How To Prevent From Changing The Boolean Variable To The Original Value

Dec 2, 2010

I change the value of the boolean variable to true but then I have to refresh the page by clicking another button or two. Once the ASP.NET page refreshes, the value returns back to false when I want it to be true. How can I prevent it from changing the boolean variable to the original value and keep it as true. What would be the C# syntax for this.

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
bool plus = false;
bool minus = false;
bool multiply = false;

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C# - How To Hide A Column In The Table Based On A Boolean Variable

Jan 13, 2011

So I have an <asp:Gridview> and in my C# file, I am setting the datasource to some database table, and doing .DataBind().

However, I want to hide a column in the table based on a Boolean variable.

Something like this:

gridview.Columns['Field5'].Visible = false;

Or perhaps:

int c = gridview.Rows.Count();
for(int i = 0; i < c; i++){

Perhaps I cannot make it invisible, but I'm sure I can at least loop through and remove all rows related to the column "field5". I don't know how to go about doing this.

Does anyone perhaps have a proper link to using the GridView Class and how all the methods are suppose to be used because it's not clear, perhaps not written by microsoft?

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State Management :: Accessing A Session Variable In HTML For A Boolean Expression?

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How do I correctly define my boolean expression? I've been looking, but haven't found the right syntax.

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Row Color In Grid View Based On A Boolean Field Using Rowdatabound Event

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I know that variations of this same question have been posed numerous times - but I can't quite seem to find the exact solution.

I would like any row in my gridview where the boolean field "Approved" is True to be shaded gray. Here is the code that I'm using, but every row ends up being gray, regardless of the value in that "Approved" field. My guess is that I'm not correctly evaluating the boolean value in this field (which is actually a yes/no field in MS Access), Not sure if I should be reading that value as "-1", "Yes" or "True" or "NotNull"? Anyway, here is the code:


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How To Prevent Changing State Of Controls On The Client

Jul 9, 2010

What I'm trying to achieve is basically to prevent client-side change of the state of my server controls.

For example, let's say that I have a business web applications, that shows some data in read-only fashion to the regular users, but allow the admin to edit the data. In such case I use regular ASP.NET server controls, but disable them for the regular user (enabled=false). The problem that I have is that any advanced user could change the disabled control on the client using short javascript code and check the supposedly disabled and unchecked checkbox.

what is the easiest way to prevent this client-side change. I thought that when the control is disabled before rendering the page, the following postback would not touch this control at all, no matter how you change it on the client. Did I get terribly wrong?

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Using And Changing A Variable In Another Class (c#)?

May 13, 2010

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now i want to declerate a variable in one class "mainpage" and i want to change the variable in the class "mainpage"

but i wanna do it through another class called "contact"

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;


i now know that i can't change the variable "pageopen" because it's static, but i don't know how to fix it?

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Get The Time From The Datetime Variable Without Changing It Into A String Using C#

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C# - Changing Columns In Display Based On Variable?

Mar 25, 2011

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<table width="100%" >
<td class="add_border_bold" nowrap>Title</a></td>


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State Management :: Session Table Value Also Changing When Changing Any Coloumn Name?

Jan 10, 2011

The problem is when am assigning my session table value to newly created table and if now am changing any coloumn name then the session table value also changing.

But my question is am assigning Session value to newly created table so how should session value should be affected?

for refference in my application


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Possible To Convert String To Boolean?

Sep 27, 2010

It is possible to convert string to boolean?If it is plz give me example

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Best Way To Store And Retrieve Boolean Value?

Jan 5, 2011

I am writing a bit of code to store about 100 (yes/no) answers about hotels. I have about 7000 records so I need to try and get this right the first time.At the min I have 4 * int32 values stored in SQL and I use a structure containing names boolean values like swimming pool, bar etc etc. In my BLL I have a method that tests the bits in the int 32 and sets the boolean value to try or false.

I have not had any problems with this way, but was thinking about the performance as this would currently have with about 100 if statements in the BLL to set all of the boolean values.The only other ways as I see it are..

1) have 100 boolean columns in the sql table, which I feel would be messy.

2) to have all the int32 sql values populate another text field that is stored in the DB so that the int32 value creates a text string when the hotel owner populates the click boxs in the first place. - then I just display the text value which would have been created something like "pool, bar" My way of lots of ifs does work, I was just worried about the performance

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MVC :: How To Validate Boolean/ Checkbox

Mar 3, 2011

I am with MVC 3 validation code for a checkbox field that I can't seem to get to work. I'm looking for feedback to what might be wrong or if I am going about this a totally wrong way. I have searched for this error and as a beginner I think I am more turned around than when I started.


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How To Send Boolean Value On URL In Mvc Application

Mar 7, 2011

I have this code I am trying to send one more bool value to the URL..

and its goign to the ActionResult Perfectly

public virtual ActionResult Index( int? id,bool? check ) {

But check allways geting null value?

is that something I am doing wrong?

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Web Forms :: Grabbing Boolean Value Incorrectly?

Feb 26, 2011

I have a registration form which is working perfectly well, I need to enhance it slightly from where it is. As it is users are able to register for an account wether the email has been previously used/allocated in the user db.A client side call to the IsEmailAvailable function works great, just not working correctly server side. Here is the code.

