IIS Configuration :: JQuery Not Working When Website Hosted In 5.1

Aug 20, 2013

Asp.net Javascript Countdown clock timer for each row of gridview( [URL] ).Its working fine forme.

After placing iis 5.1. its not working. let me know what is the problem of this code.

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Configuration :: Code Is Not Working In Hosted Website?

Mar 9, 2011

i have created a website with a template (CSS Full Site Flash 8) using VS 2010

and after i did host the site to the internet, ASP code didn't work

but HTML code works fine, for example this code for desplaying picture didn't work and the picture is not displaying:

<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/photo1.jpg" />

i don't know if it is from the web.config or if i missed something also i notes that the site in is not working in firefox browser (HTML code will appear instead of design) but in internet explorer the design works fine but without the asp controls

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IIS Configuration :: Website Hosted Not Working Without Default ASPX Page

Oct 22, 2013

We recently changed our server.

If I write www.abc.com it is not working but if i write www.abc.com/default.aspx it start working.

When I write www.abc.com 

It is showing this page


Parallels Plesk Panel

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Configuration :: Encrypting ConnectionStrings On A Hosted Website?

Feb 23, 2011

I have been reading up on encrypting the connectionStrings section of the web.config file and I have noticed that all of the methods embed the cypher key in either the registry or the machine.config file. My site is currently being hosted for me by a hosting company and as such I do not have direct access to the registry (or aspnet_regiis for that matter). I was wondering what options are available to me if I cannot use the usual aspnet_regiis method or am I misreading the posts?

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IIS Configuration :: Website Slows Down When Hosted On Server

Jul 8, 2013

My asp.net site has very good performance on local ips on all the systems. But it 5 time slow down on live ip.

1. What could be the issue:

Server is not capable? I have checked the ping and it response time is 153 ms for each require on live ip but on local ip it gives < 1 ms response time.

2. I have not compile the solution just copy and paste on the iis and create virtual directory?

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IIS Configuration :: RDLC Report Not Working When Hosted On Server

May 7, 2015

i have created RDLC Report and tested on my system its working well but its not working when i am uploading these files on server i-e on my domain. My Code:-


<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewer1" runat="server" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" WaitMessageFont-Names="Verdana" WaitMessageFont-Size="14pt" Width="956px">
<LocalReport ReportPath="~/Admin_AR315_Report.rdlc">


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Configuration :: Website Rendered Differently On IE Only When Hosted On Server?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a strange problem that I am trying to find a solution to or even only know why does this happen. I built a website using ASP.NET, when I run the website locally it looks very normal (I am speaking Style and CSS wise) on all the browsers (including IE8). And when I deploy this website to the test server which has Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6, the applications looks normal too on all the browsers except IE8. I did not try other versions of IE but I have a requirement to have this website working on IE8. Some tweaking on the CSS solves some of the problems but I do not want to go through each and every tiny detail and rework my whole CSS. There are even some problem which cannot be resolved.I have no clue why is this happening. It should be something either with the OS or the application server because those are the only differences between my machine and the server. On my machine I have Windows 7 Enterprise and I was test the website on the ASP.NET development server.

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Not Working When Website Hosted In IIS Server

May 7, 2015

I am using most of the Ajax Control, but when I deployed it in IIS. It is not working.

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Dec 24, 2010

how to redirect multiple domain name on the one website that is hosted on IIS server???

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IIS Configuration :: JScript Serialize Returns Null When Website Hosted On Server?

Feb 25, 2016

when application runs on local machine, it returns data correct, but when website hosted on server then it cannot retunrs data in jscript serialize

JavaScriptSerializer jscript = new JavaScriptSerializer();
List<ListItem> items= new List<ListItem>();
return jscript.Serialize(items);
var jsdata = JSON.parse(items);

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Configuration :: Global.asax Email Not Working In Test Or Production But Works On Hosted Site

Apr 12, 2010

I have a hosted site and just added some additional error notification to my global.asax file and works like a charm. I decided to add the same logic to our test server and it doesnt work. The server.transfer never happens and the email never gets updated. Now i know the email works on the test and production server since we have other pages that use the same SMTP server name and setup as i have in the global file. Below is my code as it is in the file now. I setup a test page to cause an error and the page displays the detailed error which we dont want. But i would like to be notified if this happens. What am i missing? I can only assume that its a IIS confige issue, since the exact same code works on a hosted site, but not at work on our test or production servers. Here is the code i have in the global.asax


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Configuration :: Is A Content Delivery Network Worthwhile For A UK Hosted Website With Predominantly UK Based Traffic

Mar 15, 2011

Is it worth while considering a CDN for a UK hosted site with mostly UK traffic.

The server is in London, so I am not sure if it would be worth it as I guess any CDN server is just going to be in London as well?

Am I right in thinking that CDN is really only applicable for US websites (due to the geographical size of the country) and global sites?

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IIS Configuration :: Website Is Not Working On Network

Feb 19, 2013

i have deployed my new website in IIS when i tested in browser its working fine but its not working on network systems,i have my old website with port 3185 and new one is 3186 , the old one is working fine but the new web is not working

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Configuration :: Login Not Working After Publishing Website?

Aug 16, 2010

Login not working after publishing asp.net website

I am used default login control, form based authentication and default sqlmembership provider.but in local my site working fine,when i publish it locally in iis means,the login is not working , i don't know what is the reason?

