How To Create A Custom Resource.xml Instead Of Using Resource .resx Implementation

Jun 2, 2010

I will be setting the current thread's culture at the beginning of the request lifecycle.

Does it make sense if I create my own resource.xml to store things like strings/labels/messages that will be used in the web application?

or are their drawbacks and its better if I just use the Global resources .resx files that are 'built-in' ?

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Similar Messages:

How To View Resx Resource File

Jul 15, 2010

How to view .resx resource files, which are under app_globalresources.

We have a project with lot of resource files.

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Can Write Through The Database Into Resource.resx

Apr 14, 2010

how can I write through the database into Resource.resx?

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Create Custom Resource Provider?

Mar 4, 2010

I am working on a new project using ASP.NET 4 and I have a few Resource Files.However, I also have resources on a SQL database. I would like to somehow create a common resource provider.I would like to be able to use:

Resources.Labels.Email > This would take the resource Email from file Labels.

Resources.Database("Email") > This would take the resource with name "Email" from the database.When I get a resource from the database I always return the Name, Content and MimeType.To avoid multiple requests I could even have another method like:

Resources.Database(new List<String> { "Email", "Address" }) > This would take the resources with name "Email" and "Address" from the database in one request.I am not sure if this would be possible ... Basically I would need to have something like:

Resources.Database.Load(new List<String> { "Email", "Address" }); And then use: Resources.Database("Email");

And even have one more:Resources.Config("Email") > This would take the resource with name "Email" from th web.config file. Always a String.I have all the code with communication with the database and web.config.The main problem is really how to create this resource interface.

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Add Items To Resource File (resx) On Run Time?

Mar 22, 2011

i have some global resource files that store my dictionary for app.when a key is not in the resource file i return the key.

public Object MyGetGlobalResourceObject(string classKey, string resourceKey)
if (GetGlobalResourceObject(classKey, resourceKey) == null)

i want to add the resourceKey to the classKey file.

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Localization :: Change Value In Resource.resx On Runtime?

Mar 17, 2010

I am make website and publish it, i am used different language by Resource.resx and Resource.Ar.resx.

when publish website i see resources files convert to .dll


i want to make page in administrator to can change value for any key in resources.

how i can search key by value.

then i want to put textbox to change value.


Key : MSG Value : Message.

i want to change 'Message' Value to 'welcome to visit us' throught website is running.

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Localization - Put Resource Files (.resx) Within Subfolders Inside App_GlobalResources?

Mar 30, 2010

Is it possible to put resource files (.resx) within subfolders inside App_GlobalResources? For example:


Or, are all the .resx files placed directly inside App_GlobalResources? If it is possible to use subfolders, how do you programmatically access resources within subfolders?

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Recommend Way To Create A Custom Culture And Associated Resource Files For A Specific Client

Oct 8, 2010

I have client that wants to specifiy their own version of localized content for a subset of my string resources.For simplicity here is basic example:Lets say I have 2 localized strings (showing english content)PageTitle="Hello World" PageDescription="This is a more wordy version of Hello World!"

Strings.resx (contains my English
(contains my French-Canadian strings) (contains

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How To Use An Image Or Icon Resource From Global Resource File

Jan 12, 2010

How can I use an image or icon resource from global resource file in an asp:Image control to set the ImageUrl attribute?

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Localization :: How To Set One Default Resource File From Many Different Resource Files

Apr 7, 2010

In our web application we need to keep various company's settings. For eg "DiamondProdRefIDCaption","Shippingpickup","ZipCodeCaption","DefaultCountry","AllowToEditInvoice", etcThese settings are different for various companies and are placed in web.config as key-value pair.Initially, we have tried do simplify this process by adding a company_settings table in the DB so as to allow us to add companies on the fly. However, this method makes it very difficult to add a new setting


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C# - Loading Resource File In Class Library And Which Resource File To Use?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a class library and was to add a resource file to it to support both English and Spanish. Any tips as how I can do this? The language will be dictated by the user visiting the site. Would like to have to only load each resource file once and cache or set in static variable and avoid any overheads.

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How To Create Resource File In VB.NET

Oct 4, 2010

want to create and use resource file in my application (VB.NET 2008). Can i use .resx file or should i convert it into .resources file? please tel me the steps to create and use resource file in VB.NET with sample code.

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C# - How To Create Resource Manager

Apr 4, 2010

I would like to create resource manager on my page and use some data stored in my resource files. (default.aspx.resx and default.aspx.en.resx)

System.Resources.ResourceManager myResourceManager = System.Resources.ResourceManager.CreateFileBasedResourceManager("resource",
Server.MapPath("App_LocalResources") + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, null);
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
Welcome.Text = myResourceManager.GetString("LoggedInWelcomeText");

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How To Create Resource From .net Page

Jul 28, 2010

is it better to create one resource for every page application. or to create a global resource for all pages?my application has about 100 pages and 200 usercontrols.if i want to create global resource can how can i use this Feature of visual studio 1)Open the page for which you want to create a resource file.2)Switch to Design View 3)In the Tools menu, click Generate Local Resource.

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Custom Server Controls :: Embedding Resource In UserControl

Feb 16, 2010

I want to embed some image and java script file in usercontrol and extract them with code like this


i tried similar code that use this technique in custom controls , and it works ...

but i want use this technique in usercontrol ,

can any one put a sample source code or explain how can i use this technique in usercontrol ?

