How To Lazy Load Infragistics UltraWebTree Control
Jul 26, 2010
cannot find any examples of how to lazy load the Infragistics UltraWebTree v6.3I found that the docs on the Infragistics site tend to be limited to the latest version of their controls, but this is a legacy app which I am unable to upgrade. Has anyone got example code or links which demonstrate how to lazy-load nodes in this control?The current implementation that we have loads 1.35MB of html because it is populating the entire tree!!
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<asp:Timer runat="server" Interval="100" OnTick="Timer_Tick" Id="Timer1"/>
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Control ctrl = new Control();
ctrl = Page.LoadControl("uc1.ascx");
ctrl.ID = "DynamicCtrl";
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mypage= Page.Load("example.aspx");
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Apr 26, 2010
let say i have Two user control U1 and U2. I have a treeview control T1 U1 include a one datalist. U2 include a one datalist. I Place a U1 in a aspx file call home.aspx where i use a placeholder for dynamicly load user control. t1 is a treeview for menu so when i click on a parent item i load u1 in placeholder and when i click a child node in t1 then i can load u2 in place holder. Here u1 content parent data like product category. U2 content child data like product sub category. click t1 parent node load u1 and child node load u2 ok.but if a user click on u1 dataitem it also need to laod u2 and unload u1.
can it be possible? or if anyone can guid me how to use single page with multiple user control response each other event.
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