How To Write The Messages In The Email With Two Line Spaces For Each Message

Oct 20, 2010

message.Body = "Message: " + ex.Message +Environment.NewLine + "Data:"+ ex.Data
+ Environment.NewLine + "Stack Trace:" + ex.StackTrace;

I am using Environment.NewLine., its going to next line perfectly but I need to put two line separated with ---------------- in between each message Data StackTrace.

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Web Forms :: .net 4.0 - Inserts Blank Spaces Into Multi-line TextBoxes?

Aug 11, 2010

I've updated a number of production sites from 3.5 to 4.0 and have found a really annoying problem where it will insert a blank space into Multi-Line text boxes

The tag is entered as....
The HTML is rendered as...
<TEXTAREA style="WIDTH: 99%" id="ctl00_C_FV1_AdvDayNotesTB" rows="1" cols="20">

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C# - Email Messages Going To Spam Folder?

Feb 18, 2011

I have created a community portal, in which user creates his/her account. After successfull registration a confirmation mail is send on registered email address.

I am using the following code to send the mail -


While testing we found that all the confirmation mails are going to SPAM folder instead of Inbox.

Is there anything wrong with the code or is there anything related to security.

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C# - Put Email Messages In A Queue When SMTP Server Is Down?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a big problem with my SMTP server for sending emails. It's down often. At this point I am using this code:

MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage();
mailMsg.From = new MailAddress("");
mailMsg.Subject = "...";
mailMsg.IsBodyHtml = true;
mailMsg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
mailMsg.Body = "Mail";
mailMsg.Priority = MailPriority.High;
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("", "password");
client.Port = 456;
client.Host = "";
client.EnableSsl = true;

But, when my SMTP server is down I want to put all the emails in a queue and when it recovers I want to send them one a time. Is there any way how to do this programatically in C#?

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C# - Create A Message Queue To Store Fault Messages In Visual Studio 2010

Nov 22, 2010

While i was writing a piece of code in C# using ASP.NET i needed to create a message queue to store fault messages. However, I couldn't find the System.Messaging namespace in the namespace library in Visual Studio 2010. Does anyone know how can I use message queuing now?

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Web Forms :: Maximum Message Size Quota For Incoming Messages (65536) Has Been Exceeded

Sep 11, 2013

I have developed an application using Winforms that connects to the Database using WCF services. All the services are working fine except those that return huge amount of data from the database. I did increase the size of the maxReceivedMessageSize and maxBufferPoolSize to 9223372036854775807 in the Config file of the client which I believe is the largest but I still get the error message "The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded". I am using visual studio 2010 with VB.Net programming language on the client side and C sharp on the server.

I also goggled but the nearest solution I got was to increase the maxReceivedMessageSize which I did but in vain. Below is the detail of the error: "The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a contract mismatch, a premature session shutdown or an internal server error.

[Code] ....

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Write Content For Each Line At The End?

May 25, 2010

I am having on text file which contain folllowing kind of data.

"3P","Smith","Richard","3 Point Promotions","3P","","IDA","Yes",,,,0,4,5,83.33,10,
"A1","Ernest","Amy","TAKE 1 Promotional Products","LCOOK","","IDA","Yes",,,,0,6,7,,0,
"A2","Derek","Eaton","Advertising Edge Promotions","AE","","IDA","Yes",,,,0,8,8,,10,
"AAA","Abercrombie","Jerry","AAA Specialty Wholesale Inc","AAA","","IDA","Yes",,,,0,9,9,,10,
"AAP","Halberstam","Mendy","All About Promotions","AAP","","IDA","Yes",,,,0,10,10,,12,

I want to write another column at the end of each column.The file contains more number of lines.How to write column like below

"3P","Smith","Richard","3 Point Promotions","3P","","IDA","Yes",,,,0,4,5,83.33,10,96
"A1","Ernest","Amy","TAKE 1 Promotional Products","LCOOK","","IDA","Yes",,,,0,6,7,,0,97
"A2","Derek","Eaton","Advertising Edge Promotions","AE","","IDA","Yes",,,,0,8,8,,10,98
"AAA","Abercrombie","Jerry","AAA Specialty Wholesale Inc","AAA","","IDA","Yes",,,,0,9,9,,10,98
"AAP","Halberstam","Mendy","All About Promotions","AAP","","IDA","Yes",,,,0,10,10,,12,99

how to write like that?And how read line by line?

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Response.Write New Line In Vb?

Sep 13, 2010

how come the following won't write to different lines? It is all in the same sub.


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Write The Code In One Line?

Jun 2, 2010

How to write the code below in one line.

Dim smtpDtls

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Web Forms :: Email Address Doesn't Exist / Remove Automatically Incoming Messages

Jun 4, 2010

I'm adding now e-mail sending to my application and I have one problem. When user gave a bad e-mail address (that doesn't exist) and I'll send email to that address, that email message will go back to my email account. So for 100 users it will be 100 unwanted messages. In this situations my email account will be full of messages. So: how to avoid that situations and remove automatically incoming messages?

