How To Bind DataGrid To Display Only 25 Records Of A Table Having More Than 1000 Records

May 31, 2010

I have a datagrid control which is bound to a table which containing more than 1000 records. And i want to show only 25 records once a time. I have used paging in datagrid. But each time the next page index is set, query is fired again. This takes lots of time. So what is the easiest way to bound data in this case to improve performance.

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ADO.NET :: Inserting 1000 Records / Using Linq To SQL

Dec 7, 2010

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I need to insert 1000 records, each with all the same values except for the uniqueid field.

I know the syntax to insert a single record for example where dc is a DataContext():


Does anyone know how if there is a way, other than looping 1000 times, to tell SQL to insert 1000 records generating different unique ids but assign the constant values to the other columns?

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Feb 7, 2014

I have sending messaged details in my sql data base.In my Grid view have the following columns,

                        Name          Rollno    MsgTemplateName   No of messages Sent
                        Ameer            1            Pongal
                         Robina            2             Diwali
                          Ameer             1            Pongal                       
                        Robina               2             Diwali
                            Ameer             1           Diwali                    
                        Robina               2            Pongal

I want to look like the follwing,

                     Name          Rollno    MsgTemplateName   No of messages Sent
                        Ameer            1            Pongal                              2
                                                            Diwali                                 1
                          Robina            2         Diwali                             2
                                                              Pongal                            1                    

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Mar 31, 2011

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column1, Column2, Column3
Red park 4
Blue park 7
Red park 5
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Yellow Cann 12

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the first table is tbl1 (id,fName,lName), and the second one is scnds(id,course,tbl1id).

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Feb 2, 2012

My Requirement is to display values of selected record from a drop down into respected textboxes

suppose i select a recordname in dropdown

the record details iam filling in a dataset and showing in textboxes . 

after that My new record is if i need to select all records and display it instead of displaying it in gridview.

I need to display it in same way i.e in textboxes one by one ...even their are multiple records. 

i need to display it in textboxes one by one so instead of creating table with texboxes to fill the record details.

can i create one table which keep on executing the records one by one shows the result .

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May 7, 2010

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this is my html code


this is my code behind


this is my bal code


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Mar 31, 2010

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"Error: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown."

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I have an Access 2010 DB that I have a table of RAW data in. In my scenero when table 'a' has been populated all the rows with the updatedate of Now() get moved to another table... the SQL is like this...


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Oct 29, 2010

I have two tables for storing language translations - tblEN and tblES. They have the same structure which is nvcEnglish and nvcLocal - both nVarChar fields.

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May 7, 2015

How to bind records in charts through jquery in

cone, pie and bar

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Aug 4, 2010

I am having some issues with the performance. I am binding a Gridview with around 200 records and it is taking a long time. At one time I only display 10 records on the page, but I bind all the 200 records.

Generally what is the number of records that should be bound to a gridview ?

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