My function:


And my if statement:


So my question is, how can I pass the end value of the IsEmailAvailable function to my if statement correctly.

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Binary Holding Boolean Values?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a 32 bit number in my DB/ DAL layer that is used to represent some yes/no facilities about hotels. so I for example bit might mean "has swimming pool", bit 2 might mean "reception desk" etc etc.Currently I have some code in the BLL that says if (number and 2) = 2 then .ispool = true - this is repeated for any many boolean hotel referances I have.What happens then is in the UI have then say something like if .ispool = true then display swimming pool icon.

Then it occurs to me that I am testing the value twice
1) To test the bin to bool in the BLL and create the structure
2) to test the structure to dislay the icon.

If I move the if (number and 2) = 2 to the UI I get the same result with one less if.Is there some better way or code do deal with this, maybe loop through the structure or something like that or an asp way that is more suitable to deal with binary representation of boolean's.

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String Was Not Recognized As The Valid Boolean?

May 15, 2010

FeatureEvents.bit_Activate = Convert.ToBoolean(collection["bit_Activate"]);

bit_Activate is checkbox ,how would i convert it to boolean above,collection is coming from the formcollection variable

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MVC :: Asp 2 And Client Validation For Boolean Fields

Apr 1, 2010

i am working an mvc 2 web app using model metadata, templates and client side validation using jquery. I have noticed that the boolean and datetime fields of my model are treated as required from the model metadata, even though i haven't applied any Required attribute on them. This is not a problem for server side validation, but when using the client side validation (<%Html.EnableClientValidation(); %>) on my edit model page, the validation fails and i cannot post the model changes. Specifically, when setting the boolean property to unchecked (false), the validation fails and the "Field is required" message appears.

The only workaround i have found so far is to override the default Editor templates for my models and write my own.

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MVC JSON Actions Returning Boolean?

Sep 20, 2010

I had my ASP.NET MVC actions written like this:

// GET: /TaxStatements/CalculateTax/{prettyId}
public ActionResult CalculateTax(int prettyId)
if (prettyId == 0)
return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
TaxStatement selected = _repository.Load(prettyId);
return Json(selected.calculateTax, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); // calculateTax is of type bool

I had problems with this because when using it in jquery functions I had all sorts of error, mostly toLowerCase() function failing.

So I had to change the actions in a way that they return bool as string (calling ToString() on bool values), so that thay return "true" or "false" (in the qoutes) but I kinda don't like.

How others handle such a case?

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MVC :: Boolean Field In View - Can't Get Right Syntax?

Apr 2, 2010

How can i use a checkbox to represent a boolean bit field in an MVC View? Out of the box, it defaults to a textbox..There is no boolean datatype in SQL Server 2008 so i used a bit datatype. I guess its a custom template but i cant seem to get the syntax right.

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MVC :: Model With A Boolean Field Which Needs To Be Required?

May 31, 2010

I have this in my Model


When on the view the validation doesnt fire stating that it is required - where as the other values do (such as strings or integer fields )- how does this work for Booleans?

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How To Access The Value Of A Boolean Which Is Displayed Within A Gridview As A Checkbox

Feb 17, 2010

Does anyone know how to access the value of a Boolean which is displayed within a gridview as a checkbox?? The standard Grid view will render a bit type (i.e. Boolean) datatype into an ASP:CheckBoxField, but how can i access the value of the underlying data, either true/false.

The code works fine for text columns but I need the value of a Boolean cell.


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C# - Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A String To A Boolean

Jun 28, 2010

I am getting an error msg when attempting to update a record from into a SQL database. The only boolean value being updated is:

cmdAddUser.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Active", SqlDbType.Bit));
cmdAddUser.Parameters["@Active"].Value =

The datatype for @Active in the database is "bit".

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Error - Expression Of Type 'Boolean' Expected

Aug 24, 2010

For the life of me, I can't figure out what the problem is with this:

tempData= from a in dx.SomeTable select a;
string searchField="ItemName";
string searchString="BoxPkg";
object[] parameters=new object[]{searchField,searchString};
tempData = tempData.Where("@0 like @1", parameters);

I get this error " {"Expression of type 'Boolean' expected"} "

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Boolean Value Into SQL Server?

Jan 26, 2011

I need to insert a Boolean value into an SQL Server datatable. I'm having a problem with what I'm trying. I don't see the option for a Boolean data type in SQL Server so I used Binary(1). Is this the right data type for storing Boolean in SQL Server?

The lines:

cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Active", SqlDbType.Binary, 1))
cmd.Parameters("@Active").Value = False

generate the following error on the execute command:

InvalidCastException: Invalid cast from 'System.Boolean' to 'System.Byte[]'

Is there an example somewhere that covers how to store a boolean in an SQL Server table?

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SQL Server :: Filtering Data Based On Boolean

Oct 18, 2010

I have a Gridview on my aspx page that is filtered based on a series of fields. One of these fields is a drop down list 'Status' the options are; 'Read', 'Unread' and 'Both'.

The SQL Stored Procedure expects serveral parameters including a bit parameter for the field 'Read'. If the Drop Down list has Read or Unread in it my Stored Parameter works but if it has Both in I am not sure what to pass to the Stored Procedure to get it to give me all records or basically ignore the Read field.

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