How To Clear Cache When Updating Application

Aug 16, 2012

How do I force a control+F5 (deleting cache) when updating an application? The users will not do this so I need to force this. Can we use some kind of flush method checking version or...?

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Similar Messages:

Clear The Application Cache Without Resetting The AppDomain?

Feb 3, 2010

I would like to reset/clear an item in the Cache, but without resetting the application or writing a specialized page just for this. ie, a non-programmatic solution.

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Clear Cache From Outside Of Application (not Using Source Code)

Mar 16, 2010

I have a web application and I'm using cache (HttpRuntime.Cache) to save some stuff from db.

I also update db from time to time so that data in db does not match the data in my application's cache.

Is there any way how to clear my application's cache without modifying any source code or republishing the page?

I tried to restart IIS and to clear browsers cache

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How To Manually Clear Server Cache For A Single Application / Web Site

Mar 11, 2011

How can I manually clear ASP.NET server cache related to a give application/web site like what can be done on IE to clear browser cache for a give domain? BTW, I am using II7.

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Web Forms :: How To Clear Browser Cache

Dec 16, 2010

In my site i m redirecting to login page when i m clicking on loguot button. before that i have written follwing code for clearing cache/history-


but when i m pasting previous page url in address bar then it is showing that page. i dont want to show that page.

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C# - How To Progrmatically Make Clear Cache

Jan 21, 2011

In my aplication (ASP.NET + c# ) when user goes to a aspx page , I need to clear cache first.

Does anyone have any idea how can I progrmaticaly make clear cache on an aspx page, or in it's code behind (c#)?

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Clear A Cache For A Custom 404 Webpage?

Mar 10, 2010

I created a custom 404 page and set its output cache duration to 7200 seconds (the pages themselves aren't updated more than twice a day, so I figured this was reasonable).

I ran into an error on the live side of things when I uploaded it, and I'm trying to debug and solve it. The problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of the cache itself, which definitely appears to be getting in the way. The reason I say that relates to my stack trace:

Server Error in '/' Application.

Input string was not in a correct format.


An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

Source Error:


Stack Trace:


I've been trying to debug the ExtractURLComponents sub, and even commented out every line in it.


I'm still getting an error, even with every line of the sub commented out. So this is why I'm thinking it's got something to do with the cache. I tried clearing it with a different page using this:


I'm not sure if there's anything I'm supposed to do to clear the cache.

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C# - Clear Client Output Cache On Log Out

Jul 20, 2010

My web client requires client-side output caching since it makes use of its own Back and Forward buttons (which basically just call the browser back/forward buttons).

The issue I'm having, however, is (of course) when the user signs out of the app. The client-side output cache remains so anyone can click the "back" button and it appears to be signed in again. I've researched a few solutions, but most involve server-side output caching or no output caching at all.

I've had success with server caching and HttpResponse.RemoveOutputCacheItem, but unfortunately I need the client side caching.

Is it at all possible to clear this client side output cache upon logging out?

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Iis6 - Clear Cache Of A Compiled Website?

Sep 9, 2010

I have various caches on my compiled website. However, I need to clear all these caches. Is there a way of doing this (without having to restart the server!)?

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Web Forms :: How To Clear Cache In Browser Back Button

May 7, 2015

I am inserting and updating the image from html file upload to my gridview / insertion goes fine , but when i update the image by clicking on edit using onselectedindexchanged event of gridview, I fetch the image then change it with other image, with this simultaneously i rebind the gridview, in the beck-end everything goes fine it updates and replaces the image but in gridview it won't show after updated. I am using postbacktrigger on my submit button, but gridview won't refreshes, until and unless i click on address bar and press ENTER , or until i won't press CTRL+F5 to clear the browser cache.

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Web Forms :: Clear Cache On User Control With Vary By Id Parameter

Aug 1, 2010

I have a page that deploys a user control to display an article. The page will show a different article depending on the ID parameter fed in via querystring, and there are many thousands of articles in our db. Here is the problem: I need to cache the user control to improve performance. But editors constantly need to go in and make changes/corrections, which they want to appear instantly on the site. Is it possible to clear the cache for a specific article only once it has been edited? ie for the request article.aspx?id=123? If so how would I do this? Otherwise, if the cache is cleared for all our content every time a single piece of content is edited, it will defeat the object of caching in the first place. I have tried using a cache key as recommended here: [URL] However, this apporach suffers from the drawback mentioned above. have also seen that you can set caching up to be cleared by changes to the db. However, the particular table concerned holds content for a number of other sites and would also have the same disadvantage.

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Security :: Clear Cache After Logout Button Link Is Press?

Feb 12, 2011

I am having a probem when logout from my website.When i copy the URL page which is the page after login,and paste it again in browser,i can direct it to the page even though i alr logout. I not using any buit in asp control,and the logout button link that i create is place at Master Page.

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Web Forms :: Clear Browser Cache And Stop Pages From Being Cached?

Oct 25, 2013

when i first run my applcation some time its showing the data from cache.i want to avoid it in first time .

i want to cache my all images/css/js file what is the efficient way to do it.

i have lot of images folder /js /css files.

