Is .NET Hosting Expensive Than Php

Apr 4, 2011

I'm a C# programmer and I love the language. I think it's the best thing since sliced bread. Recently I have become real interested in creating a website that offers jobs and allows companies to post jobs for people to navigate through.

This is going to be a nationwide site only, no international connections.

I'm somewhat familiar with ASP.NET (I've used it before for a much smaller pet project) but I wouldn't say I'm more than a

Newb - Journeyman - Novice -
Experienced - Expert

I have absolutely zero experience hosting a website or even registering a domain. I'm familiar with HTML and making applications in XAML for WPF has given me a much easier time understand things that laid out in markup.

Is ASP.NET hosting expensive? Is PHP cheaper? Should I use ASP.NET or PHP?

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Project Name: MyWcfService
Resulting Visual Studio generates a sample project with implemented Web Service "Service1"
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Visual Studio -> right click Project -> Publish -> target location -> Create new web app named "MyWcfService" -> Publish
Just to be sure check my C:inetpubwwwroot folder - now it contains the "MyWcfService" subdirectory with all required files.
Open IE on my PC http://localhost/MyWcfService/Service1.svc

The result is:

HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found

The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If > the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map. I were trying to remove "identity" section from web.config - same problem. Switching off the firewall does not help either.

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(ii) Processor

(iii) Harddisk

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(v) Technical support

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Jun 7, 2010

i started creating my website a while back and created it on framework 3.5. But i found out that the hosting company supports version 2.0.

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