How To Pass FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie From Data Access Layer Class To WebService To JavaScript
Jan 29, 2010
I am using DotNetOpenAuth in my ASP.Net Website. I have modified it to work with Facebook Connect as well, using the same methods and database structures. Now I have come across a problem.
I have added a Facebook Connect button to a login page. From that HTML button, I have to somehow pull information from the Facebook Connect connection and pass it into a method to authenticate the user. The way I am currently doing this is by:
Calling a Javascript Function on the onlogin function of the FBML/HTML Facebook Connect button. The javascript function calls a Web service to login, which it does correctly. The web service calls my data access layer to login. And here is the problem: FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie is set at the data access layer. The Cookie is beyond the scope of the user's page and therefore is not set in the browser. This means that the user is authenticated, but the user's browser is never notified. So, I need to figure out if this is a bad way of doing what I need or if there is a better way to accomplish what I need. I am just not sure and have been trying to find answers for hours.
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Mar 15, 2011
i have created a custom principal class, and a custom Identity.
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if (txtuname.Text == "mike")
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("mike", true);
Welcome Page
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Mar 29, 2011
Problem: I am using FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(UserId, False)[Snip]Response.Redirect("~/login_pages/home2.aspx") ' Force round trip so that logon works OK to logon a user. It all works fine with other browsers, and IE7 provided that IE7's PRIVACY (originally I had written "Security") setting is Low. However it doesn't work when the PRIVACY setting is Medium (the default).
How do I solve this problem? I would have expected that FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(Userid, password) was the solution, but this doesn't seem to work at all.
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Nov 1, 2010
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