JQuery :: Implement Validator Callout In MVC3?

Mar 12, 2011

I'm just getting started with MVC and wanted to see how I can implement something that resembles the ValidatorCallout in Ajax Control Toolkit. The unobstrusive validator is pretty good but in some cases I really like the call out approach -- seems to get user's attention a bit more aggressively. how to implement that in MVC3.

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AJAX :: Outline Doesn't Appear Around The Validator Callout Extender's Callout

Aug 24, 2010

For some reaon the black outline isn't appearing around my Validator Callout Extender's callout box. I don't have a css class set. It should display a yellow callout with a black outline. Like on the sample page:


It shows the yellow call out with the black outline around the pointed part but not the main box.

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Does A Custom Validator Have To Be Used With The Validator Callout Extender

Jul 6, 2010

I have a validator callout extender that works, it shows the callout box. But, it does a postback. It didn't do a post back the first time I clicked the button but it did for subsequent times. I read on the AJAX site that a custom validator must be used with this for it to work. I'm currently using this with a required field and regular expression validator. It works, the callout appears, but it doesn't work every time with out the post back.I posted this to see if there is a way to get this to work with a required field and regular expression validator, with out using a custom validator. I'm using the newest release of the toolkit, so I thought the documentation may be old, since the callout is appearing.

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AJAX :: Styling The Validator Callout

Jun 6, 2010

I've got the validator callout on my site and I've not been able to figure out how to style it. I don't want anything fancy- just want to change the background colour and text colour.

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AJAX :: Dynamically Adding Validator Callout Extender

Jan 24, 2010

dynamically adding validator callout extender

Button button = new Button();

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AJAX :: Validator Callout Issue In Listview Control?

Mar 10, 2010

Today i faced a new issue in Listview control the issue is i have insertitemtemplate in my listviewcontrol and i have a textbox control,Required FieldValidator and ValidatorCallout control in that template. The issue is the validation fires but validator callout dosent come next to the control its coming in the center of the Listview. so can any 1 please help me on that.I have a master page and the page is as a content page.

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AJAX :: Validator Callout Extender For Cascading Dropdownlist In Google Chrome?

Aug 24, 2010

I wan to do a required field validation for the cascading dropdownlist . When my page first load out the validator is fired first in the google chrome, the callout extender message is prompt out first in the Google Chrome. I have tested the code in IE and safari, this two browsers never prompt out the validator callout first when the page is loaded.

i wonder why the google chrome will prompt out the validator when i validate the cascading dropdownlist. I have did some research on it, but failed to get any solution.

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AJAX :: Incorrect Horizontal Validator Callout Position With Browser Window?

Mar 15, 2010

The Validator Callout Extender used to stretch the document wider if it was attached to the right side of an HTML element that was near the right edge of the document.At some point in the recent past, this behavior was modified to cause the popout to move to the left side of the html element, but the popout still points to its left.This behavior can be seen by going to the demo pages, narrowing the window to just beyond the page width, and then causing the second html input's validation to fail.I would like to know how to force the callout extender to the right-hand-side like it used to do, or have it automatically redraw itself as a left-hand popout if it jumps to the other side.

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Web Forms :: How To Implement Custom Validator For Date Field

Apr 23, 2010

n my Asp.net / C# page I have 1 drop down and 1 date field. Dropdown contains 2 items "Item1", "Item2" and "Item3" I want to implement following logicBy Default datefield will not visible Once user select "Item2" thne this field will be visibile and this field should be required and check for entered date should not be less than toays date. If select "Item1" or "Item3" thne this field should not be visible and there should be no validation on date field.

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MVC3 JQuery Validate Plugin Custom Error Placement?

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to handle errorPlacement JQuery Validate plugin in ASP.NET MVC 3 Project with Unobtrusive validation provided by Microsoft. I am never able to hit the errorPlacement function and I am not sure what am I doing wrong. I am providing the code for Model/View/Controller below. Please let me know what am I doing wrong? View

<%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Project.Models.SampleModel>" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>


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AJAX :: Implement JQuery SparkLines Chart Using JQuery And WebMethod

May 7, 2015

(function () {
var linechartResize;
linechartResize = function () {
$("#linechart-2").sparkline([160, 240, 250, 280, 300, 250, 230, 200, 280, 380, 400, 360, 300, 220, 200, 150, 100, 100, 180, 180, 200, 160, 220, 140], {
type: "line",
width: "100%",
height: "226",

[Code] ....

In the above javaScript function i am supplying numeric array . I want those values from C# method which gets the those values from database....

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JQuery Validation Plugin - Using Validator.addMethod In Loop?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a good number of regular expressions used for validation. Instead of manually typing in many addMethods for each regex, I tried using a loop. I have the below simulated struct to hold the regex name, RegExp object and validation message.

function RegExs(exprName, expr, exprVM) {
this.exprName = exprName;
this.expr = expr;
this.exprVM = exprVM;

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JQuery :: Highlight A Different Element Based On The Result Of A Validator?

Feb 4, 2011

Im trying to highlight a different element based on the result of a validator.

My form looks like this in structure:


When the validation control becomes invalid, I also want the label to change colour.

There are examples of code on the MS website - here is a javascript sample:


isValid always defaults to false and therefore always displays red.

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Sep 14, 2010

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Jquery - How To Implement JSONP In Web Application

Dec 20, 2010

How can I implement Jquery JSONP in my ASP.NET project. My application flow is described below:

1) I am opening a HTTP page, where I have got JQuery login dialog box, from which username and password is posted to my Login.aspx page, which has got one method "GetLoginDetails" which takes posted username and password and sends to a WEBSERVICE which checks the users name and password and return back with "success=true"

2) so in my response I get "success=true", I read that value from jquery and works according to responded text on my client side it display message "Logged in Successfully".

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Jun 24, 2010

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but i am not able to implement. i just copied and pasted the code in my aspx which has master page.

i am new to jquery.

So can somebody guide me what all i have to change in the code?

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Error Message Callout

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Where can I find a free software to display error message using a callout similar to the Ajax ValidatorCallout.

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Implement Jquery Plugin Add Method Validation

Mar 15, 2010

I have a problem to use jquery Plugin/Validation.I want to add a method and follow the documentation but I think I still missing some thing.First I add the method but I think I have a problem to implement it.

<script src="js/jquery-1.4.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script src="js/jquery.validate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


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Feb 7, 2014

I want to create a 5 star rating in which 5 stars will show. On mouse over, the color of star will change and it will show Bad, Average, Good, Very Good and Excellent. Near stars currently rated and number of raters will show. On mouse over, "currently rated" and "number of raters" will change into "Rate Now!". If you are rating first time then number of raters is increased by 1 and currently rated is calculated by Adding total ratings of raters divided by number of raters. After your rating the result is shown instantly. If you have already rated then in javascript the message will show that you have already rated this article. For checking that you have rated this article, there will be no login page. we can use cookies or other method to check that this user has alraedy rated this article or not. I want to create this 5 Star rating system using jQuery, ASP.Net, C# and SQL Server.How i will create this,

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