JQuery AutoComplete Updating Multiple Fields.NET?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm trying to use the AutoComplete feature of JQuery to update multiple fields on an ASP.NET web page. The individual textbox is functioning perfectly, but I cannot figure out how to update multiple textboxes on the page once the user selects.

I've read many suggestions here that state I need to implement a result handler, but my intellisense is not showing that as an option, and IE I get a JS error saying that the object doesn't support this method.

I am linking to jquery-1.4.2.min.js and jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.min.js .Here's my code:

$(function () {


source: function (request, response) {[code].....

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AJAX :: Autocomplete Extender And Updating Multiple Textboxes With C#?

Mar 27, 2010

I have a form containing fields for a user to enter an address. The town/city field in the form uses an autocomplete extender to return a list of suggested towns/citys which are taken from an sql query in my webservice. The table in the sql db that contains the addresses also has a column containing partial postcodes for those places.

What I would like to be able to do is have it so that when the user selects a town/city from the autocomplete list or types a town/city in the textbox, it triggers another query to get the postcode from the db and updates the postcode textbox without a full postback.Is there an easy way to achieve this? I know there's the OnTextChanged event for a textbox but this is server side isn't it so would only trigger on postback? Could you have two auto complete extenders and two webmethods where the value from method one updates textbox one and method two gets the value from method one and updates textbox two?

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Autocomplete: Display Data Different From What Is Filled And Filling In Multiple Fields?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm using asp.NET MVC, and am looking at the JQuery autocomplete plugin for what I want to do. I need some extra functionality that I don't think it provides.

I have a page with two text fields, First and Last name. Ideally, when someone begins typing into either, I would like autocomplete to display both the first and last name of all matches. If one of these matches were selected, I would like only the appropriate (first/last) name to go into the current field, while the other field is also filled in with the appropriate name.

So the problems here are that A) I would like the suggestion text to be different from the value that would be filled into the current field, and B) I would like to update multiple fields from a single autocomplete. Does this make sense? It seems to be difficult to find information on this situation on the net.

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JQuery UI Autocomplete For Multiple Key/value Selections In .NET?

Jul 27, 2010

How do I handle selection of multiple items with autocomplete? The objects I return from my JSON web service contain an ID and a Label - the ID is the ID of the entity in the database, and the Label is some text to display for the user.

At the moment, when I select an item in the autocomplete dropdown, the value of the item's ID is stored in a hidden field, and the label is displayed. When I remove the label, I clear the ID of the hidden field - this is done by adding an anchor element to the DOM that handles this.

Now, I want to have multiple selections. I want to be able to enter some text, get an autocomplete dropdown, select an item and some other options, then be able to click an 'Add New' button or the likes to be able to select another instance.

For example, I'd type in a person's name and get an autocomplete selection. I'd select a person, and then enter their age, and click 'Add'. The person's id, name, and age will be stored somewhere so that I can retrieve it on the server side when I post back.

I'm not quite sure how to do it? I'm thinking of a hidden field - I assume that many hidden fields of the same name/id turn up on the server side as an array, which I can then use. But I haven't tried this yet in ASP.NET.

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Data Controls :: JQuery AutoComplete With Multiple Words Inside GridView Control

Feb 25, 2014

I found this usefull code in this website but i was wondering a way to select a multiple names in textbox inside GridView.  I have seen one exampe on this website but the example is not in GridView. Here is my code that works fine now but it does not let me select multiple names:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
function EndRequestHandler(sender, args) {


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C# - Creating A List Of Dataset Fields And Form Fields For Easy Updating?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a relatively complex dataset (numerous tables, some with multiple records) generated from reading in an XML file. I need to connect said dataset fields to an ASP form. At the moment I'm assigning them manually, like so in the pageload:

txt_first_init.Text = formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["first_init"].ToString();
txt_last_name.Text = formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["last_name"].ToString();
ddl_pregnancy_flag.SelectedValue = formData.ds.Tables["pPhrm"].Rows[0]["pregnancy_flag"].ToString();

And conversely when it's time to submit.

formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["first_init"] = txt_first_init.Text;
formData.ds.Tables["phrmHdrKey"].Rows[0]["last_name"] = txt_last_name.Text;
formData.ds.Tables["pPhrm"].Rows[0]["pregnancy_flag"] = ddl_pregnancy_flag.SelectedValue.ToString();

I did some looking into binding the textboxes (and dropdownlists, and checkboxes, and and and...) directly, but it seemed to be too many formats to use.

So this works fine, but as the number of fields increases, those load and unload lists are going to get unwieldy.

