How To Get A Text Enclosed By Two Tags

Oct 14, 2010

I am working with ASP.NET and need to manage with a string typed by the user in order to extract some information. The user enters a normal text, words and numbers, but sometimes he may type a mathematical expression in MATHML, these expressions are always an xml string enclosed by the tag. I want to extract from the typed text every math segment. For example, let's consider the user typed this text:

string input = "My name is Dorry and here is a math expression: <math>---some math1---</math> ah, there is another expression: <math>---some math2---</math> and do not forget this too <math>---some math3---</math>.".

Well, The first regex solution I came up with is this:

string pattern1 = @"<math(.+)</math>";

To get matches I obviousely use:

Regex r = new Regex(pattern1, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
string[] res = r.Matches(input);

And it seemd working, too bad, it does not because this expression, instead of getting me an array (using Reges.Matches) filled with three strings ("---some math1---", "---some math2---", "---some math3---"); it gets me an array with one element only: "---some math1--- ah, there is another expression: ---some math2--- and do not forget this too ---some math3---". Can you see? it takes the first and the last and merges everything in the middle WITHOUT CARING of some other or elements in the way!

Well, I suppose this is a well known issue about regular expressions; is there a solution? how to tell the regex engine to be a little more... aware?

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ChartCodeID Code 1

<asp:SqlDataSource ID='SqlDataSource_Chart1' runat='server' ConnectionString='<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>' SelectCommand='Usp_GetTotalEmissions_Org_chart' SelectCommandType='StoredProcedure'><SelectParameters>< . . ..
. . . .

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protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
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 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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<td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" class="topicStyle">
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There is a green squiggly line under SqlDataSource, here:

asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2"

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Like above, there is a green squiggly line under SqlDataSource, here:

asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource3"

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public static string MyExtensionMethod(this string text){return TransformTags(text);}
private static string TransformTags(string input)
{string regex = @"[([^=]+)[=x22']*(S*?)['x22]*](.+?)[/(1)]";
MatchCollection matches = new Regex(regex).Matches(input);
for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
var tag = matches[i].Groups[1].Value;
var optionalValue = matches[i].Groups[2].Value;
var content = matches[i].Groups[3].Value;
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<body> aaa<b>bbb</body>

This should return aaa bbb.

notice that all the contents inside the script tag is ignored.

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javascript functions :
function PostWebRequest(postPage, HTMLTarget, parameter) {
displayElement = $get(HTMLTarget);
displayElement.innerHTML = "<div style='text-align:center;'><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><img src='images/ajax-loader.gif' algin='center' /></div>";
var wRequest = new Sys.Net.WebRequest();
var body = parameter;
wRequest.get_headers()["Content-Length"] = body.length;
function onWebRequestCompleted(executor, eventArgs) {
if (executor.get_responseAvailable()) {
if (document.all) {
displayElement.innerHTML = executor.get_responseData();
else {
displayElement.textContent = executor.get_responseData();
else {
if (executor.get_timeOut()) {
alert("Timed Out");
else {
if (executor.get_aborted())

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Web Parts - Contain Tags?

Feb 16, 2011

My aspx page contains a region which is populated trough ajax. The pupulated content is that of the page MyWebpart.aspx. But MyWebpart.aspx contains not only a grid(which is what I need to get trough ajax), it also contains , , , tags because this are required for any aspx file.code to replace inner html with that received from webpart

displayElement.innerHTML += executor.get_responseData();

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Firefox Won't Display All Tags?

Mar 5, 2011

I have an issue with Firefox. After creating a new template for my website using <div> tags, i noticed that not all tags are displayed when i preview the site in firefox.

I put the sample template in the following location:


I was able to verify my CSS with the following link: [URL] and it passed without any problems. The html part is correct as well.

My question is how come two div tags: <div class="header9"></div> and <div id="sidebar"></div> are not displayed in firefox. It works fine with explorer but firefox has issues.

Also the background-color for <body> takes over in the middle, even though i've created a <div id="wrapper"> with all divs inside and background color assigned to white.

I've tried developer extension for firefox but still was not able to find the problem.

It's very annoying that simple (basic) tags such <div> could have isssues being displayed. Does anyone know what am i doing wrong and how to fix that issue?

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How To Use Basic Html Tags

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how can i use basic html tags(h1,h2 and <p>) in code behind.

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Dynamic Meta Tags Using SQL And VB?

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I am new to ASP.NET and I am trying to dynamically bind the Meta Keywords, Title and Description from a SQL database to a MasterPage / Code Behind file using VB. I need to know what goes into the Master Page and what goes in the Code Behind file. My database is named "Products" and the columns I need to bind are Keywords, WebTitle, and Description.

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