JQuery :: Retrieving Annotations Stored Into The Database?

Nov 30, 2010

Get function as on call of save function and delete function the annotation's entry would be updated in the database.But, The Get function is not drawing the marked annotations on the image.How it would work.?

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Web Forms :: Stored Procedure - Inserting And Retrieving Data From Database

Jul 4, 2012

I have used in line queries for inserting and retrieving data from database. How should i use stored proceduress

Insertion code

string strSQL1 = "select * from cust_details";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlConnection m_conn;
SqlDataAdapter m_dataAdapter;
m_conn = new SqlConnection(conn);

[Code] ....

Retrieval code

try {
SqlConnection conn3 = new SqlConnection(conn);
String q1;
//string ddl = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString();
q1 = "select * from Product where ID ='" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(q1, conn3);

[Code] .....

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JQuery Validation With Data Annotations In MVC2?

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to make some sense of this validation stuff in MVC2. I followed various walkthroughs, all them for betas/rcs... and I cant' get anythign to happen. Note: THIS JQUERY - NOT THE MS AJAX STUFF!I have referenced MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js which i got got the mvc2 futures lib.

My model is:


The form bit of my ViewPage<User>:


As far as I can see the only additional thing that is being rendered is this:


Which is interesting/annoying for a few reasons. Firstly all of my annotations appear to have been ignored.Secondly FormId isn't even marked as required, and as this rendered text was taken from a page loaded with a null Model (add mode) the FormId field isn't in the form. Finally, this doesn't even result in any actual validation occuring (on the client side). All the server side validation is working fine.See I am using PasswordFor instead of EditorFor. Because someone at MS testing dropped the ball there. Yes EditorFor renders a password field, but it behaves differently to PasswordFor.. the value of the Password field is sent to the client (set in the value
attribute of the field). Fail.

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SQL Server :: Retrieving Data From Stored Procedures?

Feb 2, 2011

I need to retrieve data from a stored procedure, but not from a reader. I need to insert and read to see if there is an error code returned so I can Display It


This inserts data into a stored procedure, since I have a promotion going on, I want to check to see if anyone has tried to create several accounts to try to be Customer #100 or so on, I have achieved this in the procedure, and set RETURN @ErrorCode = 1

Have I Set up the SqlParameter Correctly, or do I now have to declare a direction for each parameter?

I have had problems reading from Stored Procedures and Tutorials Seam Straightforward, but thay are about readers only not Input Output

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SQL Server :: Retrieving Two Output Parameters In A Stored Proc Called From C#?

Mar 29, 2011

I've modified an existing strored procedure. It originally had one ouput parameter in the stored proc and it was set up as follows in the c# code that called it:

cmd.Parameters.Add("@Var1Param", SqlDbType.BigInt);
if (Var1 == 0)
cmd.Parameters["@Var1"].Value = DBNull.Value;
cmd.Parameters["@Var"].Value = Var1;
cmd.Parameters["@Var1"].Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
// Get Var1
Var1= dataMorph.ToInt64(cmd.Parameters["@Var1"].Value.ToString());

Just to clarify, this parameter was declared as OUTPUT in the stored proc but as inputoutput in the C# code. This worked fine. I have added another parameter to the same stored procedure and I want to retrieve both from the C# code. The C# code now is as follows:.................................

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Retrieving Auto-incremented Column Value From MySQL Table WITHOUT Using Stored Procedure?

Jan 21, 2010

I a function that used a mySQL Data Adapter and inserts a new row.

I want the function to return the value of the auto-incremented column of the updated row.

Public Function addRow(ByVal colA as String, ByVal colB as String) As Integer
Dim dbConnection As New MySqlConnection("server=xxx; user id=xxx; password=xxx; database=xxx; pooling=false;")
Dim dbDataAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM table", dbConnection)


The "Return..." line doesn't work and don't know what the correct code would be.

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Web Forms :: Display Image Which Is Stored In Some Folder And Its Path Is Stored In Database Table?

Feb 13, 2013

i want to display image which is stored in some folder and its path is stored in database table. i used your link [URL] for the same but i am not storing any thing like data column in my table and have passed name column to Byte[]and so its giving datatype error there. what is the way to convert it to byte?

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Web Forms :: Display Image Which Is Stored In Some Folder And Its Path Is Stored In Database Table

Dec 27, 2011

i want to display image which is stored in some folder and its path is stored in database table. i used your link URL... for the same but i am not storing any thing like data column in my table and have passed name column to Byte[]and so its giving datatype error there.

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JQuery :: Retrieving Xml From Page Method

Feb 8, 2011

I use jquery to bind data from web method to jquery grid it does not retieve the data

datatype: "xml",

but it works fine when i am trying to use a static variable

var mystr ="<row><cell>abc</cell></row>"

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Retrieving Data From Database?

Apr 4, 2010

i've two tables trans-mstr having columns as acc_no_from,date,particular,wd_dt,amt,balance and third_party_transfer(table2) having columns as acc_no_frm,acc_no_to,date,amt.now i wnt to retreive date ,particular,wd_dt,acc_no_to,amt,balance where the acc_no_from in third_party_transfer is equal to the no.entered in the textbox of the webpage.i've used datagrid view to show all this.i'm using c# n sql server2005 in this i'm a beginer

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Access :: Retrieving A Value From Database?

