How To Stick User To Use Specific PC To Access Webpage

Jul 2, 2010

I'm building a website that just allow each person in my office to access the page from their own PC placed at the office only. It looks like I need to identify a client from within the codes on the web server. How can I do this?

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Access :: Every User To Modify Specific Id In Access Db?

Jan 17, 2010

I have an acess db which has primal key ID - Customer, and personal data of the customer .

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I want to make a login form so if u/n & pass of a customer is correct, to have access to modify (insert, delete, update) his data of the db - his ID's only.

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Web Forms :: How To Access Controls Of Web User Control In A WebPage Using C#

Nov 16, 2010

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How To Access To SQL Server Express Database To A Specific User With Visual Studio 2008 Tools

Mar 18, 2011

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Apr 18, 2010

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How To Display The Xml Content To Specific Area Of The Webpage

Apr 15, 2010

i developed one simple xml program in i ll display the xml content in the webpage specific area of the page but i am trying to use this code

string strPath = Server.MapPath(@"App_Datamain_page.xml");
XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader(strPath);
// If the node has value
while (textReader.Read())
// Move to fist element

this code ll print the xml output in top of page . how to avoid this and to display the outpur some specific area of the page.

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.net - Learn MVC In A New Project, Or Stick With WebForms?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm a front-end guy who's picked up ASP.NET WebForms through working on various projects at my agency.I have a project with a developer in mind, and I want to use/learn MVC for it - but he thinks it not worth using MVC at all. His opinion is that the benefits of MVC are perceived, and that performance won't be an issue, and it better to just push forward with WebForms.

The project is a web app that will give people project planning tools, creation of a personal contact database, and their own basic website.My personal feelings are that I hate all the bloat that comes with WebForms sites - the ViewState, the one , the enormous JS files, the lack of control of markup (e.g. validation controls).Obviously, ASP.NET WebForms is linked to resources, but MVC is about URL structures and interpreting them.

After discussion and research I'm thinking now that because of the supposedly large transition/learning curve of MVC, it really is better to just stay with WebForms.I watched Ryan Singer work with RoR MVC in person, and I was stunned at how rapid everything was to develop.Should I just accept that it's more pragmatic and productive to keep with WebForms now, and not use MVC, or should I find a way of convincing my co-worker that MVC is the right thing to do?

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Configuration :: Change In Aspx Files Does Not Stick

Aug 8, 2010

I have no experience in ASP.NET development.We have installed a Webmail product from Afterlogic. we have to remove the markup for a logout button. but we are not able to edit the .aspx files. we can remove the markup for the button compleately.but it is still there on the page when we refresh.Do we have to recompile the whole thing each time we make a change ? Is this some sort of cache problem ? We have tried to delete the browser cache. but it had no effect.

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Security :: Custom Membership Provider And Persistent Cookie Will Not Stick

Nov 12, 2010

i have a custom membership provider and do manual validation of the user when they log in and set a persistent cookie with this bit of code:

The cookie gets set fine. I can tell it has all the data it needs by looking at it in Fiddler once im validated. However coming back to the site im always getting prompted to log in again. I am starting to think the problem isn't how im saving the cookie but that maybe my custom membership isn't acutally looking for this auth cookie again. Or im naming it wrong or something.

Two things

1) My membership provider is custom and NOT added to web.config - it's a .cs file that connects to a CMS back end for the validation and it works fine logging people in and such it just never keeps (or uses) the persistent cookie.

NOTE: the persistence doesn't work anywhere (on my local machine / staging server or live server - Application name is simply "/")

NOTE 2: as an aside we have a google search applicance. Which we baked a 10 year cookie for on this site - we opened up the cookie and used the encrypted string in the google search appliance (this is how you get it to get past logins, etc) and this thing works great- it logs itself in no problem all the time. SO i am a bit lost as to why a user with an almost identical cookie is not getting logged in.

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Web Forms :: How To Access Specific Control Info From UserControl

Dec 23, 2010

I've 2 Textboxes (txtName, txtAge) & their validation controls in my UserControl &
1 Textbox(txtAddress) & submit button on my webform

If I click submit, I need to save Name, age from usercontrol & address from the webpage
Into Database (sqlserver/access/Oracle/xml)

My main question is How to access specific control info from UserControl

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Security - Restrict Access To A Specific URL, Running On IIS7

Jun 10, 2010

I am deploying a public ASP.NET website on an IIS7 web farm.

The application runs on 3 web servers and is behind a firewall.

We want to create a single page on the website that is accessible only to internal users. It is primarily used for diagnostics, trigger cache expiry, etc.


What is the best way to control access to this page? We need to:

Prevent all external (public) users from accessing the URL. Permit specific internal users to access the page, only from certain IPs or networks.

Should this access control be done at the (a) network level, (b) application level, etc.?

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Security :: Deny Access To Webapplication To Specific Computers?

Mar 2, 2011

i have a web application which can be accessed via intenet the application is running on iis and configured using a router..i m looking for a good solution where i can give access to only authorized computers rest of the computers cannot access the applcation for eg:- if i have a users in office1 in sales dept. and he access the application from his office, so i want to deny the same user or any other user, that he cannot access the same application from home or antwhere else.

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Not Able To Access Webpage / Not Connecting To DB?

Oct 6, 2010

I've a problem with my web application. I hosted a web site in IIS and initially its working good. After sometime ( i dont know the time diff exactly ), if i try to access my page its not working and after re-starting my application only its working. Let me explain about my project.

I've only 4 pages ( ex: main, a1,b1,c1 ) in my site. In main page i used IFrame to show other 3 pages by clicking the appropriate tab. Before this main page load, i'm connecting to DB (Oracle 10g) and i used "System.Data.OracleClient" class to communicate with oracle. Every time after retrieved data from DB i'll close the connection. Then i'll display the main page and assign other page url's to the tab.

Now the problem is after sometime if i access the main page, its not connecting to DB at all then i'll show some static message like "site is unavailable at this time". And i'm not using connection pooling concept. And also this problem is not occurring all time.

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DataSource Controls :: User Login Form / Validate Specific User On Login Page

May 28, 2010

how i can validate Specific user ON My Login Page

whether the username exist or not

if its exist it should match with the right password and right username

Language-ASP.NET C@


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State Management :: How To Build Comma Delimited String Of Those Values And Stick Them Into A Session Variable

Feb 11, 2011

I have this code that loop through table controls how do stick the seleted information into a session variable. Then i have to pass it into another page table control.example code


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Allow Access For Unathenticated Users To Specific Page Using Forms Authentication

Sep 2, 2010

I am using ASP.Net Forms Authentication. My Web.config looks like this.


So currently every aspx page requires authentication.

I want to allow access to even unauthenticated users to a specific page named special.aspx. How can I do this?

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Security :: Restrict Login Access To Website From Specific Machine?

Nov 1, 2010

I need to restrict access to my website by physical PC. When a user signs up I want to be able to restrict access to one machine for that account so it cannot be shared round, if, for example, somebody else in the same office wanted to access the system on their PC they would need a seperate sign in.

I have done some investigation and I "think" the only way is installing an ActiveX component (which isn't an issue that is restricts to IE only) and then read the users MAC address. Am I trying to over complicate things or is that the only way? I realise that MACS can be spoofed but this is not much of an issue.

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