Installation :: Telerik, Web, Design, Dll / Installation Type Of Telerik Is "ZIP" And Not "exe"

May 24, 2010

I tried these solution in htis but not work.

Hint: Win7, vs2008.

The installation type of Telerik is "ZIP" and not "exe".

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Similar Messages:

Installation :: Vs2010 - Project Type Not Supported By This Installation

Apr 23, 2010

So bit the bullet and installed vs2010 finally. However, when loading an existing vs2008 project, I am getting this error: "The project type is not supported by this installation." the only thing special about this project is that it's a "web application projects" type. what I've tried so far are these steps, but none of these solve my problem:

(1) run "devenv /setup"
(2) regsvr32.exe "%ProgramFiles%Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDEProjectAggregator.dll"

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VS 2008 - Design Web Form In Telerik Control

Jul 23, 2012

How to design web form in telerik control ...using table row cell, etc etc ....

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Design Pattern(s) For A Webservice Enabled Telerik Treeview For Navigation Of A Document Site?

Oct 11, 2010

I am currently working on a document management system in ASP.NET 3.5 using the Telerik AJAX toolkit. It consists of masterpage with a title banner across the top and a RadTreeview down the left hand side for navigation through the site. The treeview uses a combination of static nodes and dynamic ones. The dynamic nodes are populated via a webservice. When a node is clicked the relevant page is navigated to, reloading the masterpage and displaying the content of the target page.

The problem comes from the fact the treeview's dynamic nodes are populated via a webservice and therefore as the user navigates through the tree to find a document the treeview behaves as you would expect. However, when you get to the bottom of a tree of dynamic nodes the navigation to the page of the navigateurl causes the relevant page to be loaded and then the treeview resets itself to a collapsed state. This means the user could be deep in a nest of documents but when they view one, the tree collapses and they have to start their navigation all over again. This limitation is not going to be acceptable from an ease of use perspective.

According to Telerik, this is the designed behaviour for performance reasons - the node only ever worries about populating the next set of nodes and therefore the treeviews state is not remembered in viewstate.

So, the meat of question is. Is the masterpage/async treeview navigation design pattern a valid one? Are there any other ways to have an ajax treeview on a masterpage, that remembers it's state when another page is navigated to? I have considered a siglepage/updatepanel/partial page rendering model but the opinions I've seen on the net infer that this is bad idea. It confuses users that expect back/forward browser behaviour to navigate through the site but in a single page world they would end up leaving the site.

I also thought that maybe using a single page container and an iframe may work but this seems to be moving away from the "standard" design pattern of using masterpages.

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Installation :: Account Is Not Present On Machine" Error On Sitecore Installation?

Nov 3, 2010

I am getting an error saying "ASPNET account is not present in this machine" when I try to install Sitecore on my machine after I installed visual studio 2008..

- My machine is running on windows XP sevice pack 3

- I installed Visual Studio 2008 and .NET framework version 3.5 SP1 on that machine

- I can see that ASPNET User group account Under Users and Groups and it doesn't have "Account is locked out" ticked under general tab

- Also I ran aspnet_regiis -i many times but didn't help; actually I red in one post that I should delete ASPNeT account first and run the script but still didn't help

- when I view http://localhost on IE I can view the ASP home page without any problem but Firefox asks me to enter user name and password.

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Installation :: AjaxControlToolkit In Visual Studio Installation Error?

Feb 14, 2011

Net Framework 2.0 Net Framework 3.5 and above, but not addobjects that I use when I use ajax added. Why can not I add the NetFramework 2.0.

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Installation :: Installation Time It Is Prompting For Set Service Login

Jun 1, 2010

I have created a MSI file for my windows service but at the time installtion it is prompting set Service login for login name, Password and confirm password. So I am not able to install that service.

