How To Allow Html Control Inside A Listitem

Sep 16, 2010

The following compile error occurs:

Parser Error Message: The 'Text' property of 'asp:ListItem' does not allow child objects.

Source Error:

Line 468: </asp:ListItem>
Line 469: <asp:ListItem Value="3">
Line 470: Search only continuing stories with at least <input runat="server" id="episodetb" Value="0" style="width:50px" />
Line 471: episodes
Line 472: </asp:ListItem>

When my original code is like this:

< asp:RadioButtonList ID="ContStoryRadioButtonList" DataTextFormatString=" {0}" CellPadding="2" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="0">
Search singular and continuing stories
<asp:ListItem Value="1">
Search only singular stories
<asp:ListItem Value="2">
Search only continuing stories
<asp:ListItem Value="3">
Search only continuing stories with at least <input runat="server" id="episodetb" Value="0" style="width:50px" />
</asp:RadioButtonList >

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How To Write Some Text Value Of A Label Control Inside Listitem

Jun 13, 2010

How do i write some text value of a label control inside listitem. I tried below but its not working.


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Setting The "Selected" Property Of .NET ListItem (HTML Generic Control)?

Mar 8, 2011

For reasons outside my control I have a table containing input and select fields built using regular HTML with the runat="server" attribute (as opposed to standard ASP.NET controls). I am trying to set a value to be selected when the page is loaded based on values being passed from the Session (again, factor outside my control).

Setting the Selected property of the list item does nothing and doesn't select the item in question. How do I achieve this?

The code is basically this (names generic-ized):

HtmlSelect dropdownList = ((HtmlSelect)myTable.Rows[0].Cells[5].FindControl("DropdownList");
DataSet allListItems = this.GetDefaultListItems();
foreach (DataRow row in allListItems.Tables[0].Rows) [code]....

the Select portion doesn't work, although it gets executed on the proper item. Should this code be called in a specific event? I believe it's being called in Page_Load; should it be called in Pre_Render instead?

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Mar 27, 2011

Using C#. I have BulletList, and I would like to add ListItem that will render with childs.
That is, inside every <li> I can add more controls to be rendered.

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Creating Html Table From Listitem Collection?

Jul 8, 2010

I am creating a html table from a list collection. I am able to create the table, but I am not able to group the related items and add into a single table.


I have 3 items in the list collection, in which Student Name is same for 2 items.

Now I am getting 3 tables. I want to group the student Name and get a single table for unique student name.

This is my list collection:

Student ID Student Name Mark1

1 John 25
2 Mac 22
3 John 24

I am getting 3 tables now, but i would like to group the student Name and then get a single table for John having his marks and another table for Mac.

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C# - Accessing HTML Control Inside The Page From Web User Control?

Oct 23, 2010

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How To Get The Html Control With Attribute Inside A String

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I have a string like these:

String data = @"<table id="_grp:CONSUMER_APPLICATION" cellpadding="0" width="660">
<table id="_headerTable" class="Dark" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="660" border="0">

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Forms Data Controls :: ListItem Error Message Validation(ASP .Net):Attribute CssClass Is Not A Valid Attribute Of Element ListItem

Sep 17, 2010

I have a tag:


and I am getting the error message

Validation(ASP .Net):Attribute CssClass is not a valid attribute of element ListItem.

What attribute would I use for Css with ListItem?

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C# - Get The Value Of A HTML Select Element Inside A Repeater Control On Button Click?

May 24, 2010

I have a repeater with select html inside the item template.

I could not use dropdown list as it does not support so i had to build select with inside a repeater.

On button click i want get the value of the selected item.

the inside the repeater does not have runat=server.

How can i do this?

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Custom Server Controls :: Server Control Inside Html Control?

Jan 21, 2011

i'm extending gridview.

i've overried render method, in which i created a html table and added a html row for each data row.


now i want to add link button after table with on click event fired after i clicked it.i've tested following code but it did'nt worked:

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Web Forms :: DropDownList Conditional Binding / How To Add The ListItem To The Control In The Code Behind

Mar 4, 2010

I have the following Dropdown List


My problem is that some of the users that used to be in the list have left the company so we want to mark them inactive. When they are inactive they should not show up in the DDL to be selected to be assigned to. But there are existing records that they are already assigned to. If they are no longer able to be assigned their is a column called IsActive in the db that is set to 0. The Datasource filters for only == 1 when filling the datasource.

