Get The Time From The Datetime Variable Without Changing It Into A String Using C#

May 27, 2010

i have two clock times in my DB as varchar datatype.. i loaded it from db as varchar itself. in C# i have assigned this value to a datetime variable.. how can i get the time from the datetime variable without changing it into a string.

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Defining Default Start Time And End Time (DateTime Manipulation)

Mar 26, 2010

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Getting Week Of The Month From A DateTime Variable?

May 4, 2010

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c# - How to Grab Date Only from a Variable of Type DateTime

DataTable tempTable = new DataTable;
tempTable = getCustomerTable();
In this case, tempTable will have a table (named CustomerInvoice) which has
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as following:


I prefer to solve this problem at application rather than db level. NOTE: DueDate in database is of type datetime. I'm coding in C# interacting with Sql-Server. I hope my question is clear enough.

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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;


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<table width="100%" >
<td class="add_border_bold" nowrap>Title</a></td>


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I live in Saint-Petersburg, so s="11 : 15 : 14". What should i write in web.config or in some else place for take the similar hours?

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