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Write To Specific Line In Text File C#?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a web app that I am developing at work. I need to be able to take input data and append a text file after (x) number of lines.

My web app is using with c#

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AJAX :: Put New Line In ModalPopupExtender Message Box?

Jan 14, 2011

I want to put a new line in a Modalpopupextender messagebox.

I tried the following ways, but in vain.


Here omb is the modalpopupextender object.

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Web Forms :: Write Single Line At A Time From Datagrid To Text File?

Jul 12, 2010

I have read plenty of tutorials on taking a datagrid to a text file, but I haven't seen anything about taking a single cell from a datagrid, formatting it, and writing it to a text file. Is this possible, am I going about it wrong?

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Forms Data Controls :: Write Grid View Line In Code Behind Using Function?

Nov 16, 2010


How to write Grid view line in code behind using function

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Error Message Doesn't Include Line Number?

Jan 27, 2010

We're trying to write an error tracking solution for our sites and ran into something interesting. Sometimes the error exception includes the actual file and line number that the error occurred on and other times it doesn't. Is there a setting somewhere that we need to change to enable the file and line number to be returned? The two situations are each on a different server. Do we need to change something on the server?

Examples, with error file and line number:

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Intro at System.Data.ProviderBase.FieldNameLookup.GetOrdinal(String fieldName) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_Item(String name) at AccountUser.get_PracticeInfo(String sUserName) in C:xxxxxxxxxxxxeta.xxxxxxx.comAccountUser.vb:line 106

Without line number:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Dealers_Toolbox_UserEdit.LoadRoles()

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Architecture :: How To Manage User Messages To Avoid Hardcoding Messages

Aug 10, 2010

How to manage user messages to avoid hardcoding messages accross the web application.

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C# - Success Messages As Opposed To Model State Error Messages?

Jan 26, 2010

For error messages, validation faults etc you have


But, where do you put success responses like "You successfully transfered alot of money to your ex." + "Your balance is now zero". I still want to set it at the controller level and preferably in key-value way, the same way as errormessages but without invalidating the modelstate.

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MVC ::Write Coding To Show Message Box?

Aug 19, 2010

how i write coding to show message box in MVC. I mean writting coding in Controllers , not it Views.Example: After Pressing a deleted button to delete Album.i want to show a message :"Delete succesfully"

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Command Line Does Not Work In Windows 7 With IIS 7.0; Error Message Says Path Is Incorrect?

Aug 18, 2010

In Windows XP, I used the following command line to tie a particular website to a particular version of .Net Framework:

C:WindowsMicrosoft.NetFrameworkv2.0.50727 aspnet_regiis -s w3svc/1/root/sdcrrlf (sdcrrlf is the website and is written in ASP.NET 2.0; hence uses v2.0.50727; some other of my sites use V1.1.4322)

This command line does not work in Windows 7 with IIS 7.0; error message says path is incorrect.

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Write Message To Text Box HTML From Code Behind?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a textbox on my aspx page defined as:

<input name= tbdisplay type="text">

I can pick the data (I built a touch screen keyboard and I used javascript to write to the thextbox) from code behind using:

string textdisplaydata = this.Request.Form.Get("tbdisplay");

But I can't figure out the way to write back to the same display from code behind. In other words, I need to send a message back to the textbox from code behind. Because I did not defined the tbdisplay to runat="server", I can't see the control tbdisplay. Also, I can't run the tbdisplay at server because the keyboard doesn't work.

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How To Write A More Specific Delete Confirmation Message

May 21, 2010

I have a button in my gridview recurring through the rows which requires confirmation before it deletes a record. Instead of it asking, "are you certain you want to delete this contact?" I want it to specifically ask the user, "are you sure you want to delete <the name of the contact>?" This is the button that I have at the moment and I have no idea how to place the contact's name in there:


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How To Write A Message On The Screen Without The End User Removing It

Mar 8, 2010

I have written a ASP.NET program for a customer, I want to add a message similar to "Preview version, ABD Consulting" on the master.master page, I had thought to use Response.write but it messes up the look of the page as it seems to move page elemets. If I use a label the customer can remove it from the Master.master file. The customer is in a different country so I want to ensure I'm paid.

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Read Message From Webpage To Write Into Table?

Jun 28, 2010

I am going to create a table with SQL Server, this table only has two columns: MessageName and Message.

One example is like



But I don't want to manually type in the message because of trmendous text; what I want is to read the message from an existing web page which like


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Compiler Error Message: CVT1106: Cannot Write To File

Jan 14, 2010

Compilation Error Description:An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.Compiler Error Message: CVT1106: cannot write to file

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Fix Error Message: Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory

Oct 8, 2010

I am using framework 2.0. I am facing following error message "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt" For more detail Plz see the attached file.

Error Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.....

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