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Using JQuery AutoComplete Plugin - Submit On Autocomplete?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm using jQuery AutoComplete Plugin in ASP.Net as outlined in the article below, so that as a user types in a .Net textbox they get a list of options to choose them. This works fine, but what I need to do now is call a server side function when the user has finished typing or has choosen a value, rather than the user having to submit the value by pressing a button.

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Can Replace Broken Images With JQuery After User Enters Value In JQuery Autocomplete

Mar 9, 2011

On my page I have textbox in which user enters value. When 3 values are entered the autocomplete panel shows.In the panel the names and surnames of all available people are shown bassed on the value user enters. Bellow each name and surname is picture of each "candidate". However images are stored on another server (using https "protection") and some people don't have picture.

into <img> tags in Web Handler.

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JQuery :: Ashx Handler Using Jquery Autocomplete - Show Different Search Record

Sep 7, 2010

i have using jquery for autocompelete option and iam using ashx file, i have 2textbox, i need to show diffrent search record in the text box, iam using 2 ashx file to show the value using jquery, i want to user single ashx file instead of iam using 2 ashx handle filer can use switch case to handle this , i want to use 7textbox all textbox i need to do autosearch, how to handle this senario using jquery and ashx handler file

clsquery.updatetablestring = "select top 2 Cont_number from ASPrearrival_list where Cont_number";
clsquery.updatetablestring = "select top 2 custid,custname from ASCustomer where custname";
// this is my auto search iam using 2 handler file , i wants only one handler instead of 2handler
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.autocomplete.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
handler ashx file
<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" %>
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using ASbusinesslogic;
public class Handler : IHttpHandler {
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string firstname = context.Request.QueryString["q"];
string sql = clsquery.updatetablestring;
sql = clsquery.updatetablestring+" "+"Like"+" '"+ firstname +"%'";
//string sql = "select top 2 mlid,mloname from ASlinermaster where mloname like '" + firstname + "%'";
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"].ToString()))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection)) { connection.Open();
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
context.Response.Write(reader.GetString(1)+ "-"+ reader.GetValue(0) + Environment.NewLine);
public bool IsReusable {
get {
return false;
<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" %>
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using ASbusinesslogic;
public class Handler1 : IHttpHandler {
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string firstname = context.Request.QueryString["q"];
string sql = clsquery.updatetablestring + " " + "like '" + firstname + "%' ";
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"].ToString()))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection))
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
context.Response.Write(reader.GetString(0) + Environment.NewLine);
public bool IsReusable {
get {
return false;

View 7 Replies

JQuery :: Jquery Autocomplete Results Hides Behind Menu

Feb 26, 2011

I have this menu which has z-index of 600.I also use autocomplete, and I set the zIndex option to 700, I also tried setting the z-index in the css file, but no matter what i do, the ul list the autocomplete script generats always has z-index of 1.

this is what i see when i "inspect element" using chrome(the results ul):


no css alteration will help there, since its written into the style attribute of the ul element, and the zIndex option of autocomplete seems to do nothing also.for now, i can handle it by simply setting the z-index of the menu to 0, but thats a realy dirty workaround since i do want to control the z index of the autocomplete results ul.

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JQuery :: Pass Control's Value To JQuery Autocomplete?

Dec 31, 2010

On my page I have four controls:

How to pass control's value to jQuery autocomplete

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JQuery :: Using JQuery Autocomplete In ModalPopupExtender From AjaxControlToolkit?

Mar 4, 2011

I built a modal dialog using the ModalPopupExtender from the AjaxControlToolkit. In that dialog, I'm trying to use the jQuery Autocomplete feature on a textbox. The values for the autocompletion are fetched from a webservice.I can see that the webservice is returning a result set, and I can see that being picked up in the Autocomplete code. However, the list is not displayed to the user to pick from.I thought this might be a z-Index issue, so I specified 'z-index: 9999 !important;' in my stylesheet. But that doesn't make a difference.


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Forms Data Controls :: Updating Multiple Table / Multiple Row?

Feb 21, 2011

I've scenerio where i've two dropdownlist box (one dependent on other, displays handset brand name and on selection displays the respective model name), two combolistbox which is bounded to their respective datasource(Displays the fault and accessories).

Now i've to update the three tables booking(Handsetid, Brand,model), accessories(handsetId,AcesoriesID) and fault(handsetID,faultID). Ive to update multiple rows in Accessories and fault.

These controls are present in datagridview EditTemplate

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DataSource Controls :: Updating SQL Data Fields By Field Index?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a situation where I have a file with each Account Record contains Monthly Expense Total Fields and Monthly Budget Fields for 2009, 2008 and 2007. I'm working with 72 fields (36 Expense and 36 Budget).

