How To Clear All Form Fields From Code-behind
Apr 10, 2010
HTML has an input button type to reset all fields in a form to their initial state in one step: <input type="reset" ... />.
Is there a similar simple way to reset all form fields of an aspx page from code-behind? Or is it necessary to reset all controls one by one with TextBox1.Text=string.Empty, TextBox2.Text=string.Empty, etc. ?
Context is a simple Contact/"Send us a message" page with 8 asp:TextBoxes on the page (where the user enters the name, address, phone, email, message, etc.). Then he clicks on submit, the Onclick message handler in code-behind sends an email to some administrator, and all the form fields the user filled in should be emptied and he gets a notification in a label ("Message sent blabla..."). I want to have the form fields cleared to avoid that the user clicks again on submit and the same message is sent a second time.
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May 7, 2015
i am using html input fields for inserting data to db e.g.:
<input type="text" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" id="StreetNo" class="form-control input-mask-phone"/>
and a submit button for submitting all data :
<button class="btn btn-info btn-block" style="height: 40px;" OnServerClick="SubmitProject_OnServerClick" ValidationGroup="Date" type="button" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" id="SubmitProject"> Submit </button>
also i am using an update panel to trigger this button click event ( to avoid postbacks and page refreshing ) . i want to clear out all my fields after submition of data , but it won't happens , even i tried on submit_click's event also , i did :
/// after submittion
StreetNo.Value = string.Empty;
but nothing happend ..
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May 31, 2010
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Sep 3, 2010
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Right now I am using
this._studentName.text = "";
but is there any easy method to get same result coz I have another form where there are more then 40 fields and don't want write .text = "" 40 times
View 2 Replies
Feb 25, 2011
I have a relatively complex dataset (numerous tables, some with multiple records) generated from reading in an XML file. I need to connect said dataset fields to an ASP form. At the moment I'm assigning them manually, like so in the pageload:
txt_first_init.Text = formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["first_init"].ToString();
txt_last_name.Text = formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["last_name"].ToString();
ddl_pregnancy_flag.SelectedValue = formData.ds.Tables["pPhrm"].Rows[0]["pregnancy_flag"].ToString();
And conversely when it's time to submit.
formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["first_init"] = txt_first_init.Text;
formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["last_name"] = txt_last_name.Text;
formData.ds.Tables["pPhrm"].Rows[0]["pregnancy_flag"] = ddl_pregnancy_flag.SelectedValue.ToString();
I did some looking into binding the textboxes (and dropdownlists, and checkboxes, and and and...) directly, but it seemed to be too many formats to use.
So this works fine, but as the number of fields increases, those load and unload lists are going to get unwieldy.
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Here is my C# code:
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Sep 21, 2010
I have a web form used for importing data from a CSV file. It contains a result panel and a result label, which either show a success message or an error message after the import process. Let me say here I know the page should not be doing the import, but this is legacy code and the client expects only small changes.
My problem is that the result message (label) retains it's previous content and visibility during the next import process, because clearing it during Page_Load or at the beginning of the import method only has effect when the import method is complete and thus the postback is complete.
At the moment, the only solution I can see is to move the import code into a separate class (as it should be), call the import method asynchronously, clear the result message, and thne set then result message when the complete or error callback from the import process is called.
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Below is the code:
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Jan 13, 2011
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This is what I have right now, though I am not sure if it's the best way to do things,.
Public Class userDetails
Public address1 As String
Public address2 As String
Public city As String
however, there are like 50 fields in the User db, and it seems like a lot of retyping..
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Apr 5, 2010
I have a section of a form that I need to handle differently from the rest of form results. In the section that needs special handling I need to iterate over 3 form fields that have the same name. They have to have the same name, I can't change it. The section of the form I am referring to looks something like this:
<td><input name="Color" size="20" value="" type="text"></td>
<td><input name="Color" size="20" value="" type="text"></td>
<td><input name="Color" size="20" value="" type="text"></td>
Using C# I try something like this:
I try to handle it like this:
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= Request.Form["Color"][i]; i++)
colorName.Text += Request.Form["Color"];
Which leads to the following exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
How should I be handling form fields with the same name?
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Aug 3, 2010
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<html xmlns="" >
<label for="CheckBox1">CheckBox</label>
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" />
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