How To Implement Global Hotkeys In C#

Dec 10, 2010

I need to write an application which globally intercepts Alt+Shift+S.What I did is I created a DLL which sets global hooks:

namespace Hotkeydll
public class MyHotKey

Then I created a program which loads this DLL and set the hook:


using Hotkeydll;
namespace IWFHotkeyStarter [code]...

{Now the problem is that the hotkey doesn't work.It looks like the DLL is not loaded permanently into memory. I see that I can delete the dll file from file system.

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Use Global.asax And Implement Handler For It?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a Global.ascx and I wrote a simple url writer module :

void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strPath = Context.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
string[] sections = strPath.Split('/');
int len = sections.Length;
string strExtention = sections[len - 1].Split('.')[1];
if (strExtention.ToLower().TrimEnd().Equals("xml"))
if (sections[len - 2].Equals("ATM"))
Context.RewritePath("~/Include/XML Files/Orders/TMP/" + sections[len - 1]);
Context.RewritePath("~/Include/XML Files/Orders/" + sections[len - 1]);

it works locally but it dosen't work in the host how I can implement handler for this? Server.Transfer doesn't work also.

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VS 2010 - How To Create Hotkeys / Shortcuts Keys Function

Aug 21, 2012

I would like to know how could i code hotkeys/Shortcut keys in a web application,I have seen tutorials on it but all are for windows forms and not web apps..So i have a table in my web app , and i want the user when he hits the enter button or the add button (+) on the keyboard it should add a new record to the table.i have the code to add the record to my table i just need to know how to create the hotkeys/shortcuts keys function.

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C# - Dictionary Lookup Efficiency & Request Scoped Global Variable Accessible By Global.asax And Pages/etc?

Feb 8, 2011

I know there is a couple answered questions on here regarding "request scoped" globals, but I want to nit-pick on something specifically and maybe squeeze some extra enlightenment out of one or two of you.I have an ASP.NET C# Website and a static Dictionary of objects (loaded from DB once on Application start). Each page request will need to do a lookup in the Dictionary (based on a key derived from the request url/etc) and get the appropriate object.The issue is I'm trying to maximize efficiency by reducing the lookups to the Dictionary per Request. Doing just a single lookup within a Page itself is easy enough and I can pass the object to sub controls, etc too.. but global.asax is separate from the Page and it also needs to use the object (in Application_BeginRequest and Session_Start).

So is doing a Dictionary lookup once in Application_BeginRequest, once (when necessary) in Session_Start and once in the Page negligible speed wise, even if there are many requests coming in every second?I would like it if I could just have a Request scoped global variable that I can easily call upon.. the only one I see available though is HttpContext.Current.Items and that is a Dictionary itself.Am I beingridiculously nit-picky with my concern over efficiency? or will these milliseconds (nanoseconds?) get me in the long run when more and more requests are being made?

PS. I currently only have around 100 objects in the Dictionary although this may increase in the future.

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C# - How Can We Use Global.asax

Feb 26, 2010

how can we use global.asax in and what is that?

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New To C# And Trying To Use A Global Variable?

Mar 11, 2010

Is it possible to use global variables in C#? I'm coming from mainly a PHP background so variables are either accessible everywhere or just a global definition away.

My main issue is I have a User class that I built myself to wrap around the current users table on my company's database. I am defining it in the MasterPage but can't seem to access it from the actual pages (I don't know if there's a better word to describe them but they are the pages that inherit the styles and format from the MasterPage) Any general tips or implementation practices for me?

EDIT: here's some code snippets of what I'm trying to do:


public partial class SiteMaster : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
public User user = new User();
<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="logout.aspx.cs" Inherits="logout" %>
<%@ MasterType virtualPath="~/Site.master"%>
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
User user = Master.user;

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ASP.NET MVC: Is Is Possible To Set A Global Variable

Dec 28, 2010

I have a process within my MVC 2 application that takes a large amount of time and alters many rows in the database in the process.

There is a chance that two or more users could attempt to perform this action at the same time, which would lead to undesirable effects.

Is there a way to set a global flag somewhere within that I can check against all requests to see if the action in question is currently being executed? (a bit that I flip prior to running query, and then then flip back on completition)Or is there a better way of handling this situation?

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C# - Why Should Use Global Resources

Jan 14, 2010

in some projects (web application projects) I'm using global resource files. (Stored in the App_GlobalResources folder)pro:Really easy to use: e.g. in the markupProperty="<%$ Resources:FILENAME, KEY %>"con: As far as I know, I can't change the content of the resources on the fly. So if a customer is calling and tells me to change a string in the french implementation, I need to deploy a new binary. While using SessionMode="InProc" that might lead to undesired behaviour, like session loss etc.

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C# - Conflict Between Global.asx And CSS?

Aug 17, 2010

I need to restrict multiple users from logging into my system. I am using Application_OnPostAuthenticateRequest event in global.asax to see if anybody is logged in. It works really well. But CSS is not loading and the screen looks horrible. If I comment out the code in that event, the page renders perfectly. What am I missing? What does Application_OnPostAuthenticateRequest has anything to do with CSS??

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Global.asax With SQL?

Jun 20, 2010

Is it possible in the global.asax file on session_start to check if a url string exists and it it does insert the string into a sql database? The url would be something link

I would want to capture the january bit and put that in the database for each visitor that uses that url.

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Web Forms :: What Is Global.asax / How To Use It

Jan 27, 2010

I want to make All Methods about Error handling in some one device me at using global.asax what is global.asax?

how can i use it ?

