ADO.NET :: How To Use The ValidationSummary If The Condition Is Not Met, Or The Table Is Empty?

Nov 29, 2010


How to use the ValidationSummary if the condition is not met, or the table is empty?

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MVC :: Html.ValidationSummary Appears On Initial Load Of Page And It's Empty

Jul 23, 2010

I am not sure what I am doing wrong in how I set up validation on my models and viewmodels. For some reason on several of my views that contain a validation summary, it appears empty on initial load of the page. On some other pages it appears correctly when the form's data is posted and it does not appear on initial load, this is the way that I would expect it to work.

On the views where this is occuring, my viewmodels are somewhat more complex in that they contain another complex type that I am passing around that has it's own set of DataAnnotation Validation properties, but I have called the validation summary like this; Html.ValidationSummary(true) so that those properties are not validated.

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SQL Server :: Create A Temporary Table As Existing Table With Some Condition Checking?

Jan 18, 2011

i am trying to create a temporary table as like an existing table.

create table #tmp AS ( select Table1.* from Table1 where Table1.column name in (select Table2.column name from Table2 where conditions) )

But it is showing Error...

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C# - Placeholder Containing Dynamic Table Is Empty Unless Create Table Twice?

Jun 4, 2010

I am dynamically creating a table that contains a textbox in each cell. The table is put in a placeholder control. Everything displays perfectly. The problem is when I go to retrieve the values entered in the cells. I have the code to generate the table in a separate method called CreateTable(). In order for my program to find a table in the placeholder when I go to save, I have to run CreateTable() in a postback event AND in the PageLoad event. If I call CreateTable() in only one of those places and I try to save, it says the placeholder is empty and, therefore, I cannot save the textbox contents. I've tried calling CreateTable() from InitLoad but that doesn't work because it needs to reference values from three static controls: 1 dropdown, 1 listbox, and 1 calendar control, which I don't believe have had their viewstate rendered yet.

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ADO.NET :: Dynamic Or Condition From Joining Multiple Table?

Feb 14, 2011

I have to seach data from multiple table and fetch the data and from the result i have to search partical value in or condition .

Means i have 5 table from which i am fetching data and after that ihave to search multiple location means array location and from that array i have to check each location into fetch data.

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Web Forms :: Store Values In Two Table In Database - Nested If Condition

Apr 27, 2016

I want to store Values in two table in database..

For Ex.

table 1-- Resi

if Resi is clicked then the values are stored in resi_db and then it will also get store in the HEG01_db table in database..

table 2-- NonResi 

if NonResi is clicked then the values are stored in NonResi_db and then it will also get store in the HEG01_db table in database..

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DataSource Controls :: Delete Records Based On Join Condition From Other Table?

Feb 25, 2010

I want to delete recodrs from based on some join condition between two tables.

One table belongs to my DB ( table name : FeeDetails)

and second table ( TargetTable) is on different server.

I have delete records from TargetTable table based on join condition between two tables.

I am able to select records


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Stored Procedure Which Runs On 5000 Users In Tbluser Table With Some Filter Condition In Database?

Mar 7, 2011

I have created one stored procedure which runs on 5000 users in tbluser table with some filter condition in database.There are 4 filtering condition(FC1,FC2,FC3,FC4).Filtering condition has some ListBox and dropdown list of department and countries.I want output as given below:

ID Name StaffNo department Points
1 KK 111 dep1 2
2 NN 222 dep2 1
3 DD 333 dep3 4

I got ID,Name,StaffNo,department in resultset but not points.

points calculation would be based on filtering condition like

if FC1 matched user gained point 1,if both FC1 and FC2 matched user gained 2 point,if both FC1 ,FC2 and FC3 matched user gained 3 point etc.

--in stored procedure i m using dynamic query
SET @SQL = 'SELECT U.UserID, U.StaffNo,U.FirstName+'' ''+ U.LastName AS EmployeeName,''?'' AS Points FROM tblUser U '[code]....

all filtering condition are implemented with OR logic.

