How To Get Data From Data Table Under Some Condition

Apr 4, 2011


I have a DataTable , i want to get data according to some condition.(Where())


How to do this if the condition (type = 0).

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Data With Gridview Based Upon Condition?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Data Table which Populate from the Stored Procedure which is below


and iam binding the Gridview with Data Table it is working .Now i have to make some thing visible and Invisible based upon some Value like below

Datatable dtTable = (Viewstate)["StatusData"]; // Same Data Table which is Data Source of Gridview Control

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Data Controls :: Condition Based Data Bind In GridView From XML

Jul 29, 2013

From my code I got all of my data from my xml database .. but I need to display only the data with match of my date. For example if i I give date as 7/25/2013 the data within the date oly want to display in grid view my c# code is

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

[Code] ....

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Date> </Date>
<Name> </Name>

[Code] ..... 

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<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
</asp:Content> <asp:Content ID="Content2" runat="server"

[Code] ....

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How to use the ValidationSummary if the condition is not met, or the table is empty?

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Web Forms :: Store Values In Two Table In Database - Nested If Condition

Apr 27, 2016

I want to store Values in two table in database..

For Ex.

table 1-- Resi

if Resi is clicked then the values are stored in resi_db and then it will also get store in the HEG01_db table in database..

table 2-- NonResi 

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DataSource Controls :: Delete Records Based On Join Condition From Other Table?

Feb 25, 2010

I want to delete recodrs from based on some join condition between two tables.

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I have delete records from TargetTable table based on join condition between two tables.

I am able to select records


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C# - Show Data In Gridview Using Condition

May 19, 2010

I want to check a condition in a grid view e.g.

query = select * from memberlist;
query = select * from memberlist where memberid like 'operator%';

depending on the query ther grid view will display the listof members and also where to put this code in .cs or .aspx and how?

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Stored Procedure Which Runs On 5000 Users In Tbluser Table With Some Filter Condition In Database?

Mar 7, 2011

I have created one stored procedure which runs on 5000 users in tbluser table with some filter condition in database.There are 4 filtering condition(FC1,FC2,FC3,FC4).Filtering condition has some ListBox and dropdown list of department and countries.I want output as given below:

ID Name StaffNo department Points
1 KK 111 dep1 2
2 NN 222 dep2 1
3 DD 333 dep3 4

I got ID,Name,StaffNo,department in resultset but not points.

points calculation would be based on filtering condition like

if FC1 matched user gained point 1,if both FC1 and FC2 matched user gained 2 point,if both FC1 ,FC2 and FC3 matched user gained 3 point etc.

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SET @SQL = 'SELECT U.UserID, U.StaffNo,U.FirstName+'' ''+ U.LastName AS EmployeeName,''?'' AS Points FROM tblUser U '[code]....

all filtering condition are implemented with OR logic.

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Apr 27, 2016

I have a stored Procedure, which copies the data in one table to another table in other DB.

I have the query to copy the records to other table.

But, tomorrow, new columns are added to the source table, then, how to dynamically copy the data from those columns to the destination column..

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Binding Data To DropDownList On Pageload Based On Condition

Jan 15, 2011

Am trying to bind data to a dropdown list on pageload based on a condition. Code explains further below.

public partial class AddExhibit : System.Web.UI.Page {
string adminID, caseIDRetrieved;
DataSet caseDataSet = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter caseSqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
string strConn = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CMSSQL3ConnectionString1"].ConnectionString;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
adminID = Request.QueryString["adminID"];
caseIDRetrieved = Request.QueryString["caseID"];
if (caseIDRetrieved != null) {
CaseIDDropDownList.Text = caseIDRetrieved;
//CaseIDDropDownList.Enabled = false;
} else { try { CreateDataSet();
DataView caseDataView = new DataView(caseDataSet.Tables[0]);
CaseIDDropDownList.DataSource = caseDataView;
CaseIDDropDownList.DataBind(); }
catch (Exception ex) {
string script = "<script>alert('" + ex.Message + "');</script>";
} } }

The CreateDataset method that is called in the if..else statement is contains the following code.
private void CreateDataSet() {
SqlConnection caseConnection = new SqlConnection(strConn);
caseSqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand("Select CaseID FROM Cases", caseConnection);
caseSqlDataAdapter.Fill(caseDataSet); }

However when I load the page and as usual the condition that is supposed to bid the data is met, the gridview decides to displays as follows. Is it me or its the Datagrid?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Manage Condition In Presentation

May 29, 2010

I have a date base with a table named 'movies'. I want to take information on my database. I use a SQLDataSource. For my presentation, I use a repeater. Here is my code :


But if for exemple, 'champ1' is empty in my database, i don't want to print it in the result of my query ! But i can't arrive ...

