Is It Expensive To Do A WHOIS Lookup Using TcpClient.Connect() In C#?

Feb 23, 2010

A customer has asked that we do a dynamic whois lookup on the homepage of their ASP.NET site, based on the IP of the user accessing the site.The implementation would be something like what's described here:

However, I noticed that this code connects to I am thinking that this may not scale very well if we are initiating a connection to this remote server on every page load.For example, say 1000 different users hit the home page - this would cause a lot of connections to be initiated.

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Is .NET Hosting Expensive Than Php

Apr 4, 2011

I'm a C# programmer and I love the language. I think it's the best thing since sliced bread. Recently I have become real interested in creating a website that offers jobs and allows companies to post jobs for people to navigate through.

This is going to be a nationwide site only, no international connections.

I'm somewhat familiar with ASP.NET (I've used it before for a much smaller pet project) but I wouldn't say I'm more than a

Newb - Journeyman - Novice -
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I have absolutely zero experience hosting a website or even registering a domain. I'm familiar with HTML and making applications in XAML for WPF has given me a much easier time understand things that laid out in markup.

Is ASP.NET hosting expensive? Is PHP cheaper? Should I use ASP.NET or PHP?

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Configuration :: Connecting To Whois Server

Apr 28, 2010

I have written a method for getting information about the ip-addresses of visitors to my web site. The method is called from Page_Load. It connects to the Ripe whois database and gets information about the ip sent. Everything works perfectly when I try it locally using localhost, but as soon as I upload the code to my web host it stops working, and I get the following error message saying that it can't connect to Ripe. The code is exacly the same as I use locally. (The relevant code is included in the error message below). I tried to contact my web host to ask them, but they said it was beyond their expertise...

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

Source Error: [Code]....

Line 38: {Line 39: TcpClient objTCPC = new TcpClient();Line 40: objTCPC.Connect("", 43);Line 41: Line 42: string strDomain = ip + "

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.net - TcpClient Fails On Web Service Method?

Feb 15, 2011

i tried to use external assembly in my web service method (Web service is worked in LAN). This external assembly in their own internals use TcpClient to access to external IP address. But unfortunally. Creation of TcpClient fails.

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException was caught
Message=A socket operation has encountered a dead network

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C# - TCPClient Seems To Not Maintain A Keep-alive Connection?

Jul 5, 2010

I have the following code using the TcpClient

byte[] encbuff = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("username" + ":" + "password");
string follow = "track=soccer,twitter";
byte[] encode_follow = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(follow);


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Web Forms :: Connect To Rss On Original Site If Connect Successfully Use Rss ?

Apr 23, 2010

i want to conncet to rss orignal website if connect is successfully write the rss to xml file and read from orignal website ,else connect failed read xml file (last information in rss original website) and show it how can do it .

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How To Query A Url For Database Lookup

Nov 28, 2010

Using VB:

How can I query a url for database lookup? (I just need to code for the query I can handle the DB lookup)

for example my url would look like this:


I would want to query the url for the word football.

and one quick thought what if the url looked like this


How do I convert football-player to football player (without hyphen)then look that up as well.

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How To Lookup Table For Three Fields

Nov 22, 2010

I have Forms View.

I have three textboxes to lookup three different product codes from a product lookup table.

When you enter search criteria in a Textbox it would popup listbox control with Products and

when user selects the product it populates product-id back in to textbox.

I have lookup table and listbox working. However, My problem is I can't figure out how to pupulate TextBox2 if search Criteria was typed into TextBox2and to populate TextBox 3 if the search criteria was typed into textbox 3 etc.

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Enable Reverse DNS Lookup For IIS?

Feb 24, 2010

(Not sure if I'm creating this post in the right place. Feel free to move if needed.)

I'm trying to enable full DNS lookup including hostname. Having trouble. I've followed the instructions here

( with no luck. Request.ServerVariables("remote_host") still returns only an IP Address.


I've also tried using DNS.GetHostEntry(IPAddress) and the depricated DNS.GetHostByAddress(IPAddress). All I ever get back is the IP Address with no host name.

IIS 6.0, Windows Server 2007 Server Pack 2, .NET 2.0

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How To Add Code / To Use LtlBranch As My Lookup Variable?

May 19, 2010

I have a site which I need to modify and add phone numbers based on what branch is being displayed. I have NO clue what-so-ever on how to do this.I have a .aspx file which is using another file as its code behind. My first question is: If I want to add "if statements" into this code, do I add them in the .aspx file or the code behind (aspx.vb) file? Next question is: A statement like
"<asp:Literal runat="server" ID="ltlBranch" /> Employees"

is using ltlBranch to place the branch name in front of Employees. Can I use ltlBranch as my lookup variable? In other words, is this valid coding for asp?

