How To Use SOLR In Web Application 3.5 Framework

Jun 25, 2010

I want to use SOLR search platform from the Apache Lucene project in my ASP.NET web application.The basic purpose is to utilise SOLR for search from database for my entity related property.Let me be specific.I have three tables in Database and all of them have 7-10 collumn with thousands of dataE.g Table #1 TBLEmployee (Containes refernce from TBLEmployeMentType,TBLEmployeeDept) and Table #2 EmploymentType and Table #3 is TBLEmployeeDept.In short two tables are reffered in one table. And all of them are having too many data.

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C# - How To Add Multivalue Data In Solr.Net

Apr 4, 2011

I want to Add product with Schema file. my database Table is

Category table - catid, catname
Brand table - brandid, brandname
Item table - productid, productname, productdesc
Filter table- key, value

Note:- if i add all with a Table then data Repeatation occur. so if u have better solution then please suggest me with an examle.

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Configuration :: Running Framework 2.0 Application Within Framework 4.0 Website

May 18, 2010

I host a website that has recently been upgraded from .NET Framework 2.0 to .NET Framework 4.0. Within the website, I have an instance of BlogEngine which still requires .NET Framework 2.0. Each website is in it's own application pool. My issue is that when I browse to the blog portion of my website, I receive a 500.19 error with the following information...

The configuration section 'system.web.extensions' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration The web.conf file that is listed in the error message is the config file that belongs to my root website which is running .NET Framework 4.0. How do I get the two websites to run together in the same website using different versions of the .NET Framework?

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ASMX :: Unable To Upgrade Old Application With New Application Based On WCF Framework?

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I made one application which consumes WCF service and also using nettcp protocal. As we know, WCF application requires .Net3.0 and .Net 3.5 framework. but we have some dealer machine which are having window server 2000 OS now i am not able to install .net 3.5 framework on dealer machine . So we are not able to upgrade old application with new application which are totally based on WCF framework .

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Want To Use PHP Facebook Application API/framework

Feb 17, 2010

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Building Application Framework For Database Web App

Nov 20, 2010

I am looking to build a web application from the ground up. I have done a bit of research, however I just thought I would post here to see what kind of responses I get. I will give a brief description of the type of application I am trying to build. It will be a database web app for managing clients and financials of those clients. The application will need a secure log on system for approximately 160 end users, with the ability to change permissions for each user given their individual rights.

Depending on the type of user created they will have access to 1 of 7 unique application modules within the app framework. A data dictionary will be designed and created prior to starting the project as the 7 unique application modules will have common database fields and custom relationships. Based on this information, what tools, libraries or books would you recommend using?

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Recommended Tier Framework For Web Application?

Mar 1, 2010

trying to switch to better coding practises, I am totally confused about which path to choose. For the past year I was just coding through classic asp coding methodology. Now I know about things as

3 tier custom 3 tier with Strongly typed data sets N tier applications Custom entity objects and so on

Can someone recommend me an approach for designing web applications from these? Some book or tutorial reference with simple CRUD application that would help me. I am currently stuck with strongly typed data sets as I cant find CRUD tutorials with that approach. I would like to just choose the right approach and build on it.

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Changing Target Framework For Web Application?

Oct 27, 2010

how to change the target framework in Visual Studio 2008 for running application on IIS Server.

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Architecture :: Framework For A ERP Web Based Application

Mar 31, 2010

I am designing frameWork for an ERP application ijust have some quries regarding it

Some standards have to be set for this project ,need some help for it.

1)folder structure of the project for frame work 4.0

2)Layering should be done like(3 tier,n tier) if i want to Go for more than 3 layers what could be the other layers except BAL,DAL,Presentation.

3)should all the images be called from css,or some images can be called from the page it self.

4)what benchmarks should be set while writing Stored procs,to make uniformity and increase performance.

5)what securtiy messaures should be taken so that application remains free for intruders.

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Oracle - Logging Framework For The Application?

Dec 20, 2010

needs to log informations about user actions (inserts, updates, deletes, etc) and exceptions and i want to store de log on Oracle10, so i'am searching some log framework to use.I read a little bit about:1 -Log4Net
2 - Logging Application Block3 - ElmahWhats your opinion about these log tools?Whats a good framework (or way to implement) log on my application?*After a discussion with the project manager, Logging Application Block will be our choice, but, lets comment about this =)

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Running Windows Services Application In Framework 2.0?

