How To Receive Data From Database And In A While Loop

Oct 15, 2010

i want to receive some data from my database and in a while loop. i use this code in the while loop

Dim sqlda As New SqlDataAdapter()
sqlda.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand()
sqlda.SelectCommand.Connection = con
sqlda.SelectCommand.CommandText = "select images,creationdate,dimosieyseis from t_accounts where UserName=@un"
Dim ds As New DataSet()

if i open and close the connection it becomes slow. if i use a general con and not open and close it then i receive an error

"There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first. "

then i tried to resolve this error with

MultipleActiveResultSets=True that resolves the problem but it is not faster because i think it does the open and close of the connection automatically

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timer1.interval = 1000;
timer1.enabled = true;

event handler for the received data.


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<RewriterConfig configSource="configuration

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

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Aug 16, 2010

I have an ashx page that returns the following JSON data that I would like to be able to loop through and add to values to a bunch of li's in a ul.

My question is how do I loop through to retrieve the values.

The data that is returned from the ashx look slike this


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Jun 1, 2010

in my button4 click event, i want to insert checboxlist items to data table. first i want to delete all of the exisiting and then insert again.

my code is below but it is not working if you could explain anyone ?

in page load I have written code so that existing checkbox items are selected.


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How To Get From Loop Session On Data Reader

Nov 26, 2010

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Web Forms :: Add Data Value By Loop In Dropdown In C#?

Oct 29, 2010

how can add data value by loop in dropdown reply me soon

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MVC :: Update Data From Foreach Loop?

Feb 21, 2011

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I have a stored procedure of complex type in my entity framework. Here is my View.


Here is my model











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