If ltlBranch="MainStreet"
show the rest of my code[code]...

Should I be creating a sub-routine within the codebehind form and then calling that routine? I am clueless on how to go about this, and am just trying to get a starting point so I can look up more info on it.

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MVC :: How To Create A Lookup Windows To Select Value

Jan 24, 2010

I have a mvc app that needs to insert a new row and one of the fields is a forein key that connects to a clients database that has over 2000 customers, the problem is when i create a dropdownlist for this filed it is very dificult do find the customer in the dropdown, my intention is to create a button what opens a new browser window, displays all the customers and a filter option to find the correct customer and then a select button on the chield window that closes and updated the filed on the parent window.

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AJAX :: Modal Lookup With Gridview?

Jan 27, 2011

I am creating an application and requiring users to enter an Employee id number. I do not want them to freely enter the number so I have a text field with a Find button connected to a ModalPopup Extender.
The modal panel appears with fields for first and last name along with a Search button.

I want the users to be able to search for an employee and have the results returned in a gridview within the modalpopup. When the user clicks the select link in the gridview next to the employee that choose, the modalpopup should close and send that value back to the text field in the main form.

The problem I am having is when I click Search the gridview does not appear.

I can bind the gridview at the page load but then the grid appears with all the listings.


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C# - .NET Exception Handling Lookup From A Table?

Mar 25, 2011

My manager designed a table exactly like this

PK | ExceptionId
ExceptionCode varchar(100)
ExceptionDesc varchar(255)
ExceptionMSG varchar(255)

I'm using ASP.NET Webforms and using stored procedures/ADO.NET for DataAccess. Now he does not want me to hard code validation in stored procedures nor in the code behind, but to catch the constraint exception message and look up the same error message in the database and look for the message that we want to show. I wonder if his design will work or should I explain to him that something is wrong here.

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MVC :: Lookup Customer Information Based On ID?

Mar 2, 2011

This form has some information for making a reservation for a customer at a dining venue. If the customer is a "known" / "returning" customer id like to fill the form based on the customer ID. Some of the things on the form are ...

Input Button

Using MVC, What would be the best way to go about going back to the server to find the customers first / last name and posting it back to the values in the textboxes ? Ive been trying to work with AJAX & JQuery but i cant seem to update the values in the textbox using AJAX.

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DataSource Controls :: Using Lookup Value In Gridview?

Sep 15, 2010

I've been struggling all day trying to make this work, but I'm just not having any luck. I have 2 tables, 1 is a lookup table and the other is a user table. The lookup table stores the State values in text form, where the user table stores the ID of the State for the particular user. I'm trying to create a editable grid view that allows the user to update their State based on values in the lookup table. I've created an Edit Template with a drop down for the State field. When the user clicks on "Edit" in the GridView I need to be able to reference the SelectedValue of the State and write the index of the State to my user profile table. I'm using two different data sources for this since the GridView needs to display each record from the users table and the Edit Template needs to display only values from the Lookup table. I've included my code below.

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/JFCS.Master" CodeBehind="modifyFunder.aspx.cs" Inherits="jfcsGRAMS.modifyFunder" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="Main">
<div style="float:left;height:500px;width:100%">[code].....

View 4 Replies

C# - Postcode And Radius Lookup Recommendations?

Apr 16, 2010

I look after a number of divisional websites for a uk based membership organisation and what we want to do is provide, as well as other address functions, is a closest member lookup to a web user from the websites themselves.A few use cases that I want to fill:ase 1: The user puts in their post code and wants to see all the members in a 5/10/15/20/30/40 mile radius from themCase 2: The member puts in an area (city, county, etc.) and gets a list of members in that area.Essentially what I'm looking for is a programmable API which I can code against to do:post code lookup and returns addresses (after picking house number for example).
search post code + radius (5miles, 10miles etc) and get a set of applicable post codes to then join onto the membership records in the databaseAny recommendations? It can be a quarterly update install on the server, it can be a queryable web service.

View 4 Replies

Can Entity Framework Insert Into Lookup Table

Dec 20, 2010

I ahve two tables each with a primary key. There is a lookup table in between the two tables with relationships. Below is a simplified look at the table structure

Table 'Product'
Column ProductPK int (Primary Key)
Table 'County'
Column CountyID int (primary key)
Table Product_County_Lookup
Column ProductPK int (Joint Primary Key)
Column CountyID int (joint primary key)

I already have the ProductPK and CountyID. What is the correct LINQ statement to insert into Product_County_Lookup table ONLY?

