Web Forms :: How To Get The Current Page Title From The Master Page

Jan 18, 2010

I need to store click to my website to a database, I have a sql2005 table :ID, CLICk, PAGETITLE, DATE.

i insert the click and date but i cant get the page title.

The code that inserts data is in masterpage.master.

i need to finde the current page where the clickocured than take the title

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Similar Messages:

Having Common Page Title In Master Page With Each Page Adding Page

Aug 26, 2010

My master page looks like:

<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="server" />

Content pages look like:

<asp:Content ID="TitleContent1"
ContentPlaceHolderID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="Server">
My Page

This works by placing the content page specific title on the page ("My Page" in this example). Now I want to add a global prefix to the title in my master page for the site name. So I want:

<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="PageTitlePlaceHolder" runat="server" />

However, when I do this content pages are still rendered without "Example.com" in the tile, it's like it's ignored.

Why is this happening and how can I achieve this?

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Page Title With Register Symbol Change In Master Page On Postback

Sep 21, 2010

I have a below Page title in my master page

<title>My Test Application Name®</title>

It renders Fine with Register symbol after the text "My Test Application Name" on start of the page but on any postback the title turn into My Test Application Name® Kindly let me know what can i do with minimal effort to fix this issue

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How To Set The Master Page's Html Title From Within A Controller's Action Or View Page

Mar 10, 2010

I have a controller's action and view page that uses a master page.

The master page has the html title section like:

<title>this is the page's title</html>

How can I access this section from within my controller's action (preferably) or my action's view page?

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Restricting Certain Pages -- Redirect On Every Page? Or On Master Page By Viewing Current Page In Url?

Feb 6, 2011

Per different user mode, some pages should not be accessible by users unless they have a valid session key.In your opinions -- would it be better to have a list of acceptable pages in the master page, and check if the current page is valid for the current user? Or handle this on every child page?I'm thinking master page, just want to hear what your input would be.

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Web Forms :: Set Title Of Master From Content Page?

Jan 27, 2010

I want to set master page's title from content page throgh code behind.

my master page is masterpage.master and product.aspx inherits master page,now i want to change the title of product.aspx throgh code behind of product.aspx then not able to change it.

in product.aspx

HtmlHead head1 = (HtmlHead)Master.FindControl("head1");
HtmlTitle title = new HtmlTitle();
title.Text = "buy online"

View 11 Replies

Web Forms :: Accessing Content Title From Master Page?

Dec 8, 2010

I've done this a bazillion times but today my mind is simply blank and because it is so easy I've no notes on it.

If I set Title="foo" in the <%@ Page directive of my content page, how do I reference it in the code behind of my master page? I need to use it in a Select Case.

I swear, if my head wasn't permanently attached, I'd have lost it somewhere today.

PS. This question is only silly because I'm asking and I should know the answer.

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C# - How To Determine Current Page.Title Value From UserControl

Aug 2, 2010

I have a MasterPage, several content pages - each of the content pages have a UserControl.

In the MasterPage, I'm setting the Page.Title programmatically based on Page_Init "Request.UserAgent.Contains....", so that the content pages end up with different page titles based on this.

Each content page has its Title set to blank (Title=" "), but when the page renders, the pragmatically generated page title shows up in the browser tab.

In the UserControl code behind, I need to access the content page's (parent page) Page.Title value, and base on this, display some text:

If(Page.Title == "something")
Lable.Text = "something";
else if (Page.Title == "somethingElse")
lable.Text = "somethingElse";

However, my label remains blank when using this code. What is the way I need to determine the current Page.Title to what the MasterPage has set it as?

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Web Forms :: How To Get Current Page Name In Master Page Using C#

Jun 16, 2015

How to get the current page name in ASP.Net using C# and VB.Net .... Now I need to find the name of the current page in ASP.Net Master Page, for example if the page [URL].... is, I need to get the name Default.aspx ....

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Master Page Generating A Second Title Tag?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a simple page inside a master page (well, in a master in a master).

In the top master I have the head tag with runat="server", with a number of bits such as scripts, stylesheets, etc. and also a contentplaceholder. There is no title tag here.

In the page that uses this master, the content for the placeholder contains the
<title>pagename</title> bit in it. I really have to set it in there.

Unfortunately when the page is rendered I get my title which is all good, but also get a second blank title tag - I presume dumped in there by .NET.

Is there any way of stopping this second title tag coming out?

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Determining Doctype Of Current Page Or Master Page Programmatically?

Mar 15, 2011

I need to be able to programmatically determine the doctype of the current page (.aspx), whether its set directly within the page itself, or via a master page.The reason is so I can output correctly formatted html from custom controls or components based on whether the doctype is plain html, xhtml, xml

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Master Page Needs To Know If A ContentPlaceHolder Hasn't Been Used By Current Content Page?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a master page which has several ContentPlaceHolders. Not all of them are used by the current content page all the time. During page rendering the master page needs to set a property when a ContentPlaceHolder wasn't used by the current content page. Meaning a ContentPlaceHolder might not be referenced by the content page.What's the best way for the master page to iterate through its ContentPlaceHolders and find out which ones haven't been used by the current content page? Looking for a solution that does not involve any communication from content page to master page.

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Security :: Set Master Page Title As Username?

Oct 11, 2010

I am using .net membership and have a page that takes userid and display profile information. I also want to set the username as page title but keep getting object initialise error. I am using master page.


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Master Page Contentplaceholderid For Meta Tags And Title?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a txt file with a list of <titles><meta keyword> and <meta description> and the link that these titles and tags should be associated with. how do i set the master page contentplaceholderid to read the text file and set the tags and titles accourding the the link on the txt file.