Feb 8, 2010

1)My Windows services application folder is MyWInservice

2)Executable .exe i.e. “myServices .exe“ file located under MyWInservice \myServicesinDebug

3)I have RUN bat file
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727InstallUtil.exe /u "myServices.exe"
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727InstallUtil.exe "myServices.exe"

4)After running InstallUtil, myServices.InstallLog and myServices.InstallStategenerated under .. binDebug folder.

5)Upon pressing F5, I still get the same error.
Error is:

Windows Service Start Failure,Cannot start service from the command line or a debugger. A Windows Service must first be installed (using installutil.exe) and then started with the ServerExplorer, Windows Services Administrative tool or the NET START command.

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Error CS0012 In Entity Framework And MVC Application.?

Jul 10, 2010

I've just created a new MVC 2 application that references both an entity model library and a services library, and all compiles fine without running the app, but when I try running it, I get the following runtime error"

Compiler Error Message: CS0012: The type 'System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Data.Entity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.

I have double checked umteen times (e.g. Umpteen*n) and the cited assembly is refenced in all three projects. If it wasn't, WTF would I not get a build error?

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Web Application Framework Provide Support For Cookieless Sessions?

Mar 22, 2010

We are programming a new web application framework (Second WAF). I was wondering if we should support cookieless sessions or not. Who use it and who needs it?

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Configure Entity Framework Metadata Locations For A Web Application?

Sep 9, 2010

I am trying to configure Entity Framework 4 in the Web.config file using this ConnectionString


I would like remove the "*" and add the actual path for my dll file.

How to find the path for a dll in Visual Studio with no add-on? (I am pretty new in .net)

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What's Mvc Model In Software Application Development And Entity Framework

Apr 2, 2010

Generally what is m.v.c model in software application development and entity framework in and are these diffrent form 3 layer d architecture(UI layer, Business access layer, Data access layer)

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MVC 3 Application Using Ninject, Entity Framework 4 Code-First CTP 5, Patterns

Jan 24, 2011

ive tried to build some base project with above technologies. I wanted maximum flexibility and testability so i tried to use patterns along the way to make this as a base for future projects. However, it seem.something is wrong or whatever and i really need help here. So

i have two questions :1- Is there anything wrong with my current code ? Ive applied patterns correctly ?

2- Why do this code actually connect to the database, create it, but doesnt support insert even if i perform the corrects operation ? (Look at the end of the post for details about this error)

I have two entities : Comment and Review

COMMENT [Code]....

REVIEW[Code].... I built up a base repository for each of them this way :GENERIC REPOSITORY[Code]...For specific operations, i use an interface :[Code]....So i am getting the generics operations from the abstract class plus the specific operations :[Code]....As you figured out, i also use a database factory will produce the database context :DATABASE FACTORY [Code]....DISPOSABLE (Some extensions methods...)[Code]....DATABASE [Code]....And to finish, i have my unit of work....UNIT OF WORK[Code]....I also binded using Ninject the interfaces :NINJECT CONTROLLER FACTORY [Code]....however, when i call in the constructor ...[Code]....

This seem to create the database but doesnt't insert anything in the database in EF4. It seem that i may figured out the problem.. while looking at the database object.. the connection state is closed and server version throw an exception of this kind :

ServerVersion = '(((System.Data.Entity.DbContext (_database)).Database.Connection).ServerVersion' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'

I am doing the right things ? Is there anything wrong in what ive built ? Also if you have recommandation about the code i posted, i would be glad. I am just trying to the learn the right way for building any kind of application in MVC 3. I want a good a start.

I use :
- Entity Framework 4 Code-First CTP 5
- Ninject as DI Container

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Visual Studio :: Compiling .NET 2.0 Application To Work With 3.5.1 Framework?

Aug 5, 2010

Here is my problem: We recently upgraded our server to Windows Server 2008, IIS 7.5, which has .NET 3.5.1 installed. I have an ASP.NET 2.0 web application that needs to be migrated to this server, and as we are a non-profit organization, I need to do so as inexpensively as possible. It is a simple application and I do not need the new features in more recent versions of .NET, Visual Studio, etc. I just need to make it work.

Platform Summary:

ASP.NET 2.0 Application

.NET 3.5.1 Framework

Visual Studio 2005

My question is: Do I have to upgrade to Visual Studio 2010 in order to compile my 2.0 application to work with the 3.5 framework? Or is there another way to accomplish this?