When it tries to render the control where a selected value is not in the list the Browser throws an error. I can not seem to find an event where I can intercept and set a value that is legal.

The solution I would like would be to add the listItem to the Control in the code behind then call the bind("AssignedTo") in the code behind instead of in the aspx page. This way linq would still handing the update of the DB record for the update event.

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C# - Pass Model Values As Javascript Function Parameters From Inside Mvc Html Helper Such A Html.Radio?

Jul 20, 2010

I think I need to drop in some escape characters, but I'm not quite sure where. Here is the javascript function I'm attempting to call:

function setData(associateValue, reviewDateValue) {
var associate = document.getElementById("Associate");
var reviewDate = document.getElementById("ReviewDate");
associate.value = associateValue;
reviewDate.value = reviewDateValue;

Here is the asp .net mvc line where I'm attempting to create a Radio button with a click event that calls the above function and passes data from the model as javascript parameter values.

<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('<%=item.Associate%>','<%=item.ReviewDate%>' )" } )%>

The above throws a bunch of compile issues and doesn't work. A call such as the following does call the javascript, but doesn't get the data from the model.

<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('item.Associate','item.ReviewDate' )" } )%>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('item.Associate','item.ReviewDate' )" } )%>
<% String functionCall = String.Format("setData('{0}','{1}')", Html.Encode(item.Associate), Html.Encode(item.ReviewDate )) ; %>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick=functionCall } )%>

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Html.ActionLink() Gives An Empty Link When Use It Inside Html.RenderAction()?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a Microsoft MVC project with an action "Foo" whose view ("Foo.aspx") contains the lines:

<%= Html.ActionLink("mylinktext1", "bar") %>
<%= Html.ActionLink<MyController>(x => x.Bar(), "mylinktext2") %>

When I hit this from a web browser or load it from an AJAX call, it properly returns:

<a href="/bar">mylinktext1</a>
<a href="/Bar">mylinktext2</a>

But when I call the action from another view like this:

<% Html.RenderAction<MyController>(x => x.Foo()); %>

Then the links are rendered without targets.

<a href="">mylinktext1</a>
<a href="">mylinktext2</a>

Why would this be happening, and how do I work around it?

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Can An HTML Object Tag Be Placed Inside An HTML Form Tag

Oct 13, 2010

I have a simple ASP.NET page that uses the VLC media player to play a video in IE. I also have four buttons to control the playback:

Play, Pause, Stop, and Mute

The four buttons call JavaScript functions that access the ActiveX control. When I click on any of the buttons, I get the following error in the JavaScript function:

"Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'vlc' is undefined".

However, if move the object tag for the vlc player outside the form tag, then the JavaScript works correctly, and I can control the video playback.

My question is why must the object tag be outside the form tag for this code to work correctly?


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Web Forms :: How To Create A New HTML Control Which Contain Multiple HTML Control

Sep 20, 2010

I am realizing a table with multiple rows for a Sharepoint webpart.

In this project, I would like to have a new html control which contain a LinkHtml in one column and another label in another column.

Essentially this html control would be a row used for my html table.

At the moment i am doing a row like this in the main class :


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State Management :: Update Panel Inside User Control Inside Modalpopupextender?

Apr 9, 2010

I've created a multiple uploadfile user control - upload_multiple_files.ascx:


which has an update panel ID = up_upload_multiple_files this user control will be placed inside a modalpopupextender. My question is when I click in any button AddFile, RemvFile, Upload there's a postback so the page is reloaded and the modalpopupextender disapears Is there a way to to troubleshoot this?

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Have A Dropdownlist In Inside A Formview And Jquery Cant Find The Control Im Guessing Because Its Inside A Form?

