Web Forms :: How To Clear All Fields Like DropDownList TextBox After Form Submission

May 7, 2015

i am using html input fields for inserting data to db e.g.:

<input type="text" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" id="StreetNo" class="form-control input-mask-phone"/>
and a submit button for submitting all data :

<button class="btn btn-info btn-block" style="height: 40px;" OnServerClick="SubmitProject_OnServerClick" ValidationGroup="Date" type="button" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" id="SubmitProject"> Submit </button>

also i am using an update panel to trigger this button click event ( to avoid postbacks and page refreshing ) . i want to clear out all my fields after submition of data , but it won't happens , even i tried on submit_click's event also , i did :

/// after submittion
StreetNo.Value = string.Empty;

but nothing happend ..

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C# - Payment Form Submission Need Guidence

Oct 13, 2010

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payment gateway site.

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I need the form hidden inputs to be server controls so that i can bind some values generated by my code behind.(i think i can do this like the classic asp way using <%= %>, but it is like going back in standard!)
I tried HttpWebRequest in the code behind, it posts the form but the browser doesn't redirect to Payment Gateway page. I am posting the payment info over non https, how can i prevent the user tampering with the posted data?.I want to validate the payment form in the backend then post it, i couldn't trust the user input data.Also the result was returned to my redirect page with query strings appended. It is also happening over the non https. how much i can trust this redirect data?

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How Do I Set The Target Frame For Form Submission

Feb 16, 2010

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<base target="_blank" />

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Where can I set the target for this form? Since there isn't a <form> tag or an <input> tag in the file (ASP.NET makes them when it renders the page), I don't know how to change the target to override my <base> tag.

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Test Submission Of Form Data

Feb 21, 2012

I have a code that must be run ONLY IF a user posts data into a form. Posting data can be made aether by pressing submit button or pressing enter on keyboard, so here is the issue. So in short I need a translation of this php code if there is such translation in asp . net of course.


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