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Configuration :: Run Web Application Written In Framework 4.0 (cannot Change The Root Or Other Sub Folder)?

Dec 4, 2010

I am having trouble doing it. Getting error becuase two different web.config file in each one of them. In my ROOT folder I have a web application written in ASP.NET framework 2.0 . Now, I have all kind of sub-folders for other applications in .NET 2.0 or 3.5 . This is the first time I have sub-folder with application in .NET 4.0. There is a conflict between two web configuration files. How can I solve it? I cannot change the Root or other sub-folder, only If there isn't any other way to solve this.

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Entity Framework - Collection Of Complex Child Objects In MVC 3 Application?

Feb 20, 2011

I want to be able to update a model and all its collections of child objects in the same view. I have been referred to these examples: and .

For example, I have an object Consultant, that has a collection of "WorkExperiences". All this is in an Entity Framework model. In the view, the simple properties of the Consultant object is no problem, but the collection I cannot get a textbox to show up for. I tried following the examples in the links above, but it doesn't work. The problem is, in those examples the model is just a list (not an object with a child list property). And also, the model again is an EF model. And for some reason that doesn't seem to work as in those examples.


This stuff with the EditorTemplate works fine in Phil Haack's sample project, which I downloaded to try, but here, with the EF model or whatever the problem is, I don't get any textbox at all. The table in the view is just there as a test, because in the table I do get the rows for WorkExperiences, whether I add an empty WorkExperience object or fill out its properties doesn't matter, the rows show up for each object. But again, no textbox...

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DataSource Controls :: Entity Framework And Architecture Of Model - Create Application Using EF

Feb 10, 2010

I can't to understand clearly how to create strong and quickly application using EF. For example, I have class ForumPost (table ForumPost) for select one of record I write method like:

public ForumPost ForumPost(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID select i).First();

all works. But on page (I use ASP.NET MVC) I should display info from another linked tables, ForumName (each post have ForumID) etc. So, I modify this method to:

public ForumPost ForumPost(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID select i).First();

ok, all works. Then I want to make some actions in model with ForumPost, i.e.

public void RootPost(int PostID, ref Models.ForumPost Root)
ForumPost post = ForumPost(PostID);
if (post.RootPost != null)
Root = ForumPost(post.RootPost.ForumPostID);
Root = post;

it works too. But problem is in speed. I not need in RootPost all those includes. So, I should to create one more method like:

private ForumPost ForumPostIncludes1(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID
select i).First();

then ForumPostIncludes2, ForumPostIncludes3 etc... second way - redesign RootPost with LINQ expr, not with call another method. But in this way difficulties to change DB. third way? How to do it correctly?

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Installation :: When Create A New Website In IIS And Its Associated Application Pool, Get The Option Of Setting The .NET Framework To 1.0 Or 2.0?

Jan 7, 2010

When I create a new website in IIS and its associated application pool, I get the option of setting the .NET framework to 1.0 or 2.0.Via windows updates I have installed versions 3.0 and 3.5..however these dont show up in the drop down list.I read that the aspnet_regiis -i command needs to be run in the installed .NET framework folder for it to be visible in IIS.However, the aspnet_regiis.exe is only present in the 1.0 and 2.0 folders. Can I use the same exe to register the 3.5 framework with IIS?

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Configuration :: Install .Net Framework 4.0 In Machine With Framework 3.5?

Jan 6, 2011

I have this cenario:One server (machine) that have framework 3.5. And one site (website) developed for framework 3.5.This site can not be modified (rebuild in other FW version, or others changes).

I'll developer a new webapplication (WAP) in framework 4.0 (using microsoft visual web developer 2010).

As I know, the new webaplication work in the server, if I install framework 4.0 in the server.

My question is: Can I install the framework 4.0 on the machine that already have framework 3.5. And continue have sites working with other frameworks version?Or, should I develop my new webapplication in framawork 3.5 ?If I can install the framework 4.0, do I need make some specify configuration during the installation?

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AJAX :: Features Added In Framework 2.0 Over The Framework 1.1?

Jun 18, 2010

what is Features added in Framework 2.0 over the framework 1.1? i want in Details?

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Difference Between Framework 2.0 And Framework 2.0 With Service Pack 2

Feb 6, 2010

Difference between .net framework 2.0 and .net framework 2.0 with service pack 2

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