How To Read Arrays Generated By EditorFor Using JQuery

Feb 16, 2011

I am using EditorFor to display values.

The code for the values to be generated are as follows:

<td>@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.ID)@Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.Authorized)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(m => m.ID)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(m=>m.UserName) </td>

My aim here is upon the Checkbox is being checked, I need to post the ID value as follows:


However, var ID = $(this).parent().parent().find('#ID').val(); is undefined. How can I he read the ID value from the following generated HTML:

<td><input id="Employee_0__ID" name="Employee[0].ID" type="hidden" value="1100" /><input id="Employee_0__Authorized" name="Employee[0].Authorized" type="checkbox" value="true" /><input name="Employee[0].Authorized" type="hidden" value="false" /></td>
<td>user </td>

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MVC :: Bug In EditorForModel W/ EditorFor Rendering?

Jan 18, 2010

I am learning MVC using the v2 release with Entity Framework v4. Let's say I have 3 objects Game, Points and Players. They are related in the following manner:Game has points and the Points can have a player associated with them ( 1 Game to many Points and a Point object can have one Player).

I am attempting to use the EditTemplates feature in MVC2 to render my views. In my Game Edit view I want to have the basic Game object information editable, and also the related Points objects. Currently I am utilizing "`<%= Html.EditorForModel() %>`"(Which seems pretty slow) to render the Edit View and then I have a specific Game and Point EditTemplates.

The data renders correctly and is editable for both the Game and Point information. When I go to perform the update and submit the form I receive the "Game" object in my Update ActionResult. The basic properties are populated for the Game object but any deep properties such as Points are not; they appear as null. If I look at the Request.Form variables in debug I can see the Points fields are being passed to the server but do not place themselves back into the Game object.

In my Game EditTemplate I am using the following to render the Points objects:

<%= Html.EditorFor(c => c.Points) %>

My Points EditTemplate looks like: [code]...

why this is rendering as "Points.Points[index] instead of Points[index]? I tried messing with the parameters in the EditFor:

<%= Html.EditorFor(c => c.Points,null,"Points") %>

but then the inputs render as Points.Points[index]

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How To Get ID Of EditorFor With Nested Viewmodels In Mvc 2

Mar 30, 2010

So I have two nested view models, CreditCard -> BillAddress. I have a view, "EditBilling", that has EditorFor(CreditCard). The CreditCard EditorTemplate has EditorFor(BillAddress), and the BillAddress EditorTemplate has EditorFor(BillState).

The end result is a select list with id "CreditCard_BillAddress_BillState".

I need to reference this in javascript, thus need to know the ID. In other situations, with non-nested ViewModels, I have used the following code:

$('#<%= ViewData.ModelMetadata.PropertyName %>_BillState')

The problem here is that the ModelMetadata.PropertyName property is only aware of the current property, not the parent(s). So I end up with the following:


How does one go about getting the client ID of nested strongly typed helpers?

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MVC :: 3 - EditorFor - Not Rendering Additional ViewData

Sep 18, 2010

Have seen in the MusicStore PDF witch can be sownloaded from [URL], That is it possible to render additional vew data. so: I have my ViewDataModel


I have the Model:


In my controller, I add the data into the model:


And I try to render it with Html.EditorFor.


My problem is here, that it only render Keyword

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Create And EditorFor FileUpload In Asp Mvc 3 Razor?

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MVC :: MVC2 Templates - Nested EditorFor

Aug 15, 2010

I've been trying to something with the templating system in MVC2, but what I thought should be simple has not been successful. So now I question if it's possible or if I'm missing anything obvious. The scenario:

I have a base template as a strongly typed view that is set up in the ViewsSharedEditorTemplates it CommonItem.ascx. It wants a model item of type MyItemType.

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My expectation would be that the inner template (CommonItem) would be displayed within the outer template. Unfortunately the inner template never gets evaluated.

Am I missing something? Am I mistaken in thinking that templates can be nested in this manner? If so, is there another means to accomplish this?

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MVC :: Definition Of EditorFor And ValidationMessageFor Helpers?

Feb 17, 2011

I am looking on Music store example:

In Model we have:

[Required(ErrorMessage = "An Album Title is required")]
public string Title { get; set; }

In a View we have a Razor code:

<div class="editor-field">
@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Title)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Title)

My questions: Where I can find definition of EditorFor and ValidationMessageFor helpers?
What is the meaning of "=>" in the above command?

