How To Use An Image Or Icon Resource From Global Resource File

Jan 12, 2010

How can I use an image or icon resource from global resource file in an asp:Image control to set the ImageUrl attribute?

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Apr 7, 2010

In our web application we need to keep various company's settings. For eg "DiamondProdRefIDCaption","Shippingpickup","ZipCodeCaption","DefaultCountry","AllowToEditInvoice", etcThese settings are different for various companies and are placed in web.config as key-value pair.Initially, we have tried do simplify this process by adding a company_settings table in the DB so as to allow us to add companies on the fly. However, this method makes it very difficult to add a new setting


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How To Create And Use Both Local And Global Resource File In A Page In VB.NET

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Mar 4, 2010

How can I display an image on a view that comes from a Resource file. For example: Resources.Images. Logo.

And should I do this?

This is for a MVC project that has different cultures.

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Oct 11, 2010

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I will be setting the current thread's culture at the beginning of the request lifecycle.

Does it make sense if I create my own resource.xml to store things like strings/labels/messages that will be used in the web application?

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and in that i have added key Booklimit with value 10

can i change that value daynamically using dropdownlist from code page page.cs ?

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Localization :: Can't Read Global Resource In Button

Aug 17, 2010

I have translated Text Ok in arabic and I have that placed in global Navig.resx file

Text="<%= Resources.Navig.OK%>"

When I run it I see <%= Resources.Navig.OK%> itself.Actually I should get translation of Ok.

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Two Ways To Access Global Resource Programmatically?

Jul 8, 2010

i know that i can set a Label's text by using this syntax:

lblMessage.Text = (string)GetGlobalResourceObject("resxFile", "message");

but what's the difference(benefit/drawbacks) to using this syntax:

lblMessage.Text = Resources.resxFile.message;

also, i just found out that this second method doesn't work for local resource files. is there a different syntax used for local resource files?

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Localization :: Global Resources: The Resource Object With Key 'xxxx' Was Not Found?

Jun 9, 2010

i have a very strange error.i get parser error Parser Error Message: The resource object with key 'TopnavHome' was not found.this is the code: [Code]....

BUT, if i do this: [Code]....

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Embed A Static Image Resource In A Web Server Control?

Feb 15, 2010

I am going to create a web server control representing a treeview. So I want to use 2 images for + and - for expand/collapse. How can I build this into the control in a way that can be used as image source when rendered on the page?

Since this will be in a compiled web controls library, I don't want to rely on external images in the web application.

Edit: Based on this answer by Andre Kraemer I did the following:

In AssemblyInfo.vb:

<Assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("", "image/gif")>
<Assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("MyCompany.MyWebControls.Resources.minus.gif", "image/gif")>

In my RenderContents override:

Dim lPlusImage As New WebControls.Image()
Dim lMinusImage As New WebControls.Image()
lPlusImage.ImageUrl = Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(Me.GetType(), "")
lMinusImage.ImageUrl = Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(Me.GetType(), "MyCompany.MyWebControls.Resources.minus.gif")

My Assembly name is MyWebControls.

My Root Namespace is MyCompany.MyWebControls.

The images plus.gif and minus.gif are located in a folder named Resources, and the images have Build Action set to Embedded Resource.

It still does not work. I get no errors. I have tried the generated image url directly in the browser, bot nothing happens, just a blank page.

Note: I tried to use an invalid path in the resource name, and the result was exactly the same, which made me wonder if I need to do something special to map the actual resource to the resource name. I got a 404 Not Found error only if I used different name in the code than what was specified in AssemblyInfo, it had nothing to do with path was pointing to an actual resource!

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Localization :: Shares Image And Languages Resource Among Web Project?

Nov 15, 2010

I have two web projecs that use or share some image and localization file (chinese and english).

I don't want to have a copy on each of the project.

Is it possible to share those images and localization file using Satellite Assembly?

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How To Create Resource File In VB.NET

Oct 4, 2010

want to create and use resource file in my application (VB.NET 2008). Can i use .resx file or should i convert it into .resources file? please tel me the steps to create and use resource file in VB.NET with sample code.

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C# - How To Generate Resource File

Mar 25, 2010

I'm new to c# programming..I'm using windows form application c# .netI have been given a .resources file. it contains 2 columns 1) key and 2) values.I have brought the contents of this file into a datagrid using dynamic table in between and using resource manager.Now i have to edit the value column in the datagrid and if i click on a GENERATE button i should create a new resource file and it has to be stored as a file. In the same way i should create many sucj resource file.

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How To Get Resource File By Code

Feb 24, 2010

I'm using labels with resource keys. Right now i made a control, with also a lot of resource key's in it, i thought the page where i put the control in would read the resources, but it wont. So 2 solutions needed.

The nicest thing would be if i could 'bind' the resourcefile to the ascx file. But how?
Otherwise i need to get the values to the ascx file, but how can i do that?

How can i get the value of the resource file, of course het sould auto select the correct language resx file. With this it works:

<asp:Label ID="lblHeaderClickCategory" runat="server" Text="lblHeaderClickCategory"
meta:resourcekey="lblHeaderClickCategory" Visible="false" />

But its quite stupit to need a label to get the value, it shoudl be possible by code.

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How To Export Resource File Contents

Apr 22, 2010

I've made a localised website uses resource file and I need to get the client to translate them. Can I export the resource file contents somehow?

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How To View Resx Resource File

Jul 15, 2010

How to view .resx resource files, which are under app_globalresources.

We have a project with lot of resource files.

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Edit Resource File Which Is Compiled Into A Dll?

Jun 29, 2010

my site uses resource files for a referenced project with the user controls in it.

so i have one website project, and one dll project with usercontrols + the resource files.

The website references the dll project.

So far so good.

When i publish, the dll with the usercontrols gets compiled in a dll (what else) but the resource files also get compiled (a separate dll for every language)

Is there a way to edit the resource strings in the dll once deployed?

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Nov 5, 2010

is it posible to use a url.action in a resource file?

when i try i get junk instead of a real link?

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Jan 25, 2010

I try to use internationalization in MVC but I can not make the resource strings public to my application.If I follow Steve Sanderson then I have to create a resource file and enter my strings. But in the window to enter the strings I can not choose the drop down to change the modifier because it is inactive (grey).

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C# - Xval Get Error Message From Resource File?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm working on a CMS system which uses a resource file to get information and errormessages from. The client side validation is working without problems, only it's not getting the errormessage from the resource file. While debugging i figured out xval seems to get the errormessages from a javascript file where the messages are set hard-coded. Is there some way to override this?

Below the code which should make the relation to the resourcefile en specify the error when the field is left empty.

[Required(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(CMSMessages), ErrorMessageResourceName = "EnterValidMoney")]
public virtual Double ShippingCost { get; set; }

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Localization :: How To Create Resource File Dynamically In VB.NET

Oct 4, 2010

We are migrating the VB6 applications into VB.NET (2008). They implemented the globalization in the Vb6 application by storing the english strings and corresponding langauage text (italian,spanish or french) in Database(SQL). Now we need to create a resource file in VB.NET(2008) for each language. Instead of creating resource file manually we want to write an application which will create resource file dynamically for each language and copy the english string and correspoding language text value from database into resource file.

SLNo Language English Value
1 English Name Name
2 Italian Name Nome
3 Spanish Name nombre

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