Aug 20, 2010

I want to be able to take a select statement like: SELECT password FROM table WHERE user_name = @user_name and compare it with what was entered in a form text box. I have tried:

= TextBox1.Text

AccessDataSource1.Select() (not sure how this works or what to set it equal to)

I also tried to connect to the database with a basic ADO connection that I got off another forum, with no luck

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ADO.NET :: Retrieving Two Values From Database In Textbox And C#

Feb 24, 2011

I want to retrieve the values from two columns in a database, but I get an error. Here is my code:


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Retrieving Data From The Database .NET MVC + Oracle

Jul 27, 2010

I have two tables Users (Userid, Name, PhoneNumber) Applications (ApplicationsId,UserId, ApplicationName, ActiveDate)

Every user will have more than 1 application.

In Nhibernate using lazy loading I can get the users data along with all the applications for every user. So, I used to do something like user.applications[i].Applicationname to get all the applications.

But, Now how do i retrieve all the applications along with the users data using oracle commands. I know how to get one application using joins. But, how do i retrieve multiple applications and store it in a IList.

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Storing And Retrieving Images In The Database?

Jan 28, 2011

i am a beginer and i want to know how to store images in the database tables like pictures of the pizzas and when the user selects one of the pizza from the dropdownlist he sees the image of the selected pizza.

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SQL Server :: Retrieving File From Database?

Sep 9, 2010

i saved files into database. when i'm displaying i wrote code like this

Dim mySqlDataReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim mySqlCommand As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("pl_Resumes", mySqlConnection)
mySqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure


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Retrieving Image From Sql Database By Its Path?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a database where i have the physical path where image of a person is stored . now i want a code by which i can display the image of that person in a aspx window.

as i am new to asp.net & C# can somebody provide me the full code of aspx page and the C# code behind it?

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Web Forms :: Retrieving Information From Database?

Sep 29, 2010

I have an aspx form that is meant to add a new prescription for a doctor system. I've created the database and dataset needed, but the problem is that the doctorID and patientID has to be able to select from the database, not entered in as a plain text. The form look something like this (I did this in DetailsView in MS Visual Studio 2010):

DoctorID: [textbox]
PatientID: [textbox]
prescription details: [textbox]
Insert Cancel

as you can see, only the prescription details needed to be entered in and the doctorID and patientID needed to be selected from the database (in a dropdown list maybe) and it shouldnt allow any text to be entered in. I did the above tables using a DetailsView in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. However I can't seem to make the doctor and patient ID field be dropdown box which allow me to choose the current doctor and patient in the Doctor and Patient table in the databse. Can anyone tell me how to do it with Design View in Visual Studio?

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Web Forms :: Retrieving Data From A Database - Looking For Arguments?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a page which will retrieve data base on drop down lists and place the data onto a gridview. When the data was entered, each field was entered with multi-selected and delmited by a comma. In the database, some fields will have a string with multi information delmited by the comma, for example, Chicago, Atlanta, NYC will be recorded and place in the field in the database. I'm trying to search now but with a dropdown list with Chicago, Atlanta, and NYC being an individual record. If the person selects NYC, all of the records from NYC will appear even though Chicago and Atlanta are part of the string.

The following is the code for the current page:


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SQL Server :: Inserting Record To Database And Retrieving It's Key

Jul 16, 2010

I am wanting to insert a record into a table in SQL then retrieve its key at the same time, the key is a int that is automatically generated, I read something about the '@@Identity' function, is this what I need? How could I then bind this to a label in the ASP.net page?

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C# - Advanced Method For Retrieving Data From The Database?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm using update panel in the master page. Half of my web page will retreive the data from the database in dynamic. As, my update panel is in master page(with ajax loader), it is taking much time for every event. Is there any other advanced method to get the data from the database instead of using update panel.

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieving Images From Database?

May 1, 2010

iam using asp.net with c#

iam saving two images in database but while retreving only one image is displaying

can you correct my code


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Updating And Retrieving Values From The Database To The Textboxes?

Mar 31, 2010

I am trying to retrive values from the database and fill three text boxes and a drop down value, depending on a user email which the user enters in previous page, Now i have a database which stores these values and i want the user modified values to be stored in the database too.. please help me in retreving the values from the database and updating them back to the database

Name : Textbox1
Location: Textbox2
Gender : Dropdownlist1


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DataSource Controls :: Retrieving A Guid From The Database?

Jun 14, 2010

I am trying to retrieve a Guid from the database but my application just isnt having it. I have a field in the database called "LoginUserId" and it is of type "uniqueidentifier".In my User Model I have:


I keep getting the error: Specified cast is not valid.

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Access :: Retrieving Records In Faster Way From Database?

Apr 13, 2010

I have table in database in which near about 2 lac records are available.

I am using access as database.

How can i get the particular row or records from the database in a minimal time

I want data to be retrieved faster

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Documentation For Retrieving Localized Relational Data From Database

Apr 20, 2010

I have successfully used resources to translate my UI and I am now moving on to allowing the ability for the admin to translate database content.I'm looking for video tutorials / docs on database structure for localised info and how to retrieve localised data using stored procedures based on the selected culture.

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