How To Render XML File Using CodeBehind C#

Dec 5, 2010

I wanted to know how can I get request to XML file (.xml) but to render the response using codebehind.(like doing <% ... %> )

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Web Form Render Engine Outputs A Control Tree / Looking For Info On Render Logic.

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<form id="form1" runat="server">
<sys:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="empty1"></sys:Label>
<sys:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="empty2"></sys:Label>

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Jan 13, 2010


Plus this
work, but not this
plus this

The error message is: "File WorkitemAction.ascx.cs was not found".I swear that the file is there. It is visible in the solution explorer as a subnode to WorkitemAction.ascx plus the WorkitemAction.ascx.designer.cs

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and the View:


The thing is that the HtmlContent string is getting "auto decoded" so the paragraph-elemnts gets renderd as <p>(sry might mix up decoding and encodeing..Im always getting confused by those)

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C# - Has Not Render Meta Tag Validity

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<meta name="description" runat="server" id="MetaDescription" content="" />
MetaDescription.Attributes["content"] = ThisBlog.MetaDescription;
This renders as:
<meta id="HeadContent_MetaDescription" name="description" content="My page description"></meta>

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I thought it had to do with the fact that the value is empty, but from the two examples, they are nearly identical. Is this a bug? All was working before I upgraded.

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