VS 2010 - How To Create Hotkeys / Shortcuts Keys Function

Aug 21, 2012

I would like to know how could i code hotkeys/Shortcut keys in a VB.net web application,I have seen tutorials on it but all are for windows forms and not web apps..So i have a table in my web app , and i want the user when he hits the enter button or the add button (+) on the keyboard it should add a new record to the table.i have the code to add the record to my table i just need to know how to create the hotkeys/shortcuts keys function.

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namespace Hotkeydll
public class MyHotKey

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using Hotkeydll;
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I use


To access the data in the Grid for updating, but it doesn't work for deleting

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string id = GridMenuOptions.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();

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<add key="Environment" value="Development"/>

<add key="WebServiceLocation" value="http://<<Environment>>/text.asmx"/>

I've done some searching and haven't come up with an elegant solution. I'm aware that .config files can make use of system variables, but this seems like a bit of a high wire act.

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instead of


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Javascript - Datepicker Shortcuts E.g 1m, 1y, 1d?

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Uncheck a RadioButton
Check a Checkbox
Uncheck a Checkbox

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any one know how to make that from the keybaord shortcuts (without clicking many times using mouse) .

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Public Sub ShowCodeImages(sProdCode As String, ByRef imgCode As Control, sConnectionString As String)

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Dim sqlDAStock As SqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlDTStock As DataTable

[Code] .....

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I'm working on an MVC application and I ran into a little snag.

I've got a form with the usual textboxes and dropdowns. I decided to use jquery ajax (GET) to load the dropdowns on load (State Names & Salutations).

No matter what I try, for example:

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)> _
Public Function ReturnSalutationDropdown() As ActionResult
Dim dropdown As New DropDownList With {.TabIndex = 1, .DataTextField = "Value", _
.DataValueField = "Key", .ID = "ddl_coSalutation"}
dropdown.DataTextField = "Value"
dropdown.DataValueField = "key"
dropdown.DataSource = AppEnumerations.BindToEnum(GetType(AppEnumerations.Salutation))
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
Dim tw As New IO.StringWriter(sb)
Dim hw As New HtmlTextWriter(tw)
Return Content(sb.ToString)
End Function

The ID of the dropdown ends up like: ctl00$MainContent$ddl_coSalutation

It doesn't matter if I use a stringbuilder and a loop to create a <select> with <option>'s, the ID always ends up like above.

Do I have to create a javascript function to create it instead?

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I have a Procedure to return some data from database an it need just Application name that be add from Web.config

i alredy created a function to return the data but once of column if GUID an i got this error:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Guid' to type 'System.Data.DataTable'.

my code is:


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Do I need to make this function in a different project (solution) and compile it down to a DLL and then refer to that folder location in the WEB.CONFIG?

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Mar 10, 2011

How do i create a function that takes username as input and return it some thing like:

First time input :

Second time input

Third time input

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