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Installation :: SQL Server Express 2008 R2 Installation Failed

Jun 12, 2010

SQL Server Express 2008 R2 installation is failed...plese see the error log ...i gave the password "sa"..please guide me Overall summary Final result: SQL Server installation failed. To continue, investigate the reason for the failure, correct the problem, uninstall SQL Server, and then rerun SQL Server Setup. Exit message: The specified sa password does not meet strong password requirements. For more information about strong password requirements, see "Database Engine Configuration - Account Provisioning" in Setup Help or in SQL Server 2008 R2 Books Online.

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Installation :: SDK QuickStart Tutorials And IIS 7 / Getting Config_Detect: Installation (not Found)?

Mar 19, 2010

I changed my OS from Windows XP to Windows 7. I installed .net Framework SDK v2.0. Now i am trying to configure Quick Start Tutorial. When i run ConfigSamples.exe in the Log file following details available.

AM 6:57:22 19 March 2010: [Begin Samples Configuration]
AM 6:57:23 19 March 2010: [Info] ConfigSamplesDll_DoTasks: Starting
AM 6:57:23 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_NETSDK_Detect: .NET Framework SDK installation (detecting): SOFTWAREMicrosoft.NETFramework
AM 6:57:23 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_NETSDK_Detect: .NET Framework SDK installation (found): SOFTWAREMicrosoft.NETFramework
AM 6:57:23 19 March 2010: [Info] ConfigSamplesDll_DoTasksWithGUI: Starting
AM 6:59:51 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_ASPNET_Detect: ASP.NET installation (detecting): IIS://localhost/W3SVC
AM 6:59:51 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_ASPNET_Detect: ASP.NET installation (not found): [Info] Config_ASPNET_Detect: ASP.NET installation (not found)
AM 6:59:51 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_ASPNET_Detect: ASP.NET installation (not found): IIS://localhost/W3SVC
AM 6:59:51 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_SSE_DNLD_Detect: SQL Express service instance (detecting): MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
AM 6:59:52 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_SSE_DNLD_Detect: SQL Express service instance (found): MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
AM 6:59:52 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_SSE_INST_Detect: SQL Express service instance (detecting): MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
AM 6:59:53 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_SSE_INST_Detect: SQL Express service instance (found): MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS
AM 6:59:53 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_IIS_Detect: IIS (Internet Information Services) installation (detecting): IIS://localhost/w3svc/1/root,IIS://localhost/w3svc/AppPools
AM 6:59:53 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_IIS_Detect: IIS (Internet Information Services) installation (found): IIS://localhost/w3svc/1/root,IIS://localhost/w3svc/AppPools
AM 6:59:54 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_QUICKSTARTDB_Detect: Quickstart Database and User Registration (detecting)
AM 6:59:55 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_QUICKSTARTDB_Detect: Quickstart Database and User Registration (found)
AM 6:59:55 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_QUICKSTART_Detect: Quickstart Samples Previous Build (detecting): SOFTWAREMicrosoft.NETFrameworksdkQuickStartSetupRun
AM 6:59:55 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_QUICKSTART_Detect: Quickstart Samples Previous Build (not found)
AM 6:59:56 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_NETSDK_Detect: .NET Framework SDK installation (detecting): SOFTWAREMicrosoft.NETFramework
AM 6:59:56 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_NETSDK_Detect: .NET Framework SDK installation (found): SOFTWAREMicrosoft.NETFramework
AM 7:04:39 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_ASPNET_Install: ASP.NET QuickStart registration (installing)
AM 7:04:57 19 March 2010: [Pass] Enabling ASP.Net for QuickStart virtual directory. Command: C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727aspnet_regiis.exe -ir -enable.
AM 7:04:57 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_ASPNET_Detect: ASP.NET installation (detecting): IIS://localhost/W3SVC
AM 7:04:57 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_ASPNET_Detect: ASP.NET installation (not found): [Info] Config_ASPNET_Detect: ASP.NET installation (not found)
AM 7:04:57 19 March 2010: [Info] Config_ASPNET_Detect: ASP.NET installation (not found): IIS://localhost/W3SVC
AM 7:04:57 19 March 2010: [Fail] Config_ASPNET_Install: ASP.NET QuickStart registration (failed): ASP.NET QuickStart registration component could not be detected after installation
AM 7:04:57 19 March 2010: [Begin Samples Rollback]

Why am i getting Config_ASPNET_Detect: ASP.NET installation (not found)?

