Web Forms :: Delete A File After It Render On A New Window?
Mar 7, 2011
In my application a create a pdf document from code behind and save it in to the server folder.Then render it on a new window. my requirement is i need not keep it in my server. after user acess the page i need to delete it. how i manage it?
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Feb 12, 2011
I've been watching a video on Scott Hanselmnn teaching MVC 2 tricks/tips. He mentions how MVC 2 by default uses ASP.NET Web Forms view engine to render the output of the views; he mentions that the web forms view engine is a little slower than it could be for MVC 2 since it generates a control tree and then outputs the HTML to the page (I hope I said that right).
I was wondering what he meant by web forms generating a code tree before outputting the HTML to the page. Does anyone have insight on the view engine of Web forms and the steps of the rendering process works for ASP.NET and MVC2?
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Feb 16, 2011
I have a button that once clicked it open a pdf file in the same window. I need to be able to open in a new window
How can I open this pdf in a new window.
The reason for my request is that before a user click on print report, a user click on a button to make some of the controls on the page grayed out - enabled = false; so when a user click on print report, a pdf document open BUT once he click on return back in the browser, all the controls that were grayed out are back. so how to fix this issue. i thought to open a new window for the pdf.
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Jan 2, 2010
i am using one Xml file in my application . now i want to open new window when i am clicking the image in Xml file. i am sharing my code below
<Caption>This is the caption for Ad#1</Caption>
<Impressions>Web Site</Impressions>
<Caption>This is the caption for Ad#2</Caption>
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Mar 8, 2011
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Oct 26, 2010
I'm rendering charts on my website using the Google Charts API and I want to export these into a report for the users, most likely a PDF file. What methods are available to do this programmatically into a PDF file?
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Dec 9, 2010
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Feb 5, 2011
i want to generate the output of an asp.net page by reading a text file, get the controls out of the text, change te properties of these controls, render it and displaying it.
so for example, the text file may contain:
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<sys:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="empty1"></sys:Label>
<sys:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="empty2"></sys:Label>
after reading the text, i would like to change the properties of the sys:label controls. After that, the text will be rendered, and displayed.
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Jun 24, 2011
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Apr 21, 2010
i wanted to know how i could delete a file in a directory by going onto a page, in the page load event, i would like to know which code to write that will delete the file.
This is my file path ~/Files/FileTest.aspx
How would i delete a file that is in that location
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Apr 5, 2010
I want to delete an image from disk
how do I do this?
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Aug 23, 2013
I am creating an image converter which convert an image from one format into another format,what i am doing is i am calling a dll file(.cs file which is doing the conversion) from my program but i am facing a problem in that when i call the dll file it creates a unique guid for every image and then process it and convert that to another format and provide the result back to the calling class which saves the file by whatever name i want to save and then delete the guid file which were created in the root folder,everything is working fine but when i delete the file containing GUID it gives me an error saying that the file is already used by another process,i have checked everything many times.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have a set of doc files with respect to the data in the sql. Now I have to C# code, so that when the column in the gridview is clicked then the respective name must appear ina linklabel in the windows form nad that label must be linked to the respective file. For eg:
name bacteria author citation
aaa myxo sri 12-333-3
vvv mmm xxx 1112-2-2
the values unser sitation must come to the linklabel and that must direct to the respective word files with the names 12-333-3,1112-2-2. Is it possible to do this some how as this is only one example I have many files as such. Is one label enough to perform the necessary action updating itself when I clicked the different columns in the datagrid view as I already did some coding recording linking each column value to a textbox.
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Sep 23, 2010
I changed an app so one of the edit screens opens as a pop-up window via showModalDialog. Previously everything was done in the same window and more back and forth navigation was required. The pop-up provides greater continuity. Unfortunately, as a pop-up, files will not stream to the desktop. If I bring up the page by entering a URL on the address line, so it is not a pop-up, files stream to the desktop OK.
Streaming a file to the desktop is done as follows:
This causes an open/save/cancel dialog to appear in the browser. Does anyone have an idea why a file cannot be streamed to a pop-up window? To get pop-ups to work I always include
in the header. That way I can open other pop-ups such as warnings and database error messages from a prvious pop-up.
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Oct 31, 2010
I have a page that has a note to the user about the file they're about to download and a button to click to start the download. When they click the button, it does a Response.Redirect to another page with the following code in its Page_Load:
Response.Buffer = True
Response.AppendHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & FileName)
Response.AppendHeader("Content-length", FileSize.ToString)
Response.ContentType = "application/download"
I want the download to start and then I want this page (which is a tab in the browser) to close.
The code to download the file works fine. I just can't figure out how to close this tab when it's finished. I've read a lot of forum posts from people who are using similar code, but none of the suggestions seem to work for me. I understand that Response.End means that I can't put any more code this page; it will be ignored. But how do I get this tab to close?
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Aug 9, 2010
I m accessing another application by consuming webservice of that application. I m sending file to store and retrieving file from other dabatase. Web service is the only to access another application.Now, I want to delete the file using the same web service where I stored that file in the another database.I m getting exception and I m unable to figure it out.
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Mar 14, 2011
Imagine there's a web (mvc) application, which home directory on the server is the default c:intepubwwwroot. What i need is: user requests [URL] Server responses with a simple page with a random picture on it from a predefined path, which is not iis folder/app, like d:lolcats. This sample is tremendously simplified, of course. My solution is: when /randomPicture/ is requested, copy random picture to APP_Images/current_response.jpg or whatever to application home folder and then simply render <img src="../APP_Images/current_response.jpg" />
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Mar 15, 2011
I am rendering custom control. I rendered the css file on the prerender. When i rendered more than one control in the aspx page, the css will loaded the number of times the controls in the page. I want to load the css file only one time. How to check the webresource css file on rendering whether it is loaded or not.
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Sep 15, 2010
I am writing a simple web page that users can upload an image file. After the file is uploaded, Users can fill up other question in the web page. then users click the submit button to register them and the file is uploaded previously is move to special folder and is saved there. Know i want to delete the uploaded file if the user upload the file but dont click the submit button and close the web page. because i dont need the file uploaded until the user is not registered.I use Session_End event but i dont know why it dont work.
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Jul 22, 2010
I believe this question has been asked before but I still couldn't find the appropriate answer.
My scenario is like this:
When the user click on a button, it will dynamically generate a .xls and prompt the user to download.I have used transmitfile but it doesn't allows the file to be deleted. I have also used outputstream.write but it doesn't delete the file after flush. Instead it will hold onto the .xls and no modification can be done to the file.
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Oct 9, 2010
I have a web site that you can upload images, the image path is saved in the ImgPath field in the data database and retrieves the image and displays it in the grid view. I want to be able to delete the image from a folder within my project when I delete the record. I'm trying to delete it from the Detailsview_ItemDeleting event.
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Feb 6, 2010
i have store the file information like name and size in the datagrid not the content when i click the view button in the grid how to display file contents
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