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ADO.NET :: Return Value When Empty Table?

Oct 19, 2010

I have the following code that i call from the page behind code.

when no records are in the table i get an error message


conversion from type DBNULL to type Decimal is not valid

I would prefare if the procedure did not throw this error message and returned a value to notify me that no records found when zero records returned

Public Shared Function invoicetotal(ByVal CustEmail As String) As Decimal
' Dim selectcommand As New SqlCommand
Dim CONNECTION As SqlConnection = MaintainDB.GetConnectionString
Dim sel As String _


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Crash On Deployment With Empty Table?

Jan 19, 2010

I just deployed my first ASP app to a remote server (using SQL SErver) and some data entry forms are crashing when the associated table is empty. The PageLoad method is empty, but the error occurs before the page becomes visible. The limited run time error I see says page not found error 404. If I put a record in the table using Mgt Studio, everything is fine. The form contains two LInq data source controls that populate dropdown lists, but everything else was hand coded - no data bound controls at all.
There is no attempt to access the actual empty table until the data has been entered and the Insert button is pressed. I have made sure that the tables that use the datacontrols for dropdowns have data in them, even though this should not matter. I did not have this problem on my local machine when developing. In summary, page does not load when table is empty, even though I do not access the table when the page loads?????

This is the entire codebehind file, and yet the page cannot even seem to load.


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Web Forms :: Saving Empty Textbox To SQL Table?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a textbox named txtOrderDate on my web page. I have a subroutine that saves various textboxes from my web page to my SQL table using a stored procedure. If a valid date is entered into txtDate, then my save works correctly. I have a column named OrderDate in my table. This is the column I am saving txtOrderDate to. OrderDate is defined as a date column and null is allowed.

But if txtorderDate is blank, my subroutine bombs saying cannot convert string to date. I tried various things like making the value of txtDate = DBNull.value if blank but nothing works. Seems like there would be an easy way to do this.

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Web Forms :: Crate A Table At Runtime With Empty Rows?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a table on my web form that I need to populate at runtime. I can do this ok and add controls to it, and all works well. However in between each row in the table I am trying to insert an empty row using the following:



NOTE: The litEmpty.Text in code is assigned the non-breaking space character

Anyway when the table is created and displayed, the empty row is not displayed.

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Return All Values From Table If Query String Is Empty

Jan 1, 2010

I have a page that lists products from a table based on the querystring. So if I say foo.aspx?fam=1 all the products from family 1 will be listed. How can I make my code list all the values if query string is empty? My SQL command would have to be different...can't really see how I can do this.

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ds_produtos" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:LocalSqlServer2 %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT [IdProduct], [Name], [Description], [IdFamily], [Price], [Stock] FROM [Product] WHERE ([IdFamily] = @IdFamily )">
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="IdFamily" QueryStringField="fam" Type="Int32" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Determine Whether The Table Is Not Empty?

Jul 18, 2010

How to determine whether the table is not empty?

Using reader

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Table - Empty On First Page Load

Mar 10, 2011

I have a table thats created dynamically, the table gets its contents from a custom class I've created that gets statistical data from a database. As the table is generated dynamically, I've put the contents class (the table data) into a session object and I populate the table initially inside a !IsPostback then on the page init I get the data from the session (its empty on the firts page load). I am now getting this error: Multiple controls with the same ID 'controlnamehere' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs. How can I avoid this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Table Alignment / After Every Row Getting One Empty Row?