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Installation :: Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.BootStrapPackage?

Sep 20, 2010

having this problem of " Microsoft.Data.Entity.Design.BootStrapPackage" did not load correctly. I began to have this problem after uninstalling and re-installing my VS 2010 and because of this problem, i cannot get to work with ADO.NET Entity because the template is not even installed.

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Installation :: Installation Of 2010 Failed On Windows 7?

Feb 22, 2011

I've encountered a problem while installing Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7, I've tried to modify the privileges of the destination folders to no avail, I've also tried to delete everything related to it with a removal tool. The problem is that the installation is always unsuccessful at the same point, providing me a Blue Screen of Death (twice) and the following error message (infinite amount of occasions):


Does anybody know the cause of the error? Is there an easier and less time consuming solution than reinstalling the whole system?

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Installation :: Can't Load Any Page After Installation?

Jan 19, 2010

installed IIS on WinXP and created a virtual directory, placing all required files and setting access permissions for it, but I keep getting the error message:


It happens for every page I try to load, even the simplest "Hello world" ones. Could you give me some pointers on this one ?

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Error: The Project Type Is Not Supported By This Installation?

Mar 18, 2011

I am trying to open telerik Q1 MVC examples in Visual studio 2010 and I am getting an error

C:Program FilesTelerikExtensions for ASP.NET MVC Q1 2011SourceTelerik.Web.Mvc.ExamplesTelerik.Web.Mvc.Examples.csproj : error : The project file 'C:Program FilesTelerikExtensions for ASP.NET MVC Q1 2011SourceTelerik.Web.Mvc.ExamplesTelerik.Web.Mvc.Examples.csproj'
cannot be opened.

The project type is not supported by this installation.Do I need to change anything in my web.comfig file in order to make this run. Below I pasted my web.config file.


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Installation :: Vbproj Cannot Be Opened Because Its Project Type Is Not Supported

Feb 11, 2010

I am running MS Vista with the 3.5 Framework. I just loaded VS2008 Express and VB 2008 Express. I was able to create a ClassLibrary project (vbproj) in VB2008. However, when I try and open that in VS2008, I get an error : vbproj cannot be opened because its project type is not supported. The thing is that I cannot create any projects in VS2008 excecpt for Blank Solutions, because there are no templates available to choose from when I attempt a FileNewProject in VS 2008.

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Installation :: Sql Server 2008 Reporting Services What Type Of Restrictions Will There Be

Jan 15, 2010

Question on installing SQL Server 2008 reporting services.

I have Visual Studio 2008 express edition installed, with the corresponding SQL Server 2008 express edition installed. Is it practical to use SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services with the express edition, or is it just to restrictive with the express edition to be practical? Keep in mind I just need to use it with my local database connection. What type of restrictions will there be, i.e. what can I and what can't I do with express edition? What would be the more ideal setup and what would the costs generally look like?

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Installation :: Couldn't Load Type 'System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding'

Oct 21, 2010

I am running Windows Server 2008, ASP.NET 3.5, IIS7 i wonder if it's IIS7 problem, or .NET Framework or even security updates problem suddenly all websites do not work, and from event viewer there're two errors

Exception: System.TypeLoadException

Message: Could not load type 'System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding' from assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.