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Web Forms :: LookUp Windows Returned Values

Oct 20, 2010

In a webform, I have a formview with respective InsertItemTemplate. I have 2 Look Up buttons, one for Student which opens Student LookUp, and one for Mentor which opens the Mentor Look Up.

First on the input screen sequence is allowing the user to choose Student first. User clicks the Student LookUp button, The StudentLookUp Window is shown, user selects a student, the selected student information is returned and displayed on the calling screen.

The user then clicks on the Mentor LookUp button. The Mentor LookUp window is shown. As this is happening, the values for the Student information, which I have populated upon selecting a student from the Student LookUp goes blank. Can anyone tell me why?


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DataSource Controls :: What Is Best Way To Lookup A Value Based On Two Other Values

May 15, 2010

I have a database table with three columns of interest

slottypekey (integer)

taskkey (integer)

permission (string)

Lets's say I have a stored procedure that gets this data and puts it into a dataset.

I would like to write a function that has input parameters of slottypekey and taskkey

and that returns the associated permission. What is the best way to do this?

View 4 Replies

Webform For A Simple Lookup Table Maintenance?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm looking for a simple webform for maintenance of a SQL Server which has only two columns: LookupID (int, not null) identity and LookupValue (nvarchar (50), not null).

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MVC :: Display Lookup Field Using EF Code First CTP5?

Mar 7, 2011

I am hoping that people are not going to think it is too simple to bother with, because I am beyond stressed here..

I am trying to display a grid of Articles and their types using:
EF Code First CTP 5

The grid needs to look something like this:

Roses Flower
Tables Furniture

what I need to change/add to the following


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Javascript Zip Code Lookup For City And State?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm trying to write a Javascript Zip Code lookup utility.

1) The User will select a State from a drop down.

2) The City Drown Down will then be populated based on the State selected

3) A textbox below is then populated with the corresponding Zip Code(s) based on Selected State and Zip Code on an ASP.NET page.

Problem: I get the error Request() is not defined which causes the application to hault when a State is selected.

What should I cahnge in the following code?

<script language="javascript">
var request = new Request();
var url = "";
function getZipCode()
request.GetNoCache(url + "getZipCode.aspx?City=" +document.getElementById("drpCity").options[document.getElementById("drpCity").selectedIndex].value+ "&State=" +document.getElementById("drpStateSearch").options[document.getElementById("drpStateSearch").selectedIndex].value,

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C# - Delegate Threading Overhead In Wepage Lookup?

Dec 1, 2010

I have a web app where a user will visit a page with a QueryString parameter passing the ID of the object I should retrieve.

What I then need to do is run a number of checks to ensure the user can access that data, and also find out if another user has a lock (recorded in the DB) on that object.

Currently these searches are all performed sequentially, however I'm thinking the best option might be to use delegates to be able to fire off the three or four searches required at once then use the results as they are returned.

My implementation for this would be using a delegate(s) and calling BeginInvoke, however I'm worried the overhead of threading this may lead to no speed increases.

My research has indicated it will use the ThreadPool, so there shouldn't be too much overhead, but I'd like to know if anyone has implemented this kind of solution to a similar scenario on a high traffic site and seen good resutls from it?

The reason I'm looking to do this is we are reengineering our application from the ground up, and need to make sure we are building something that will scale considerably.

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N Tier - How Should Lookup Values Be Represented In Business Objects

Mar 25, 2011

I'm currently writing an N-Tier architected ASP.NET system with a relatively normalised SQL database backend, but I'm struggling to get my head around how lookup values should be represented in my business objects (I don't get the priviledge of using EF or ORMs). My table (as an example) could be structured like this:


ID | Name | Favourite_Colour
01 | Peter | 01
02 | John | 03
03 | Mary | 05


ID | Colour | is_active
01 | Red | 1
02 | Green | 1
03 | Blue | 1
04 | Pink | 1
05 | Black | 1

Now initially, I had created my business object to look like this:


I'm 100% convinced that I'm (a) overthinking this, and (b) making it more complicated than it needs to be. So, is there a preferred way of doing this? Or is there an option that I've overlooked?

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State Management :: Putting Lookup Tables In Memory?

Sep 17, 2010

How is the best way of putting a lookup table in memory for use though my ASP.NET app? Should I do this in the Global.asax's Application_Start event and keep in Session?

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