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Jan 13, 2011

I am using c# and jQuery.

I have below code where I am setting the Session Variable using C# code.

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(results))
string[] array = results.Split(',');
string firstName = array[0];
string lastName = array[1];
string activeCardNo = array[2];
string memberShipTier = array[3];
string accessToken = array[4];
Session["skyFirstName"] = firstName.ToString();
Session["skyLastName"] = lastName.ToString();
Session["skyActiveCardNo"] = activeCardNo.ToString();
Session["skyMemberShipTier"] = memberShipTier.ToString();
Session["boolSignOn"] = "true";

Now I want to read these values (Session["skyFirstName"]) using jQuery so that I can set in my elements.

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Sep 10, 2010

I would like to exclude one of model's property from the Html.EditorFor. I tried [HiddenInput(DisplayValue=false)] but it renders the property as an hidden input. This could potentially be a security problem. How can we completely exclude a field from Html.EditorFor?

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Dynamically Add Items To A Collection In MVC2 Using EditorFor()?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm trying to do this: Editing a variable length list, ASP.NET MVC 2-style

In the post he mentions that it could be done with less code using Html.EditorFor(), but that it would be more difficult because of the indexes. Well, that's exactly what I want to do, and I don't know where to begin.

Update 1: Instead of generating a GUID for each item in the collection, I'd like to generate incremental indexes starting with 0. Right now the field names look like "gifts[GUID].value"; I would like them to be "gifts[0].value","gifts1.value" etc. but I don't understand how the collection keeps track and generates these indices.

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MVC :: How To Add A Class To EditorFor When Classes Already Exist Because Of Unobtrusive

Nov 25, 2010

I'm trying to add a `Class` to the `EditorFor` Helper inside an `EditorTemplate`.

The problem is that because I'm using Unobtrusive Validation, the input element already has classes assigned to it.

Here is my EditorTemplate


And here is the output <input class="text-box single-line" id="BirthDate" name="BirthDate" type="text" value="08/08/1980" />

You can see here that the `datepicker` class has not been added, yet the "value" has been properly formatted.

Basically I can see that the `EditorTemplate` is working, but the `Class` is not being appended to the rest of the classes on the `<input>` element. Do any of you know how to fix this?

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MVC :: Can't Use An EditorFor, And Just Pass In The Model, As It Would Not Render Out The Dropdownlists?

May 9, 2010

Generally speaking we create a custom view for each page. So for an edit view of a car the model might be:

Car CarToEdit{ get; set;}
List<SelectListItem> CarManufacturers{ get; set;}

This has the advantage of giving a strongly typed view. It doesn't decouple the data layer well, but that is a separate issue. I'd then need to do something like (very approx syntax) :

<%= Html.DropDownList("ManufacturerId", Model.CarManufacturers)%>

Because of this, I can't use an EditorFor, and just pass in the model, as it would not render out the dropdownlists. So I think why not annotate the manufacturer field with UIHInt... great that works. ... but how do I pass in the data (both the manufacturerId, and the List<SelectListItem> to the hinted field?One solution is to have the UIHint control do a RenderAction. So the main view would include a line like:


Which would in turn go and render a view :


This works, but seems a little long winded. Can anyone suggest better ways of achieving this?Is anyone actually using UIHint?Also it would be good to be able to cache the output from the partial view (the dropdownlist) which is called from the RenderAction method... but output caches are is basically ignored on a render action (unless I've missed the point here).

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C# - Set Order Of Appearance For Fields When Using Html.EditorFor In MVC 2?

Mar 9, 2010

I have the following classes in my Model:

public abstract class Entity : IEntity


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JQuery :: Lightbox That Read Images From Database?

Nov 5, 2010

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JQuery :: Read Image In Lightbox From Database?

Feb 6, 2011

i want to use jquery lightbox but i want to read image from database.i save image path in database and i want to read them.every lightbox that i find use from static image.

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MVC :: Validating Custom Types And Html.EditorFor() Templates?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm finding my self with the problem that if I do not show the Template for a "complex" object I have in the main view object I still get the errors in the summary. How do i get around this?

I've got a model with say:

->Persons (has its own editor template)
->Pets(has its own editor template)

In the create view I show each one depending if they are not null. But when I try to validate HouseType and say I have Persons not null and pets is null. I get errors of validation for pets.

How do I get around this?

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