I have 1 textbox where user is entering date. Depending on entered date, I would like to calculate week start date and week end date for entered date thru programming without javascript. My working days are monday to friday
Im struggling to find week start and week end date based on week number of the year. I have written this following sql to calculate that but it fails when year is 2012... The logic should count week number starting from first monday of the year. But it gives me wrong start date and end date when year is 2012, 2018....
how can i get the actual date through that date's datepart and calendar week? Its means that , i have Calendar week = 1 and datepart is Friday, so i will the actual date is 01-JAN-2010?
how to get the start and end dates of the week by passing in a week number? I have a dropdownlist that needs to show 2010-05-17 - 2010-05-23 and I need to determine this date by passing in a week number.
Ex: if I pass the number 20, it will return 2010-05-10 - 2010-05-16 etc...
My dropdownlist will always only show one week and it will always be the previous week from the currect week.
I've got 7 labels (lblMonDate, lblTueDate, ...lblSunDate), how do I get their text values to become the dates on which each weekday falls in the current week? The business week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday as opposed to a calender week which begins on sunday.
I need to convert a weekno of the year to the First Date of that week. The firstday of the week must always be a Monday. e.g. Week 1 must give me 2005/03/01
I need a help in reports, actually i have made a matrix report in whichi need to display column dynamically based upon the selection parameter.I have a selection paramter of date.If i select Date on selection paramater as "03/01/2010" i.e. 1st March 2010then it should display column as week wise up to 2 months like :-1st March - 7th March 8th March -14th March 15 March - 21 March ....Up to 2 monthThen i have to display sales Amount week wise in that.So based upon the sales date it display amount in respective column.If sales date is 9th april then its should come under 2nd column.f any sales date comes after 2 month then there should a column like May Onward, and we need to display amount in that.Its should be dynamically changed based upon that date parameter selection.
I have projects table which have project starting date and end date in datetime() format.every project have some report day which is friday and saturday(which is fixed),the problem is i want to show which project is falling in this week's reports, i think i have to compare project starting date and ending date with this week dates...so i have create function in sql to get week date... but i don't know how can i show...i am totally confused
I am learning jQuery. Here I have a requirement i.e I have to add Week number and Week ranges of a year to Drop-down List in ASP.NET3.5. And I have to pass selected week range to database. I am using c#.net. This should be done automatically for every year.
I have a working timesheet which displays on a webpage, what I was also wanting was to display the previous week and the following also on the same page. I will attach both the .aspx page and the aspx.cs page. I have hardcoded the date into the webpage just for ease of reference at the moment.
i used below code for date time picker validation but it's not working.
Actually I want a date time picker which date dd/mm/yyyy format date. With validation for start and end date. Also for manual entry it should take only no. and for date rest like / or, will be auto formatted.means user should not be able to enter it.
Now i want to do that user cannot select end date less than start date , e.g if he choose 2-July-2014 ( as a start date) then he could not choose (1-July-2014) as End date , dates prior to Start Date must get disabled in End Date Calendar Extender.
I need to get the start date and end date of a month so that I will pull up my records for only that month, Right now I am pulling all the records and taking lot of time to load.
i have two textboxes one is for start date and other for end date. if end date greater than start date then alert will raise? how i accomplish through with jquery?