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ADO.NET :: How To Write Queries To Select Data From Different Tables With Condition

Jan 23, 2011

eg: thiss is the ordinary query


how in linq??

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DataSource Controls :: Condition Statement For Duplicate Data?

Feb 7, 2010

im doing a shopping cart for my website. And i want to do a conditional statement to check if the
custname and productcat is inside the shopping cart then i'll only insert/update the quantity of the product he purchased.

here's my code:

Protected Sub btnAddToCart_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddToCart.Click

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Data Controls :: How To Highlight GridView Row Based On Condition

May 25, 2012

I want to higlight the background color based on condition

E.g. I have a column like 

name       rate

rafi           100
ravi           0
karthick   300

Here rafi and karthick should display the background color

ravi should display the whitecolor

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Data Controls :: Change Color Of Particular GridView Row On Some Condition?

Nov 27, 2013

There is a gridview, in that i have 5 columns. Data is coming from Database inside gridview.

I want to change the ForeColor of 5th column's particular rows in gridview according to condition.

The data in 5th column is coming from Database. I want to change the ForeColor of that column's particular rows according to condition.

here is gridview data:-

Station Name


I want to change the color of 5th column("DangerValue") rows only according to condition.

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Data Controls :: How To Use IF ELSE Condition In EVAL Function In GridView

May 7, 2015

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Is Activate ?">
  <a href="#" onclick='fnViewRemarksTest(<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"CustomerId")%>)'><%#Eval("IsActivated ")%></h3></a>

Is Activated is a boolean data type column in Sql.

I want to Show that, when IsActivated is true text will be "User Is Active" and when false , the text will be "User Is not activate" ...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change The Color Of The Value In Gridview Using Condition

Jun 17, 2010


if the ABOVE pic is not visible CLICK HERE to view

I want to change the colors of the values from the table SALARY

if the salary is > 20,000 i want to change it to GREEN color

if < 20,000 then it should show RED color

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Forms Data Controls :: Invalid Column Name With Search Condition?

Jan 18, 2011

I am trying to get gridview with SqlDataSource.

When I do test the SQlDataSource with condition in status field, It shows error that invalid column name.

status field data type is char and default value is O in SQL server. When I give the 'O' in condition, it comes error about invalid column name.

What does it mean eaxctly invalid column name and how can I fix it?

Do I have to change DB type or something?

.error message is Invalid column name 'O'


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Forms Data Controls :: Make The Linkbutton Disabled On Condition?

Aug 10, 2010

In my grid I have three fields: Action date, type name and TypeId. I want to make the Edit linkbutton disabled when the type name is either 'Accepted date' or 'Received Date'. I can do it if there is one condition by the following code, but I can not pass both.

Enabled='<%# Not "Accepted Date".Equals(Eval("ActionTypeName")) %>'

Is there a way to do this?

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Set Certain Columns In Gridview Invisible Upon Certain Condition?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a gridview that is being populated off of a query that has joins in it. It works fine. However, I want to display one record of all information but then blank out all colunmns accept 1 for the other 3 records that it is picking up. In other words, right now, all three records have duplicate info in them accept this one column. can this be done? Can I somehow blank out other columns based upon what is in the single column? This is all being done in a gridview. I realize it would do a master detail type scenario but I want all of this information to display without someone having to click on a field or anything.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Image In Gridview According To Condition?

May 8, 2010

I have a gridview bound to object data source & in its item template i have some labels and one image control and I have a [Status] column in database that store either true or false in bit format . now what i want is if value in status column is true then image control's ImageUrl property should use image ~/images/Show.jpg and if it have false value then it should show ~/images/Hide.jpg.

currently i am using this code it works fine but i think there must be some good better way to achieve this goal. here is the code that i m using

if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
Image img = (Image)e.Row.FindControl("ImgCatStatus");
if (img.AlternateText == "True")
img.ImageUrl = "~/images/Show.jpg";
img.ImageUrl = "~/images/Hide.jpg";

i have bound the alertenateurl to <%#Bind('Status')%> and performing evaluation based on value it contain

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataSource : Make Condition Only If Data Is Not Null?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a SqlDataSource connected to database and use a parametrized query to fetch out data.Query has got a very large varchar field on which i have to perform a search.To make search, i have 2 combobox and a textbox organized in this way

MAIN CATEGORY (combobox)-> CATEGORY TYPE(combobox) -> MODEL(textbox).

Based on main category choose, category type is filled from database. At last, it's added a "nothing" combobox item.Now i should search into big varchar field adding category type condition but, if nothing is specified, i should make identical search like all combobox value are selected. How should i, in your opinion, make this using SqlDataSource?

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