StackTrace: at System.Web.Hosting.IIS7WorkerRequest.Dispose()

at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.DisposeHandlerPrivate(HttpContext context)
at System.Web.HttpRuntime.FinishRequestNotification(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context, RequestNotificationStatus& status)
at System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context)
at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationHelper(IntPtr managedHttpContext, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)
at System.Web.Hosting.PipelineRuntime.ProcessRequestNotification(IntPtr managedHttpContext, IntPtr nativeRequestContext, IntPtr moduleData, Int32 flags)
Faulting application w3wp.exe, version 7.0.6002.18005, time stamp 0x49e023cf, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 6.0.6002.18005, time stamp 0x49e037dd

it's on SP2 already

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.net - Looking At JQuery UI, Telerik,?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm in the process of building a web cms platform. And I've come to a point where I have to choose what actually goes in the pages (I've been building the "core" for now). What do you think is the best option and could you give me your reasons for choosing that?

Currently I'm looking at jQuery UI, Telerik, and I'm also juggling with the idea of just building controls by myself, but I think that's too much of a hassle for little gain...

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Alternative To Telerik RadGrid?

Jan 14, 2011

Is anyone able to offer any decent alternatives to the telerik ASP.Net controls.

I'm in the market for a decent grid control with all singing all dancing extensions... bt I'm finding the telerik grid really hard work to deal with.

The telerik controls do look good, but after a day of hard work with them I'm just looking to see if there are any other 3rd party offerings?

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Telerik RadGrid - How To Add A New Row From Code Behind

Feb 5, 2010

What's the simplest way to add a new row to a Telerik RadGrid in ASP.NET from code behind?

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How To Get Telerik MVC Grid Data

Dec 15, 2010

How can i pass mvc telerik grid data to controller using Ajax call.I need to save the telerik MVC grid data in database.

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Authorization In Telerik's MVC Extensions

Apr 21, 2010

How's authorization supported in Telerik's MVC extensions? I am particularly interested in two cases:

grid row editing/deleting/inserting

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C# - Telerik Radeditor / How To Set The Value For The Skin

Nov 8, 2010

In the Telerik.Web.UI.xml file I found this entry

<member name="P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadDataBoundControl.Skin">
<summary>Gets or sets the skin name for the control user interface.</summary>
<value>A string containing the skin name for the control user interface. The default is string.Empty.</value>
If this property is not set, the control will render using the skin named "Default".
If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false, the control will not render skin.

that says RadControls are using skin named Default..Now what if I want it to be not default ..what if I want it to be some CustomSkin to be rendered and not default skin?? Where do I need to set the value for the skin I wanna use? I don't know much of asking

Whats this xml file for anyway? Only describing stuff? What IS the purpose of this xml file??


Tried setting Skin globally in webconfig.xml as mentioned in telerik's website as follows:-

<add key="Telerik.EnableEmbeddedSkins" value="true" />
<add key="Telerik.EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet" value="true" />
<add key="Telerik.RadEditor.Skin" value="CustomSkin" />

This is not making any diff! is using default file only.

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Use Both DevExpress And Telerik On The Same Webpage?

Oct 7, 2010

Will there be any problems if I use DevExpress controls and Telerik controls on the same web page. Imagine I am nesting them insider one another.

I am wondering if they would conflict each other during AJAX calls.

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C# - PostBackUrl In RadPanelBar Telerik?

Sep 7, 2010

how do i assign a postback url in my radpanel items in my master page

Eventually i have a MasterPage wherein i construct my radpanelbar.. and i have this Item Quiz with a child name Create

What i want to achieve is when i hit the button Create in my radpanelbar it will make a


how to do this and another question how do i manipulate the Create child in my RadPanelBar.. i have started this code shown below.. but i don't know what to do next to achieve my goal..

Protected Sub RadPanelBar1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RadPanelBarEventArgs)

Dim instance As RadPanelBar
instance.PostBackUrl = "CategoryCreate.aspx?Quiz=True"

'//// i don't know how to pass it to child in my radpanelbar

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C# - Telerik RadAjaxPanel Returns 404?

Oct 15, 2010

I'm trying to do a RadAjaxPanel ajaxRequest (invoked on the client) to call the server event-handler. I'm getting a 404. I do have a server-side AjaxRequest handler defined but it never gets call because of something with the request. What do I have to do to figure this out?

.NET 4.0, IIS 7.5, latest telerik.

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