How To Perform Same Operations On Both WebControls And HtmlControls.

Jan 19, 2010

I find myself needing to preform the same actions on both HtmlControls and WebControls. I am a firm believer in DRY and find the fact that there is only the Control class to use if I want to consolidate the functions on both types. The problem that I have with using Control is that there certain properties that both HtmlControl and WebControl expose that Control does not. In the current case, the Attributes property is the problem. how to avoid the duplication of code in this type of instance?

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MVC :: To Perform Mathematical Operations Within A .aspx View?

Jan 14, 2011

Is it possible to perform mathematical operations within a .aspx View.? for example..lets say i have a total number of pencils of say 100. and i have 12 students on a data table with his or her name, and the number of pencils she has

Student Name: Pencil #

John 10

Sarah 12

Linus 19

But while rendering the view i want to calculate the Percentage of pencils one student possesses out of the total. (John would have 10% of the total 100 pencils)

How would i just perform this basic math operation, and encode the result into the view. I know i need to store the 100, and divide by each count of pencils for each student within the foreach loop. but i keep getting 0. This seems very elementary i know.. Help would be very appreciated. Google seems to have nothing for me.

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DataSource Controls :: Can't Perform Create / Update Or Delete Operations

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Can't perform Create, Update, or Delete operations on 'Table(MainMenuLink)' because it has no primary key.

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MyLinqDataClassesDataContext db = new MyLinqDataClassesDataContext();
MainMenuLink li = new MainMenuLink { Link ="../error/error.aspx", LinkSubject = "subject" };

what is the problem?

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Htmlcontrols - The SelectedIndex Property Is The Same In The All HtmlSelect On The Page?

Jul 9, 2010

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for (int i = 0; i < tab.Length; i++)
_listItems[i] = (new ListItem { Text = tab[0, i], Value = tab[1, i], Selected=false });

then I assign that list for each HtmlSelect control & assign a new SelectedIndex property:

var HtmlSelectControl = ((HtmlSelect)this.FindControl(String.Format("Select{0}", controlNumber)));
HtmlSelectControl.SelectedIndex = controlNumber - 1;

The problem is, when I set the SelectedIndex property of the Select2 control (e.g. =1), the Select1 control has the same SelectedIndex property (which has that index =0). Why ?

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'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile. Does Not Contrail Definition For Delete / How To Fix This Error

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'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile. does not contrail definition for delete and no extension method delete accepting a first arument of type System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile.

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Web Forms :: SQL Connection String - "Compiler Error Message: BC30456: FileName Is Not A Member Of System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile"

May 4, 2010

I have the following .vb code behind file for my site:


and I get the following error when I debug the page: Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'FileName' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile'. Source Error:

Line 9: Dim fn As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(File1.PostedFile.FileName)
Line 10: Dim SaveLocation As String = Server.MapPath("Data") & "" & fn
Line 11: Dim fileName As String = Server.HtmlEncode(File1.FileName)
Line 12: ' Get the extension of the uploaded file.
Line 13: Dim extension As String = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName)
Source File: L:wwwrootWebfile1Default.aspx.vb Line: 11

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Use Threading With DAL Operations?

Sep 7, 2010

I want to use my functions in DAL asynchronously by executing them in a separate thread. The issue in all this is suppose I have a function DAL.GetProducts() which returns a DataTable. If I execute this function in a separate thread, when it is completed how do I get the returned DataTable from this thread and bind it to my UI?

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C# - How To Log User Operations For An Application

Sep 22, 2010

How can we log user operations for a application. Further what is the approach for saving the log data ?

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ADO.NET :: Performing Several Operations In One Table?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a table in a DB in which I need to perform the following operations:

1. Order the table using index A.
2. Traverse the table and do some calculations for every row.
3. Order the table using index B.
4. Traverse the table and do some calculations for every row.
5. Order the table using index C.
6. Traverse the table and do some calculations for every row.

As you can see, what I need is to process such a table several times depending upon a different index for every process. If I use a DataReader I can only traverse it one way and one time, I cannot apply another index and start from the beginning once again. What strategy should I use to achieve my goal? Is a DataTable a good choice?

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.net File Operations Delay?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm reading the stream from a FileUpload control, reading in chunks of n bytes and writing the array in a loop until I reach the stream's end.Now the reason I do this is because I need to check several things while the upload is still going on (rather than doing a Save(); which does the whole thing in one go). Here's the problem: when doing this from the local machine, I can see the file just fine as it's uploading and its size increases (had to add a Sleep(); clause in the loop to actually get to see the file being written).