Aug 31, 2010

i designed a gridiview, within that ItemTemplate i drew an table then tr then some of td's, now the problem is after every row im getting one empty row. below is my code

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-right:1px solid Black;" >
<tr >
<td width="1%" align="center" style="border-right:1px solid Black;">
<span style="">
<asp:ImageButton ImageUrl="~/inc/img/img1.gif" runat="server"
CommandName="Expand" Style="display: none" Width="11px" />
<td width="5%" style="border-right:1px solid Black;" > <%--onclick="ShowMenu( <%# Container.DataItemIndex + 1 %>);--%>
<asp:Label runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("data1")%>'></asp:Label> </td>
<td width="5%" >
<asp:Label runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("data2")%>'></asp:Label>

View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Eliminate Returning Of Empty Table From Stored Procedure

Jul 12, 2010

I have a Procedure which should return only 1 Record on selecting record according to Priority.

DECLARE @Accounts nvarchar(MAX)
SELECT @Accounts = ISNULL([map_user_modules].[Accounts], '') FROM [map_user_modules]
WHERE [map_user_modules].[id_user] = 231 AND [map_user_modules].[id_module] = 5
IF ((@Accounts = '') OR (@Accounts = 'All'))
SELECT @Accounts = null

Select @@ROWCOUNT as Priority2

Select @@ROWCOUNT as Priority3

Select @@ROWCOUNT as Priority4

In the above statement Suppose we take a scenario where Select @@ROWCOUNT as Priority3 is executed, I get two tables returned, One is the Table returned by Select @@ROWCOUNT as Priority3 and the other is the Table returned by Select @@ROWCOUNT as Priority2 which has no Records. How can I eliminate the Empty table that returns no records.

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DataSource Controls :: Use Two Table Gridview Show Up - Datatable Come Back As Empty

Nov 1, 2010

I am trying to populate a gridview using two tables. I also have a strongly typed dataset and used the method on this page: [URL] the problem is that, when i try to use two table the gridview does show up (I checked through debugging that the datatable comes back as empty).

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How To Get Data From Data Table Under Some Condition

Apr 4, 2011


I have a DataTable , i want to get data according to some condition.(Where())


How to do this if the condition (type = 0).

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Forms Data Controls :: Data.Default View Shows Empty Table

May 31, 2010

i have a some Records in My Data table. i want to get Distinct Records so i have used data View for That. when i look in into DataTable.DefaultView it Shows Empty.

i have Cleared the RowFilter of this Default View.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Text As Empty String When Gridview Cell Is Empty?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a gridview with two bound fields. On clicking a button i want to display the values in first row of gridview in two textboxes. But if gridview cell is empty i am getting the text in textbox to which the value of cell is given as -' 'i know my problem will be solved if i use the template fields instead. But i want a solution while maintaining the bound fields ,if any.

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Empty Field In SQL Database, Using A Datalist Do Not Display The Empty Fields?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a sql database that on some field will have a empty string/field. I am using a Datalist to display my results. How do I not make the labels that are empty not display? Currently if the field is empty it will leave a space there which my goal is if the field is empty do not leave a white space instead move the other colunms up.

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C# - Hide Empty Columns In A Gridview Without Knowing Which Will Be Empty?

Mar 4, 2011

I am working with a gridview that pulls data from a SQL database based on selections in dropdown lists. The source table has six columns for attributes of the selection, but depending on what is chosen, there could be anywhere from one to six of those that are empty (all null values). When the column is empty, I would like to have it hidden so the page is less clunky and confusing.

I've searched around for an answer for the past couple days, but what I have found so far is either related to hiding columns that you know are empty which I will not know or removing them in the SQL code which I think doesn't work if the column is called for in the gridview code and doesn't exist in the query.

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MVC :: How To Use ValidationSummary

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to do a simple validation where i check the text box value. I have used follwing approch.

<%: Html.ValidationSummary(true) %> in View.
[Required (Error Message="Name Required")]
public virtual string Name{get;set;}

but in my controller if i enter a blank value in txt box then still the ModelState.IsValid is property is etting true.

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MVC :: ValidationSummary On MVC?

Sep 2, 2010

I want to validate my different pages so I use System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations to do that But I have a problem with that:



this.RegEx = RegEx;
this.ErrMsg = ErrMsg;

But I have this problem :


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