Is It Possible To Use The For Loop Counter In VB To Change The Variables Being Referenced Each Time

Nov 25, 2010

We have a project that needs to gather survey data. On one particular page of the website, there are 21 questions each with a scale of 1-5 where the user selects one radio button for each question in the table.

The survey is being coded in VB.NET. The data submits to an SQL database. All the radio buttons are similarly named, so only the number changes for the question -- thinking this would make it easier on the back end coding. In the code behind I was hoping to do something to the effect:


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Use The Loop Counter In VB To Change The Variables Being Referenced Each Time?

Jan 11, 2010

We have a project that needs to gather survey data. On one particular page of the website, there are 21 questions each with a scale of 1-5 where the user selects one radio button for each question in the table.

The survey is being coded in VB.NET. The data submits to an SQL database. All the radio buttons are similarly named, so only the number changes for the question -- thinking this would make it easier on the back end coding. In the code behind I was hoping to do something to the effect:

For i = 1 To 21
If rbLWHFQ_Q(i)A1.Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LWHFQ_Q(i)", rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A1.Value)
ElseIf rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A2.Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LWHFQ_Q(i)", rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A2.Value)
ElseIf rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A3.Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LWHFQ_Q(i)", rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A3.Value)
ElseIf rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A4.Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LWHFQ_Q(i)", rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A4.Value)
ElseIf rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A5.Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LWHFQ_Q(i)", rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A5.Value)
ElseIf rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A6.Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LWHFQ_Q(i)", rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A6.Value)
ElseIf rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A7.Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LWHFQ_Q(i)", rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A7.Value)
ElseIf rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A8.Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LWHFQ_Q(i)", rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A8.Value)
ElseIf rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A9.Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LWHFQ_Q(i)", rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A9.Value)
ElseIf rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A10.Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LWHFQ_Q(i)", rbLWHFQ_Q(i)_A10.Value)
End If
Next i

My research tells me that it's not possible to do what I am wanting without some special coding. I've seen mention of arrays in relation to these types of questions elsewhere, but I'm not familiar enough with arrays to see how they would work in this case.

Am I just going to have to create 21 sets of If...Else statements? :(

Here's what the HTML looks like for a question, if that matters:

<tr class="statement220">
<th><label for="rbLWHFQ_Q1_A1">1. Causing swelling in your ankles or legs?</label></th>
<td title="0" >
<input id="rbLWHFQ_Q1_A1" name="rbLWHFQ_Q1" type="radio" value="0" runat="server" />
<td title="1" >
<input id="rbLWHFQ_Q1_A2" name="rbLWHFQ_Q1" type="radio" value="1" runat="server" />
<td title="2" >
<input id="rbLWHFQ_Q1_A3" name="rbLWHFQ_Q1" type="radio" value="2" runat="server" />
<td title="3" >
<input id="rbLWHFQ_Q1_A4" name="rbLWHFQ_Q1" type="radio" value="3" runat="server" />
<td title="4" >
<input id="rbLWHFQ_Q1_A5" name="rbLWHFQ_Q1" type="radio" value="4" runat="server" />
<td title="5" >
<input id="rbLWHFQ_Q1_A6" name="rbLWHFQ_Q1" type="radio" value="5" runat="server" />

As an aside, I know about RadioButtonLists, but in this case I'm needing to style the radio buttons in a special way and can't get it to work when ASP renders the list items.

Updated to show I used it in my code I'm not sure how StackOverflow works with regards to showing how something worked for you, but I just wanted to add this in case others come here looking for the answer. Basically, I used the code below:

Dim radioButtons()() As HtmlInputRadioButton = { _
New HtmlInputRadioButton() {rbLWHFQ_Q1_A1, rbLWHFQ_Q1_A2, rbLWHFQ_Q1_A3, rbLWHFQ_Q1_A4, rbLWHFQ_Q1_A5, rbLWHFQ_Q1_A6}, _
New HtmlInputRadioButton() {rbLWHFQ_Q2_A1, rbLWHFQ_Q2_A2, rbLWHFQ_Q2_A3, rbLWHFQ_Q2_A4, rbLWHFQ_Q2_A5, rbLWHFQ_Q2_A6}, _

I created an array with the radio button group names:

Dim radioButtonGroupNames() As String = { _
"@LWHFQ_Q1", _
"@LWHFQ_Q2", _

Then in my For...Loop I used:

For i = 0 To 20
If radioButtons(i)(0).Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(radioButtonGroupNames(i), radioButtons(i)(0).Value)
ElseIf radioButtons(i)(1).Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(radioButtonGroupNames(i), radioButtons(i)(1).Value)
ElseIf radioButtons(i)(2).Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(radioButtonGroupNames(i), radioButtons(i)(2).Value)
ElseIf radioButtons(i)(3).Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(radioButtonGroupNames(i), radioButtons(i)(3).Value)
ElseIf radioButtons(i)(4).Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(radioButtonGroupNames(i), radioButtons(i)(4).Value)
ElseIf radioButtons(i)(5).Checked Then
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(radioButtonGroupNames(i), radioButtons(i)(5).Value)
End If
Next i

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Can't Change Increment Variables Causes For Loop To Go Over Limit?

