automatically To The Contents Inside It

Aug 17, 2010

I have a code where I fill some random text into a textBox. In this example there is more content than the textBox can show so the vertical scrollbar is shown in the textBox.

I wonder if there is a way to adjust the height of the textBox instead automatically so all contents can be seen instead of seeing the scrollbars ?


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How To Adjust Div Height

Jan 6, 2010

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can i change the Div's height dynamically

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Control 'contentPlaceHolder1_txtName' of type 'TextBox' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

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Mar 9, 2011

I have a page that will display up to 4 videos at a time.. BUT i would like to see if there is any way to calculate and set the width and height according to the number of videos im presenting..

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I have a 2008 c# application that displays data in a gridview. Two of the columns can contain text up to 500 characters. I have been able to handle these in the gridview by displaying the long text in a scrolling div tag. That works fine in the gridview, but when I export the gridview to excel, the row-height autofits to the large text fields, giving extremely tall rows. Any idea on how I can control the formatting to limit the row-height for the output excel spreadsheet? The approach I use for the export is described in


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Web Forms :: Can Designer Automatically C# Members For Template Contents

Aug 11, 2010

I have a control that inherits from CompositeControl, and I have a public property of type ITemplate that is instantiated. I can insert markup using it and it runs fine, but fields are NOT created in the designer for the template content.


This markup works fine:

But in the .designer.cs I only get a field for the parent control, not the template content:

Is there anything I can do to get the controls for the content to have fields automatically generated? Or do I have to use FindControl?

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<gridview id="gv1">
<asp:textbox id="txt1"/>
<asp:Button ID="btn1" />

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C# - Automatically Generate SEO Keywords Based On Dynamic Page Contents?

Jan 30, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Set A TextBox To Automatically Tab To The Next Textbox When The MaxLenght Is Reached

Jul 6, 2010

I am replacing a green screen application with a .net version. One of the things the old screen diod, which I need to replicate is, after a certain number of characters had been intered in a a field (textbox), it would automatically jump to the next field (textbox).

Is there anyway to do this in ASP.net?

Also, when pressing the tab key, is there anyway to get the curson to bypass the active links and move only to the input textboxes?

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Web Forms :: Increase Textbox Height Based On Text?

Mar 1, 2010

i want that textbox's height should be increased based on its content

textbox is multiline and its width i have put fixed.. n i dont want to show verticle scrollbar.

how to increase its height as its content increased

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Aug 16, 2010

can anyone tell me how to add the textbox control at the position that I want with same width and height as the div.

I don't know why the textboxs will be more big after browse the website.

take a look at the HTML text. I have added the styles in the same page.


past the code to your VS.net. In the design mood every thing is in the position that I want. However, after browse the website by IE the textboxs will be more big than it should be. is this mean that I should make the div more big than the textboxs!

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Max-height On Asp Panel (div) Inside Td?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a table with 3 rows and 1 column each. In each is an asp:panel control, which I believe is essentially rendered as a div. This div has max-height: 500, width: 100%; and overflow:scroll properties on it.Problem is that whenever I try to load the page in IE8, it reverts to compatibility review as it cannot render it. If I remove max-height it works fine.

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Textbox In GV Without ID, Then Change Height/width?

Apr 3, 2010

I've been working with this tutorial:


It's basically how to create an editable gridview.

I've got it up and working, but I need to change the width/height of the textboxes when the gridview is in edit mode.

The problem is, when the textboxes are rendered, they don't have ID's so I can't use FindControl to modify the textboxes.

Adding textboxes in the template items just created an independant - textbox that doesn't do anything.

My question is, how can I find these textboxes & change their height/widths, or how can I find these textboxes & assign ID's to them...so I can modify their height/widths?

Here's a snippet of what I've been playing with....haven't had any luck though...I'm probably way off:


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Web Forms :: Passing TextBox Contents From A Masterpage?

Nov 11, 2010

I had a TextBox on an aspx page which passes its content to another page with a gridview.When I moved the TextBox to a masterpage it no longer works.

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