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Configuration :: Website Stops Working After Few Requests

Jan 27, 2010

I developed and deployed a web application using ASP.NET,C# successfully. The application was running perfectly until few days back. [NOTE: It still works fine on local machine (tested using both development server and IIS)] What happens now is: The website opens perfectly. After few operations which involves database interactions, in all the pages, the pages stop responding. I mean, after a few clicks, if I try another operation the page starts postback for unlimited time period and never gets rendered
and a following message is given: The connection was reset: Firefox 3.5... IE cannot display the web page: IE 7, 8 There is no database connectivity issues. I checked event logs on the web server and found few unhandlled exceptions, I corrected those. Now the event log doesn't show any error. But the problem is same.

I tried accessing the page from web server's browser, everything works fine. Even my boss can browse all pages with no problem (both have Win Server installed). Other machines (mostly XP) can't browse after sometime(as described above). I checked the memory usage, cpu time - NO ISSUES.

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Configuration :: Published Web Application (website) Not Working

Jun 22, 2010

I have developed an webapplication with some jquery and ajax (client side validations), it works fine when run locally.

But when i publish it to the IIS, the client side execution is not taking place.

Do I need to tweak the IIS to make it work.

I am using VS2008 and .net framework 2.0 on a winxp machine.

I am trying to publish to the local IIS (5.0).

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Configuration :: COM Component Not Working In Published Website?

Sep 12, 2010

I`m using Microsoft office document imaging library (MODI) in my web application.

I`ve a page where a user uploads an image file and the server code converts this image into text form using MODI. Everything works fine when the website is running through visual studio but when i run it through local iis then i receive an exception.

my code is:


The code is perfectly fine because it works fine through visual studio otherwise when run through IIS i receive an exception at the last line written above saying.

Object isn`t initialized and can`t be used yet.

i didn`t catch the exception at last line because trying to figure out whats exactly wrong.

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Configuration :: IO Functionality Not Working On Published Website?

Mar 17, 2011

I am writing some IO functionality into my ASP.net page (C#). Basically what Im trying to do is, to get a list of file/folder names from a network share and display them on the webpage.

It works great in my DEV environment, on my machine, but it does not work on the published version on my IIS machine. I have not been able to get it to throw an error (I'll keep trying in the meantime). But, it would seem to me that it is some sort of permissions issue. I have given the ASPNET user admin access on the network machine, that the folder share is located. I have added NETWORK SERVICE (with FULL access) to the security rights of the shares Im trying to access.

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Configuration :: Deploying On Iis 7 And Windows Server 2008 But Website Not Working

Sep 10, 2010

I have developed a website using visual studio. Now i want to deploy the same on server having windows server 2008 o.s. and IIS 7. When i copy the website and paste it into wwwroot folder of iis its not working. What settings need to be done so that website can be accessed from iis.

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IIS Configuration :: Website Working Fine On Local But Does Not Work On Server

Jan 4, 2013

In my site on every load some session is made through url and single page(say xyz.aspx) is call every time and on the basis of url we create session. When i click on a href tag , page start reloading ,url we created is accurate but data doesn't change every time, means some time it show data on first click, but some time after 3 or 4 click.

I say problem is weird because when i run this on my local server there is no problem, when i run this on my project (visual studio) there is no problem , but when i up this project on my online server it show this kind of error but not every time .

I use data caching to fill dataset. There is no problem in this website since we created this (more than 1 year) and we don't made any change on this page but suddenly it starts showing this kind of error so what kind of error this is.

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Configuration :: Deploying Website That Uses Ajax Toolkit / Jquery Speech To Text Technology?

Aug 12, 2010

i have created a website in vs 2008. and i want to deploy that website on other system. i don't want to give all the source(just like .exe file not source).

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C# - Add User Page To Hosted Website?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a website that my company hosted using hubspot.. now the guy who made it is gone..

Currently all the code is in the front end which i think was made by using the CMS tool of hubspot.

What i need to do is add another page to this website which has my code and also has a backend code in it.

how do i proceed.. i am currently working with asp.net and C#...

which language i should chose to do the backend coding.. the code i plan to write is not that complex.. i just need to get a value for the user using a textbox, multiply with a number and display/email it back.

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.net - Protect Self-hosted Website / System?

Sep 2, 2010

I am currently creating a .NET based (website/system) solution for small IT companies and I am offering it in a self-hosted package, which means my clients are going to mainly install it on their own servers. How do I make sure my system is not being run except on one server per client and no body is illegally-copying it to other servers/machines?

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Way To Use The Configuration To Configure A Site Once It Is Hosted?

May 19, 2010

Is there a way to use the ASP.NET Configuration to configure a site once it is hosted? Or can I manually enter data into the tables it creates? Anybody have any useful links on this?

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How To Authorize Users On An WCF Service Hosted In A Website

Jan 29, 2010

I have a WCF service that runs in my web application that provides data to a Silverlight application and is defined as follows (with an appropriate .svc file)....

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class DispatchService [code]...

The idea is that the user logs into the website and is then authorised for all services. I do not want to have a login aspect to my Silverlight application to authenticate users.Therefore I dont want anyone to be able to call my service who is not authenticated.

Could I...Somehow determine this for each Operation Contract. I had a look inside the OperationContext object but couldnt find anthing that stood out as a way to determine who the user was.Somehow attribute the ServiceContract so that the method can only be used by authorised users?Put something in my web.config to stop unathorised users from being able to access the folder containing the services?

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