Nov 4, 2010

In my loop I am trying to remove items from a list that have a certain name. I can't do this with a for-each, so I tried a regular for-loop. It seems the for loop is not working as expected. It always goes over the limit. I had to put an if-then to break out of the loop (very ugly solution). I'm trying to find the correct way to accomplish this.

Dim canShowNextTable As Boolean = False
Dim allTablesInTab As List(Of Control) = ctrlFinder.GetTypeOfControls("Table", parentForm.Controls)
Dim totalTables As Integer = allTablesInTab.Count - 1
For i As Integer = 0 To totalTables


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Web Forms :: How To Get Array Elements By ForEach Loop With Counter

Apr 27, 2016

I want to get Array Elements by ForEach loop with Counter .. 

whislist = dsddsds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["wishtlist_clg"].ToString().Split(',');
int i = 0;
foreach (string id in whislist) {
if (i != 0) {
} else {
whislist =525,1315,1331;

TARSK is an hidden field....

I want if whitelist is not in blank then 1 not equal to 0 is True other false but yet false condition is fire....

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Loop Through All Protected Variables?

Oct 12, 2010

I have on top of my page something like...

Protected String1, String2, String3, String4 as String

Is there a way where I can loop through all of them? A way that I don't have to reference their name.

View 1 Replies - Implement A Counter In Label Which Decrements Every Time Page Is Loaded?

May 14, 2010

how to implement a counter in label which decrements every time page is loaded in It would be better if that counter value is accessed from and updated into database..

I've tried this on buttonclick but the value is reset automatically to intial value everytime as the button is insert and page is reloaded

Protected Sub InsertButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim entries As Label = FindControl("label1")
entries.Text = entries.Text - 1
End Sub

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Changing Increment Variables Causes For Loop To Go Over Limit?

Mar 8, 2011

In my loop I am trying to remove items from a list that have a certain name. I can't do this with a for-each, so I tried a regular for-loop. It seems the for loop is not working as expected. It always goes over the limit. I had to put an if-then to break out of the loop (very ugly solution). I'm trying to find the correct way to accomplish this.


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I want to data bind jQuery Counter just like we do to Ajax Counter. Also I would like to know that do we have events for jQuery counter just like we have a tick event in Ajax Counter?

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Architecture :: Loop Through Large Collection 100 Records At A Time?

Jan 21, 2011

I am building a small mass email application for my department. Which basically emails out a notice to a large list of email addresses. Because the company email server limits the amount of email addresses that can be contained in a single email I have to break the list apart into smaller 100 email groups.

I've create the query to pull all email addresses needed, stuffed them into a collection but I am not sure how to grab 100 emails at a time and send it off to another sub to perform the email send before grabbing the next 100.

This is what I have so far.


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Nested Loops - Moving To Next Record In While Loop At Any Time?

Mar 25, 2010

Not sure why this is messing with my brain so much today, but I have a SQLDataReader that loops through "Customer" records. In each loop there are MANY other conditions that need to be validated. When a condition fails I want it to move on to the next record in the reader. As you see from my code below, I have simply been exiting the for loop and then checking if I should run other loops all the way down. I want to simply move back to the top of the While Loop for another pass when something like this happens:


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About Session Variables Losing Its Values Before Time Out?

Jun 14, 2010

I've got some ASP pages where the session variable values get blown away BEFORE the session times out. I can't understand it. For example: if a user logs into my ASP app using his password which is stored in a session variable, it will be fully accessible for a few minutes and then all of a sudden.....Wham session variable with password value is gone. And the session timeout is far from expired. The session variable is not being touched in any way after it gets initialized with a value.

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Web Forms :: Passing Checkboxlist Variables And Returning One Row At A Time?

Sep 16, 2010

I am designing a page for my students to practice their Latin vocabulary. I am having two problems with the design: 1) working with checkboxes, and 2) display one returned row at a time. 1) First, students select from CheckListBox1 those parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) they want to review, and then they click Button1 ("Submit"), which fires off a SELECT statement against a table named CoreVocab in a SQLEXPRESS database. How do I pass each selected part of speech from CheckListBox1 as a variable into the WHERE statement when the user clicks Button1? Do I place this code in the Button1_Click on the .cs page?

2) the table returns the first row and Button1 changes to "Next," which the student then clicks to see the next Latin word. How do I get the Repeater table to show only one row at time until the Next button is clicked? And how do I get the same button to executed two functions (fire off the SELECT statement and then show the next row)? For what it's worth, I'm using the SqlDataReader command, since data will only be retrieved, not modified.