Jun 14, 2010

Hello all i have this little issue getting this to work, i have a dropdownlist in inside a formview and jquery cant find the control im guessing because its inside a form, this is what i got and it works on another page without a formviewi get this errorName 'Country' is not declared


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Forms Data Controls :: Bind() Inside Templated User Control Inside InsertItemTemplate Does Not Bubble Values?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a ObjectDataSource and a ListView referencing it.

I have created a Templated User Control (see: and placed it in the ListView's InsertItemTemplate
It has one template <ContentTemplate>. Inside that template, I've defined a couple of server controls with their properties = '<%# Bind("colName") #>'.

See below:


View 8 Replies

C# - How To Call An Event Handler From One Control To The Another Control Where The Second Control Is Inside The First Control

Nov 11, 2010

i have a calender control like this

<asp:Calendar ID="CldrDemo" runat="server" BackColor="#FFFFCC" BorderColor="#FFCC66"

OnSelectionChanged="CldrDemo_SelectionChanged" OnDayRender="CldrDemo_DayRender">

</asp:Calendar> [code].....

i want to call the event handler for the dropdownlist - selectedIndexchanged and i have added it also like this

protected void ddlBlist_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

but this is not getting fire when i am changing the item of the dropdownlist.

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C# - Replace Html Inside Pre Tag Using Regex?

Feb 16, 2011

How can I replace Html inside pre tag? I would prefer to do that with Regex


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Using C# HTML Tags Inside GridView

Apr 14, 2010

I have a SharePoint web part that I wrote in C# which is used to display SQL Server data based on user selections. I pull the data with a DataReader, fill a DataSet with it, and set that DataSet as the DataSource in a GridView and add that control to my page:

GridView outputGrid = new GridView();
outputGrid.CssClass = "OutputGrid";
outputGrid.DataSource = flipped_ds1;
outputGrid.RowDataBound += outputGrid_RowDataBound;

This gives me a simple HTML table with a declared CSS class and that's about it. The only problem I'm facing is that line breaks in the data fields are not being rendered at all. I'm simply getting a block of text that ignores the breaks that are present in the database when it's rendered to HTML. In stepping through my code, I see that the newlines are coming in as text in the form of "". I tried a regex:


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C# - How To Get Textbox Value From Inside Html Tag In .net With C Sharp

Jul 19, 2010

I want to select data from SqlDataSource tag to gridview using TextBox1 can i modify that code behind file..

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
SelectCommand= "select distinct [Species],[qty],[received],[Discard],[mortility],[dispatch],[dispatch],[dpt_sales] from [vw_getFishDtls] where [Tank_id]=TextBox1.Text and [ftype] =(select [ftype] from [vw_getFishType] where [Tank_id]=TextBox1.Text"
ConnectionString="Data Source=IT-ISHAN;Initial Catalog=ETF;User Id=ishanuk77; Password=ishanuk77;">

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Using CSS In ActionLink Inside HTML.Partial

Mar 22, 2011

I'm having problems getting my CSS class to style an actionlink inside a html.partial. In building my test site, I've used the template beginning from ASP.NET and the standard login portion. My Index page works fine as the _Layout.cshtml does reference my css page. In _LogOnPartial, I have the following listed (there is more but this is what's important I believe):

else {
<ul style="display:inline;">;
<li style="list-style:none; display:inline;">
@Html.ActionLink("Sign In", "LogOn", "Account", null, new { @class = "signin" })

My CSS for "signin" is:

.signin {
text-decoration: none;
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
color: White;

When I look at the source for the page after debugging, it shows:

<a class="signin" href="/Account/LogOn">Sign In</a>

That looks right but it's not showing it correctly. The font isn't Helvetica and it is underlined and not white. I don't reference the css sheet in the LogOnPartial but I didn't think I'd have too.

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C# - Using If Else In HTML Page Inside <%# %>tags?

Jun 16, 2010

I have to set image on the basis of fields value coming from db. I want it to achieve via. tags <%# %>. For example i have collection binded with grid. It has a Field called Online which is boolean. So if the value of Online is true then the green.png will be set as path of asp:image control else grey.png will be the path of the asp: image control.

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