However, when I upload the file from a remote machine, I don't get to see it until the the file has completed uploading. Also, I've added another call to write the progress to a text file as the progress is going on, and I get the same thing. Local: the file updates as the upload goes on, remote: the token file only appears after the upload's done (which is somewhat useless since I need it while the upload's still happening).

Is there some sort of security setting in (or that maybe saves files in a temporary location for remote machines as opposed to the local machine and then moves them to the specified destination? I would liken this with displaying error messages when browsing from the local machine (even on the public hostname) as opposed to the generic compilation error page/generic exception page that is shown when browsing from a remote machine (and customErrors are not off)

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Image Operations On Remote Server?

Feb 25, 2010

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Web Forms :: Bitwise Operations Using Enums

Dec 22, 2010

I have a page which is accessible only from Monday to Friday. If i try to open it on Saturday or Sunday it shouldn't.I have a column in my DB naming WorkingDays and iam storing Bitwise value


So the value in my DB is 31 which is equal to Monday to Friday.If i open the page on saturday how should i check?

How should i convert todays day to bitwise value and how should i compare with the DB value.

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C# - Calling WCF Service Operations In AJAX?

Dec 8, 2010

I have one application, in which i am using "Calling WCF Service Operations in AJAX" method. I finished my work without the service hosting in IIS. I got the correct solution. But now, i have another requirement in which i am using the WCF service which is hosted on local host iis. But in clicking the button i got one javascript error like object expected. I don't know why this happened?
My code is shown below.

<fieldset style="width: 804px" align="center">
<legend>Consuming WCF Service using Client-Side AJAX</legend>
<div align="left" style="text-align: center">
<form id="form1" runat="server">


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Web Forms :: Complex String Operations?

Feb 17, 2011

Does anyone have a tricky tip to simplify my complex String Operations? I receive a string sequenze from database which i have to manipulate on RowDataBound of an GridView, put the String into several controls. The String looks like this:Here goes a introduction string with easy formating options such as {blue}blue text{/blue}

{CONTROL}{ParamsForControl|ParamsForControl}Text for Control 1{/CONTROL}
{CONTROL}{ParamsForControl|ParamsForControl}Text for Control 2{/CONTROL}
{CONTROL}{ParamsForControl|ParamsForControl}Text for Control 3{/CONTROL}

Some Text at the end.My first try was easy because I haven't had an introducing and a ending text, so I split the String at "{CONTROL}" extract the Parameters and replaced "{/CONTROL}" with nothing, works fine...But if i now split at "{CONTROL}" how to handle the text in front of and behind them... I do a lot of string.IndexOf and String.LastIndexOf operations but I hope there is an easier way...Result should be:

Introduction Text = Label
Control = UserControl
Control = UserControl

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VS 2008 - Reusable Control For CRUD Operations?

Jan 20, 2011

I want to build a reusable control which will enable e to perform add/edit/delete operations easily. All I want to do is give the control a datasource and it will handle the rest.

What controls should I use? I want it to be as user friendly as possible.

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C# - Enforce Transactions For Write Operations In SQL Server?

Nov 16, 2010

How do I ensure and enforce that all write operations to my MS SQL Server DB are transactions-based?

The reason I want to do this is that the DB contains financial account data and operations that fail halfway through some set of changes should not be able to mess up the database by mistake or by crashing.

The application is written in ASP.NET C#.


There is a DAL but it does not (yet) require transactions for changes.We wrote the DAL ourselves. We did not use ORM.

I know how to perform one transaction from ASP.NET.

I want to ensure that all changes are made in transaction form so that if the application throws some exception in the middle, there will be no change to the database.

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Web Forms :: Should Be Database Operations Call Asynchronously

Oct 4, 2010

I want to ask that what happens when I make a database request (using Linq-To-Sql). Active thread is blocked and waits for response, or it is used to process other requests?

Do frameworks like Linq-To-Sql or Linq-To-Entities handle this?

If I use Sleep() method on thread, is that thread blocked or is it used to process other requests?

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SQL Server :: Trigger Operations Application Code

Dec 6, 2010

I have many operations in the database that need to trigger applicaton code with service broker in sql server 2005

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Web Forms :: Login And Logout Operations Is Not Working

Mar 12, 2010

when i log out, i have this problemwhen i enter the authorized section, its still keep showing me the page, only when i refresh it,it brings me back to login page.for example,i logged in as manager,and then i logged out.when i enter the same authorized managment page it keeps showing me content, but when i refresh it brings me back to the default login page.

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Timing Of Database Operations In Webpage Lifecycle?

Nov 9, 2010

According to the msdn documentation, as you can see on the diagram, a server control's "Data binding events" occurs after all "control changed events". So in the case of a DetailsView control, the ItemInserted event would happen before the database operation?

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