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How To Position An Element 2px To The Left Of Another Of A Title Span On Master Page

Mar 11, 2010

I want to position a button 2px to the left of a title span on my master page. The span can vary in size, and is centered in its containing div. How can I do this?

EDIT: Here is the code:


EXPLANATION: The checkbox with togglebutton is to mark the page I am on as a favorite. I want this checkbox to be positioned 2px to the left of the TitleLabel span.

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Web Forms :: SEO Page Title And Meta Data With Master Pages And Data Controls?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a simple site [URL]that I setup for my parents and other family member to share recipes on. The issue I have is that when I try to incorporate a google search the header is always RECIPE form from the dynamically driven site.

If page requested is [URL] in a SEO return I want it to have the title of the recipe to be Apple Sour Cream Crumble Pie not RECIPE FORM or RECIPE PRINT FULL FORM

How can I get this changed and also have metadata dynamically created to improve SEO returns?

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Best Way To Load A Master Page From Outside The Current Application?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm prototyping an environment where multiple applications run on the same server, but they all share a master page. Is it possible to load a master page from another application? In one of my applications, I have this code:

protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
this.MasterPageFile = "~/../MasterPages/Root.master";

What this does is set the master page to a file sitting outside my current application. (Note the ".." after the tilde -- so I'm going to the root of my current app, then stepping up a directory to find a master page.)

ASP is displeased with this:

The virtual path '/MasterPages/Root.master' maps to another application, which is not allowed. I understand that it might be stressed out about the fact that there's no backing class for it, but what if I have nothing in the code-behind, and I choose not to inherit my master page from anything -- so the entire thing is contained in the ".master" file?Is there any way to do this?

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How To Add Title And Meta Tags For Content Pages In A Project Base On Master And Content Page

Oct 17, 2010

how can i add title and meta tags for content pages in a project base on master and content page(dinamically) ?

i used the blow method for master page :


and the error is :(in line *)

Error 17 'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' does not contain a definition for 'SetMetaTags' and no extension method 'SetMetaTags' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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Web Forms :: To Create Aspx Page And Automatically Update Page Title?

May 20, 2010

Every time I create a new aspx page and add some new photos and text, after I finish, I have to update page title, Web.sitemap, Sitemap.xml to feed search engines, static sitemap.aspx page, add photos to proper folders, update database to display feeds etc, and I have to remember to upload all new files including links to any new pdfs....This routine eats my time and drives me crazy.

I was wondering if there is such interface, where you need to create only 1 aspx page, for example "Articles" which can populate Texts, photos etc into pre-defined sections, but at the same time it displays with different URL's, so there is a permanent link to it. After you finish it creates a title automatically, based on article title, populates Web.sitemap - does all the dirty work. Similar to how blog engines, Joomla and Drupal work.

View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Define Reusable Master Page Type To Reuse Parts Of The Master Page?

Jan 5, 2011

My Project is a normal web site, not a Web Project, and I am using VS 2005.

I am trying to define common Master Page Type in app_code which has an area to display error messages and the like. Very simple.

I added the following in app_code:


Also, I added the following in Master Page Source Declaration:


Also, I added the controls tblrowErrMsg and lblErrMsg as server controls to the Master Page.

Why I am doing this ?

This will allow me to display error messages from nearly any where inside the code in code-behined, app_code, and other core Class Projects (DLL).

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Web Forms :: Master Pages - How To Access Content Page From Master Page

Sep 5, 2010

I have a master page setup that is used throughout my site that is basically a header with a menu. I recently added a textbox and a button to this master page which is to be a quick search box that is available anywhere in the site. When a user enters text into the search box and hits the button, I need to load the actual content page which is used to search and show search results (which also uses this same master page), and have the text entered available so the search can be triggered automatically. Again, this search text box and button is now in my master page so it could be triggered from anywhere in the app... it serves as a convenient way to do a basic search from anywhere in my app, without having to first navigate to the actual 'search page' that already exists. You can also navigate to the actual search page, which uses the same master page, where there is many more search options.I'm thrown off by the master page arrangement, which I have not used until this project. What do I do?

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Web Forms :: Accessing Master Page's Body Tag From Aspx Page That Is Not A Content Page

Jan 8, 2011

I am using Master page and Content page combination.But how can i access <body> tag and it's event (onload, onunload) of Master page in .aspx page that is not a content page.

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Web Forms :: To Get A Normal Html Page Inside The Master Page Instead Of Content Page?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a master page homeMaster.aspx and many content pages. However the situation is I have few .html pages. Now when a user clicks on a link the html page should get loaded.inside the master page. The problem is these are .html and not content page with .aspx.

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State Management :: Master Page's Treeview Selected Node / Setting The Properties In Master Page?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a master page containing a tree and 3 dropdown lists. I am populating a context menu on right click of each node, and when clicked on any item of the context menu, it navigates to required pages.

My problem is after navigating to the required page, the selected values from the drop down lists and the selected node from the tree are getting cleared.

I can set the selected values for the dropdown lists by making some properties in master page.
But how do i maintain the selected node?

In my content page, i have got the valuepath of the right clicked node.

Or is there any other way than setting the properties in master page?

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Web Forms :: How To Add Page Title On Each Page

Feb 23, 2012

I have Grid ViewĀ 

I used Panel to print Title + Gridview to print page

I want to add Title on each print pageĀ 

how can i add Title on Each print pageĀ 


Employee Records for year 2010-2011
Gride view with HeaderĀ 

I want Employee Records for year 2010-2011 on each pageĀ 

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