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Ajax Timer For Global Use?

Mar 27, 2011

i want to have a timer in my site that will work for all the site where have i to put this timer?i mean if i put it in one aspx it will work only for this page or not?

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How To Redirect From Global.aspx?

Jul 21, 2010

i want to redirect from global.aspx to another page. How can I achieve this. I tried with following steps, but no effects on this:

1 Response.Redirect("~/login.aspx")

2 Me.Context.Response.Write("window.parent.location. href='login.aspx';")

3 Context.Response.Redirect((DirectCast(Context.Hand ler,System.Web.UI.Control)).ResolveUrl("~/logout.aspx"))

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Saving Global Parameters?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm just about hitting the logging page of our company new website, every user has his own settings of restrictions, since i don't want to load those values from the database in each page, my current idea is to save it once he log in in a session as a class of "Employee" and use them at this consider good approach or should i go another way?

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MVC :: How To Set Viewdata As Global To Be Used By All Other Views

Dec 31, 2010

My doubt is i have two tables with Id as (Primary key) in one table and in the next table i have a Category Id field as Foreign key relationship with the 1st tabl Id field...

I have created a create view for the 1st table.My question is i have created a partial view for the 2nd table,but i need to pass the Id value to the second tables category Id field...So is there any way to do it by using Viewdata?

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Configuration :: Global.asax 3.5?

May 12, 2010

I have a hosting account on , i use Global.asax in my project to start a schedule process in Application_Start.When i just publish my website, and upload it, the Application_Start does not Fire, but when i upload the Global.asax to my host it gives an Error but the Applicaiton_Start Event fires up, and then i delete the Global.asax file and everything works.just wondering, What am doing wrong ? or why this meaningless thing happens?

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Global Routing Parameter In .net MVC

Sep 17, 2010

When a user clicks on a link, I want to log some information. I can't do an AJAX request because if they clicked on a link, the page will unload (since they're going to a new page), and I don't want to force them to stay on the page until a synchronous event finishes. So one idea I had was to add a parameter to the url. I.e. the urls would be actual/action?actualParams&infoIWantToLog=data. Then I could strip off the info I want to log, log that, and then pass off their URL to the action which they actually wanted to go to. Is this possible to do with MVC routing?

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C# - Global.asax Application_BeginRequest

Nov 4, 2010

I have a site with multiple domains pointing to it. I wanted to redirect all requests to main domain so I've created a method called RedirectToRealDomain("") to check and redirect all requests to my preferred domainAt the moment it lives on Session_Start but I am planing to move it to Application_BeginRequest event. As I understand Session_Start only raised when new session started but Application_BeginRequest raised on all requests. RedirectToRealDomain method doesn't do any DB lookups or anything expensive apart from comparing strings.

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C# - How To Define A Global Variable In Web App

Nov 13, 2010

I want client access a data center but without use database , so I want my web app can retain a global or Application session variable, that contains the data, every client can access the same data... I am try to declare in golabl, but seem it only can store String but others ..

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Localization :: How To Use Global Resources

Aug 5, 2010

I am trying to add a global resource folder, and added a Language.resx file. Then, I added a new seperate resource file called, Language.zn-ch.resx file. But when I try compiling, it complains:The namespace 'Resources' already contains a definition for 'LanguageResource'

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C# - How To Use Global Resources In A Library

Aug 12, 2010

I use the Global Resources feature, not only to centralize all my output strings but to make it easy when using Localization (witch is almost 90% of the time).But I spread out my project into, not only the ASP.NET website, but with 2 Library projects as well How can I use the ASP.NET Global Resource file in those Library projects

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.net Global Resources Options?

Jan 6, 2010

global resources in my mvc web application. I have some resources in separate project(not a web app project). Those resources have following settings: Build action: Embedded Resource, Copy To Output Directory: Do not copy, Custom Tool: ResXFileCodeGenerator. When I change an existing value in resource file, build solution in release mode and upload neccesary dll files back to server, the previous values in resources are still shown. However, when I add a new key into resource file, the value of this key is shown properly.

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Global Import / Using Aliasing In .NET?

Mar 19, 2010

Using import aliasing in one file/class, we can reference class library namespaces by assigning our own custom alias like this:

' VB
Imports Db = Company.Lib.Data.Objects
// C#
using Db = Company.Lib.Data.Objects;

And then we are able to reference the classes inside of Company.Lib.Data.Objects by using the Db alias that we assigned.

Is it possible to do this at the global level so that the alias is applied to the entire solution instead of just one file/class?

Currently, we are working with web applications, so I was hoping we could add something to web.config, but I am also interested in whether or not this is possible with windows forms, console apps, and/or class libraries.

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Store A Global Counter In DB?

Nov 5, 2010

I need to store 2 values (counters) for my ASP.NET web app. The counters always grow, they should never return to 0. So one option would be to save them in DB, what other options do I have, because storing them in a table seems disproportionate? Session is not an option because the counters have to survive app restarts.

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C# - Use IConfigurationSectionHandler For Global Configuration?

Sep 12, 2010

I recently started using IConfigurationSectionHandler as a custom configuration section for my BL DLL. I'm using it inside web.config files to pass settings values to the BL DLL.

While it reads the local web.config perfectly, the problem is reading a global configuration file (root web.config) that consists of shared settings.

How can I manage to do that using IConfigurationSectionHandler?

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