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State Management :: Display A Link On The Same Content Page That Actually Clear The Cache?

Jul 20, 2010

I have an content page that got

<%@ OutputCache Duration="600" VaryByParam="*" %>

Now i want to display a link on the same content page that actually clear the cache.


But its just not working, What i am doing wrong here?

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C# - Clear Client Cache So When They Visit Website They Use Latest Javascript Files That Modify?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a website that i did some time ago now they request some new features and i did some changes in some javascript files, but when i publish the clients that use the IE have problems with cache so in they browser they have old version of javascript. How can i clear the client cache so when they visit website they use latest javascript files that i modify.

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C# - Web Application Cache Versus Database Cache

Jan 14, 2010

Im building a image gallery which reads file from disk, create thumbnails on the fly and present them to the user. This works good, except the processing takes a bit time.

I then decided to cache the processed images using the ASP .NET Application Cache. When a image is processed I add the byte[] stream to the cache. As far as I know this is beeing saved into the system memory. And this is working perfect, the loading of the page is much faster.

My question is if there are thousands of images which gets cached in the Application Cache, will that affect the server performance in any way?

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C# - How To Clear The Image Cache After Editing An Image On Site

Dec 21, 2010

I'm using an outside page to update an image in my system. When I'm redirected back to the page I've worked in, I still see the old picture. I don't see my changes until I press ctrl+f5.

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State Management :: Clear Application Cached Object Without Restarting IIS?

May 26, 2010

I am caching a file in ttpContext.Current.Application object. Now when I change the values in file, it does not get reflected in the application (I am reading the values from the file for app version).

Even after restarting the app pool and the website in IIS, the changes does not reflect. I dont want to restart IIS.

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Web Forms :: Closing User Control - Validator Does Not Clear In Firefox Or But Clear In IE?

Oct 27, 2010

I have create user wizard control and i put validation control for all field but when i close user control that validators dint clear in firefox or but clear in IE

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.net - Get Cache In KB Used For This Application?

Jun 10, 2010

I need to know what is Cache size. I've read solution on this site for more or less similar question but it partly serves me. As i know i can get values from PerMon, here is function

public static string getCacheSize()
PerformanceCounter pc = new PerformanceCounter("ASP.NET Applications", "Cache % Machine Memory Limit Used","__TOTAL__", true);
return string.Format("{0:0.00}%", pc.NextValue());
} gives me percents when i need KB and there is no item closest to this one in PerfMon shows 70.5% used while all memory usage is about 50%

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Is It Possible To Manipulate An .net Web Application Cache From Outside The Web

Feb 12, 2010

have a situation very similar to the one in this question: difference is that due to our hosting configuration, I am unable to address individual servers by IP address. Assuming I cannot access specific servers via web requests, is it possible to access the HttpContext of a web application running on the same machine? I'm thinking I could accomplish this with a windows service that I could address by machine name, or alternately a console application

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What's The Diff Between Cache And Application

Apr 12, 2010

I just noticed a "Cache" object, when would you use the Cache object to store state data nd when would you use the Application object?

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Share Cache Between Web Service And Web Application?

Mar 19, 2010

I would like to create a web application that gives an overview of all latests builds of a Team Foundation Server (TFS). The original idea was to simply query the TFS for all these builds and display the results using html. Now the problem is that this is just too slow. It takes around a minute to get the required informtion. I can't inluence this, it is just given. So I came up with the idea of caching. I could cache all results for a certain period of time and then invalidate the cache but as soon as the cache expires someone that uses the application will have to wait again which is not that nice.

The Team Foundation Server is able to notify whenever a new build is available. So basically the idea is that the application could react on that notification. In order to be notified I have to write a web service and register it with the TFS. That worked pretty well so far. The web service is now notified whenever a new build is done. Now I would like to connect my web application to the web service and whenever the web service is notified by the TFS update the cache of the web application. Here starts the problem. How can this be achieved? First I thought that the web service could fire a .NET event and the web application could react on that event but that does not seem to be possible. The next idea was that both the web service and the web application could use the same cache. The web service could then directly update the cache with the build information it receives from the Team Foundation Server but I am not even sure if this works.

Can a web service and a web application share the same cache? The web service doing something like Cache.Add("key", buildInfo) and the web application buildInfo = Cache["key"]. If not what other approach could be used to solve such a scenario?

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Application Versus Session / Cache

Feb 23, 2011

What is an appropriate use case for all of the above? It seems session and cache are quite similar, and I can't think of much use for application.

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Web Development - How To Share Application Cache Between Two Applications

Oct 27, 2010

I have one website over at The website is used for a popular web based game. Some company internets don't allow the website to be accessed so I opened up another domain at Same website but a different iss application. Both have same database backends. They also both sit on the same virtual machine. I put my brand new code on shrimp and solve bugs with that code. I host the solid code on pimp. So I can't just forward the shrimp domain to pimp because I need a test bed.

The problem is that they don't share the same application cache. So my question is, can two websites share the same application cache? I really need to figure this out. I would rather not create a webservice and or a handler that one website needs to hit to change the cache on the other application.

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