SQL Server :: How To Find Week Start And Week End Date Based On Week Number Of The Year
Aug 10, 2010
Im struggling to find week start and week end date based on week number of the year. I have written this following sql to calculate that but it fails when year is 2012... The logic should count week number starting from first monday of the year. But it gives me wrong start date and end date when year is 2012, 2018....
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textbox1=date ----> select one date ,
if tuesday is select example:11/3/2012
then ..
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here 11/3/2012 here here here here here
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SelectCommand="SELECT [Time], [Temp] FROM [test2] ORDER BY [Time]"<br>
the format that the datetime is in is "2011-03-29 00:46:06.377"
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Dec 23, 2010
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course_status_1 = CASE
What I need to happen is for an event with start date and end date in differnet years to calculate what week of the event get date is currenty in.
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