Need to create New Year Proceure that will shift data from 2008 to 2007, 2009 to 2008 and move Zeros to 2009 for both Expenses and Budgets.

I can do this using Parameters and Update SQL but I am under the impression that I must specificaly name each field in defining Parameters and SQL Update Command.

Since all fields are sequential withing a record, is there a way that I can use a For/Next loop to index my way through the fields moving data from one year to another?

When using DataReader I'm able to use reader.item(index) to access data record fields.

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Security :: FormView In A LoginView On Updating Access To Form Fields?

Mar 21, 2010

We have a page that contains a loginView and in the LoggedinTemplate is a FormViewTemplate. The display part works fine.

Not all fields are databound due to special hadling needed on diaplay anu onUpdating. The display part works fine. However in the onUpDating procedure. I can't figure out HOW to gain Access to the field content in unBound FormView Fields. I need that to determine and set the output fields that need special handling.

I tried from the formView


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Forms Data Controls :: Updating Fields In A Passed Record From Grid?

Apr 17, 2010

I've got a gridview with three fields, the last of which is a template field with an imagebutton in.

The first field is a Date, and the second is a time field (it is however just varchar field as it may differ and will not be programmatically used).

I want the following to happen if I click on the imagebutton (reserve):

Four other fields must be inserted into the record.

Is the best way to launch a detailsview where the row.imagebutton@=ID and just edit the fields like that or should I pass the two fields (and RecordID) along with the query string to a new page where the passed information can be in invisble textbowes and just have the user enter (UPDATE) the four outstanding fields? I feel like doing it this way?

can read on 1. setting up the onrowcommand code for the templatefield 2.

This should be simple as it is only one table with records that has to be partially inserted by an admin person (2 Fields) and then completed by a web user (4 fields).

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JQUERY Autocomplete And .NET

Oct 27, 2010

JQUERY autocomplete and asp.NET

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AJAX :: Multiple Value Returns With Autocomplete?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm trying to use autocomplete with LDAP and return 2 values.

I'm typing in textbox Can and returns result as it should, but I would like to get one more value so it looks something like this

Typing in textbox Can and result

Cann (210)
Cannot (211)

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Autocomplete Jquery Plugin?

Mar 29, 2011

am using Autocomplete Jquery from the following URL:[URL]I am making my project in MVC 3.0 (Razor)
In this I am displaying list of names from the database and its running fine.Now I want to show this whole list in the div according to my project requirement.

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Jquery - Autocomplete Dropdown Using Mvc?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a dropdown in my CreateDocumentTemplate ciew <%=Html.DropDownList("Part", (SelectList)ViewData["Part"])%> which is populated from database. I want to this dropdown to be autocomplete. How can I acoomplish this?

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JQuery :: How To Use Autocomplete On Dropdownlist

Feb 17, 2011

in my webapplication, I'm using asp.net dropdownlists, that are filled with data (text & id) through ObjectDatasources.

I'd like to use the jquery autocomplete on the dropdownlists, but I fail to find any good example for it, unless examples that are using http handlers or webservices, which I'd like to avoid.

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C# - JQuery Autocomplete Turn Off?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a dropdownlist, filled with countries (from xml file).When you choose a country, you can use the autocomplete for a textbox.This autocomplete has postal codes from the choosen country.Now I want to set the autocomplete off right after the dropdownlist.change eventfor preventing that the autocomplete (filled with postal codes) for 1 country also work for another country. But how do you turn it off?Code:

//when changing country, other postcodes will load
$('[id$=landenDropDown]').change(function () {
//autocompletes removal


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AJAX :: Autocomplete Display Multiple Columns?

Aug 26, 2010

I have an autocomplete extender working great returning one column and I can also retrieve multiple columns just fine from my stored procedure, but here's what I really need to do:

1. Format the data in the autocomplete extender in the following format:

Location Number
City, State, Zip

2. When the user makes a selection I want only the Location Number to populate the textbox.

I've looked quite a bit on this site and others on how to do #2 and I can't seem to find exactly how this should be done. Is there some javascript that needs to be involved in order accomplish this?

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AJAX :: Autocomplete With Multiple Word Suggestions?

Aug 24, 2010

the process to get multiple word suggesions for a text box in asp.net using Ajax? Actually I got a solution for that, [URL] But it used Atlas. When I am running with this code in my application, it is conflicting with Script Manager that is already there in Masterpage. How can I overcome that problem. Is there any built-in solution in latest versions of Ajax?

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JQuery :: Use With Wcf Service For Textbox Autocomplete?

Feb 12, 2011

How can I use jquery with wcf service. The following is the method for my wcf service.


I want similar functionality of asp.net ajaxAutocompleteExtender using the jquery. How can I achieve this using jquery?

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