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C# - Custom Control Use Embeded Resource Filename In A Script?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a custom control that has some embeded resources. I need to be able to reference some of the embeded material outside the control in JavaScript. So let's say I have an image file embeded in the control and I have a script outside the control that will do something with that file. How do I reference that filename outside the control?Update: Not sure if this is even possible and I hav enot found any information on it.

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MVC :: Internationalize DataAnnotations Error Messages Using A Custom Resource Provider?

Mar 18, 2010

Is there a way to use DataAnnotations for validation, particulary in MVC, while relying on a custom resource provider ?

I built a custom SQL based resource provider for the side of my MVC application. At this point I'm down in the model section and want to use DataAnnotations for validation. Something like ...


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Custom Server Controls :: Accessing Embedded Resource From IScriptControl?

Dec 1, 2010

My Composite control implements IScriptControl interface.

ScriptReferences java script file does the client-side work, there I want to load a html file inside iFrame.

The Html file is an embedded resource:

([assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("Control.Resources.list.htm", "text/html")])

I pass the path of the html to the javascript file via descriptor property:

IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor> IScriptControl.GetScriptDescriptors()
descriptor.AddProperty("iframe", iframe);
return new ScriptDescriptor[] { descriptor };

Where iframe is a string that contains the path from the webresource.

Now, in this html file I want to display few images that must be also loaded from resource.

The Question is how to access the resources from this html file?

Do I have to pass every image path as descriptor property?

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Localization :: How To Create Resource File Dynamically In VB.NET

Oct 4, 2010

We are migrating the VB6 applications into VB.NET (2008). They implemented the globalization in the Vb6 application by storing the english strings and corresponding langauage text (italian,spanish or french) in Database(SQL). Now we need to create a resource file in VB.NET(2008) for each language. Instead of creating resource file manually we want to write an application which will create resource file dynamically for each language and copy the english string and correspoding language text value from database into resource file.

SLNo Language English Value
1 English Name Name
2 Italian Name Nome
3 Spanish Name nombre

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Use Resource Files Added To Resources Folder

Aug 27, 2010

I have added .CSS file in Resources folder of the project.In the same way i can add Images or any other files.But i am unable to use those files in Server Control Project.How to apply CssClass property to any predefined server control to the css file that is stored in the Resources folder ?

how to use those Resource files .

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How To Create And Use Both Local And Global Resource File In A Page In VB.NET

Oct 11, 2010

I need to create both local and global resource file in VB.NET. And also i need to use both resource file in a single page. how to create and use in VB.NET (VS2008).

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How To Create A Fully Qualified Hyperlink To A Resource Dynamically

Jun 12, 2010

In ASP.NET I'd like to create a link which points to a specific Uri and send this link in an email to a user, for instance something like I can create the second part of the Uri /CustomerPortal/Order/9876 dynamically in code-behind. My question is: How can I create the base Uri without hardcoding it in my application? Basically I want to have something like:

http://localhost:1234/CustomerPortal/Order/9876 (on my development machine)
http://testserver/CustomerPortal/Order/9876 (on an internal test server) (on the production server)

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MVC :: How To Create And Add A Embeded Javascript-resource File By Useing A HtmlHelper

Jan 8, 2011

I have written a smal HtmlHelper, but the thing is that I whould require some javascript functionallity to this helper. So I thought "Whouldnt it be great to actually let the framework add the javascript <script>-tag to the head-element of my Html document once I use this helper?"

So what I whould need/like to do is:

1. Add the Javascript-file as a resource to the dll, since this will allow me to always have the javascript file together with my HtmlHelper, so I dont need to have a seperate file for the js.

2. Add a <script src="{my js-resource}" /> to the head-element of my html document as soon as I use my helper...this is kind of the tricky part..since Im not realy sure about how to do this in MVC...if its even possible..the best sulotion whould be if I didnt need to add any other code in any other file then just in my HtmlHelper...(no code needed to be added in my views or controls) To put it all kind of simple...from what I recall..I want to more or less register a start up script, as its called in WebForms..but in MVC..(I saw an example of how to do it ClientScriptManager, but that whould require me to add extra code on my views and layout/masterpage-files...which simply doesnt do it for me if there is any other way)

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Make A Css Style Background Image Be Linked To An Image In The Resource File

Aug 17, 2010

I want to make a textbox with a specific style, within this style a set of images as background parts, how can i attach these images to the custom control as whenever i take the .dll file and add it to the toolbar the images do not appear. So i tried to make them as resource files and their property as embedded in .resx file, so how to make the css style background image url to be linked to any of those image.

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C# - Resource Sharing In Asp Mvc

Jan 6, 2011

I have 2 mvc2 projects in a solution. One is normal site for visitors use and the other one is admin back-end which is going to be separated by sub-domains like [URL] and [URL] The scenario is like admin will add a new item(e.g product) with image and [URL] will use that image to display product. Both application are sharing one db. so there is no problem to get the item details that is coming from the db. but for item image that has been uploaded in admin directory([URL]- any idea how to get it from general domain [URL]to display? Also what is the best way of separating the resources like image files or even css or js files across sites and how to access them?

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