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How To Calculate Time As User Can Change Server Time

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to implement a license in which we will provide a license file which will be placed on the server root directory.This license file contain encrypted strings which have ServerName, Concurrent Sessions , Timeperiod.n this i have two issue.How could i calculate time as user can change server time.How could i maintain the concurrent login sessions [because i can't catch the event hen user close the browser].I will welcome any tehcnique otehr then javascript solution.[even polling] but i can't save session information in database

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Visual Studio :: Boolean Variables Set On A Web Control At Design Time?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm trying to extend a RequiredFieldValidator in an incredibly basic manner.All I want to do is add a property that is a boolean that can be set at design time through the Properties window of Visual Studio 2008.I can get the control to build and render at design time but as soon as I set the Boolean property the control breaks.There is no trouble at run-time with this control, only design time.Below is the code,the placement in VS and the error message:

1) The Code:


3) This is what the design surface shows after that change is made:

In case the image is missing or broken and to help the search engines, this is what it says:

"An unhandled exception has occurred. 'False' could not be set on property 'ShowValidatorSummaryLink'"

I'm sure I'm missing something or there is a serious bug here.I can't imagine that setting a simple property on the design surface would cause so much trouble.

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State Management :: Session Variables Become Null When System Time Changes?

Jun 15, 2010

I need to refresh my webpage in case of a change in the system time. However I see that my session variables are becoming null when the system time changes. So I cannot perform the refresh action since my webpage requests a login.I am not setting the Session variables to null explicitly anywhere in the code. I can't seem to figure out how they are becoming null.

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Web Forms :: Class Variables Which Initialize The First Time Execute Page Load?

Sep 23, 2010

I have some code I only want to execute the first time I display a form. With this in mind I created a class variable which I initialize the first time I execute page load.

public partial class CLVideoDefinition : System.Web.UI.Page
string videofile;
string first;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (first != "N")

I then select a value from a drop down list , but when it does the auto postback it executes page load but my class varaible has been reinitialized to null and will then execute the code I only want to execute on the first run. why my class variable has been reinitialized.

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AJAX :: Session Variables Disappear On TabPanel Change?

Jan 19, 2011

As described above my session variables seem to be disappearing when i change the ActiveTabIndex of my TabContainer.

I call the session variable twice. The first time populates a div in "divResults", and then i switch to that tab, its only after the switch when i try to return the session variable again that its gone.

Is this really the case? I have seen it eluded to somewhere, and there was meant to be a fix coming out (this was 2006 or something).

Is there anything i can do here? I cant find any other reason why they would be disappearing other than this!

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DataSource Controls :: Combining Date And Time From Separate Datetime Variables In Insert Sql?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying to combine a date and time from separate variables in my insert sql. pointers? I'm getting the following error

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.


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Collect 2 Variables From One Hyperlink, And Use Those Variables In The Page_load To Set As Session?

Aug 8, 2010

i am trying to collect 2 variables from one hyperlink, and use those variables in the page_load to set as session. but i don't know how to collect those 2 variables

such :

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="wsChangeColor('mainData', '#FF0000','#FFE4E1');return false;" title="Change color" id="red">1</a>

i would like to collect '#FF0000','#FFE4E1' or direct set '#FF0000','#FFE4E1' to string then send to pageload, how can i do this by only clicking on it ?

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Web Forms :: Storing Javascript Variables Into C# Variables

Jan 2, 2010

I have this code in javascript: var x = e.mapX; It gets the X-coordinate of a map. What I want to do is that I want to store this into a c# variable. I have a class named Test with an integer property X. I want to store var x into X. In the codebehind, I have this on the Page_Load: Test test = new Test(); Then I am trying this on the javascript code: var x = e.mapX;

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How To Change Server Time

Dec 20, 2010

I need to change server time from page. Is it possible?

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How To Change Page On Time

Mar 31, 2010

I have 5 pages and need to have the next page loaded after 20 seconds and so on, and rotate continuously.

Ideally I would like to have a sitemap xml and loop through to get the next page, but as I have so few pages (they show different dynamic data) i dont mind hardcoding the page names.

Where do i find a timer object?

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Delaring A String Thats Within A Loop Within Another Loop

Jan 14, 2010

Im stuck with declaring a string which is in a loop within another loop.

Dim CompanyDetails As String = ""
Dim CompanyRow As DataRow
For Each CompanyRow In newdt.Rows
CompanyDetails += CompanyRow(1) & " " & CompanyRow(0) & "<br/>"...

How can I get this to see the GetInfo as declared..... since its in a loop within a loop?

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SQL Server :: Time Change In Sql / Query?

Jul 19, 2010

i need change time in sql ... but i dont query.. please any one give me to change timing in sql...

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AJAX :: MaskEditExtender Change AM PM For Time

Nov 15, 2012

How to display datetimein text box in this format 27/12/2012 10.30 AM

When i am using masked edit extender and calender extender for this,

I cant changr AM/PM .

How to dispaly date time with AM/PM using masked edit extender and calender extender

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