JQuery :: Use RemoveAttr("checked") Inside A Listview (Paging Is ON)

Nov 3, 2010

I have an ASP ListView control, one of the columns has a CheckBox Control. Allow user to check only one CheckBox at a time.

It works perfectly, unlil I have the Paging set to my listview.

The Allow user to check one Checkbox, across all the pages is not happening.

Below is my Jquery code


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C# - Count All Checked CheckBox In The ListView That Has Paging?

Feb 11, 2011

I'd like take both C# and VB.NET suggestion. I have a simple ListView with DataPager like the following:

<asp:ListView ID="lvStudent" runat="server">
<table id="TimeSheet" cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter">


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Web Forms :: Validate At Least One CheckBox Checked Inside ListView

Jan 3, 2014

having one listview in the listview first column is checkbox.on the out side of the listview there is dropdown list and button. i have to make functionality is on button click need to check atleast one checkbox has to selected if not then has to send alert for this. atleast select one checkbox from listview.

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Paging For Listview Inside A Gridview Not Working

Sep 24, 2010

I have a listview nested inside a gridview.

I'm trying to get paging working on the listview. I thought that it would display the paging controls, and just page through them normally.

It does display the controls, and limits the result set shown to the appropriate number of records (pageSize) but when I click on the paging controls the grid refreshes and nothing changes with the nested listview (it's still on the first page).

I've tried nesting the listview inside an updatepanel, but the behavior remains. The gridview itself is already in an updatepanel.

So this is the layout I've got:


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Web Forms :: At Least One Checked Validation For CheckBox Inside ListView Using Custom Validator

Jun 26, 2013

With respect to my previous questionListview Checkbox checked using jquery . The code works fine and it checks for any checkbox checked in listview and returns a alert msg but now it does not check for any required field validators in the page. I the checkbox is  checked it fires button click event. I need to check for validators also and after that only it must check for checkbox validation. The link for previous question is [URL] .....

I need to merge the code for required field validation check with checkbox check.

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Data Controls :: Highlight GridView Row When CheckBox Is Checked With Paging

Jun 16, 2015

I am new in Asp.Net Web development..........

I want to highlight the row when checkbox is checked in gridview with paging using javascript only. Without paging I am able to perform but with paging I am not able to solve this issue. 

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Forms Data Controls :: 3 Gridviews In Tabcontainer And Adding Checked Rows On Paging?

Mar 15, 2011

i need to show 3 gridviews in a tab container (ajax).. which should refresh at same time.. what is the optimal way to get data from database for that can some one show a solution for this .

i need to design an application in asp.net using gridview custom control. the gridview will show hundreds of records using paging with checkboxes in every row. if the user checks 3 rows in first page of gridview which is showing 9 rows, those 3 rows should appear on top in the next gridview page and the page should display only 6 new records. ie 6+3=9 similarly if user checks 2 more rows, the next page should show 3+2 rows(from first 2 pages) on top and only 4 new rows ( 3+2+4=9)software developer

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging, Keeping Checked Values Of Checkbox?

Mar 29, 2010

I got a list of customers That I'm gone show in the gridview. I have added a checkbox infront of every customer so i can select what customers gone be used and passed to the next method. With a little bit of strugle I almost got everything working now except for this thing with keeping the values of checked customers when I page to the next page (2,3,4,5 ect).

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Datbind A Listview Which Is Inside Another Listview InsertItemTemplate

Sep 30, 2010

I try to datbind a listview which is inside another listview InsertItemTemplate.


I'm binding the listivew in the parent listview onitemcreated events. I receive the error Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control.

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C# - Listview Checkbox Checked Row Item?

Jun 30, 2010

I want to reach checked rows item in ASP.Net Listview control.

For example:

if 3 Lines of Listview checked, I want to reach checked items value in listview.

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel And ListView Inside Another ListView - Work?

May 31, 2010

I have a ListView1 control that his <ItemTempleae> has a another ListView2. ListView2 is surrounded by <UpdatePanel> with trigger and also UpdateMode="Conditional". But, I don't know why ListView2 is not being update as it should, I need to refresh all the page to see the new data enter to ListView2 only. What is the problem? How can it be fixed? I think that the problem is something in the structure. There are about 10 ListView2 with updatepanel surronded them, so when I am looking to update a specific ListView2, it doesn't know which one to update because there are lots of them. What to do in order to solve that problem?

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Inside Listview?

Feb 17, 2011

How to handle the itemcommand event for the inner listview, here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Code For Persisting Checked Rows In Gridview And Showing On Next Page During Paging?

Mar 2, 2011

I want to create a gridview with checkboxes. (only vb.net)

1) persist checkbox rows in paging in vb.net not c#

2) add the checked rows to datatable datasource and show on next page in paging

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Forms Data Controls :: Populating DropDownList Inside A ListView Inside A FormView

Jan 16, 2010

I have the following (abbreviated) code:

<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="ItemID" DataSourceID="LinqDataSource1">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCategory" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Eval("Category") %>'
DataSource="<%# GetCategories() %>" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Value" />
<asp:ListView ID="lvParticipants" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval("Participants") %>' >
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCountry" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Eval("Country") %>'
DataSource="<%# GetCountries() %>" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Value" />

When the FormView is in Edit mode, ddlCategory is populated as expected by calling GetCategories(), which returns a List of categories. However, when the ListView is in Insert mode, ddlCountry is empty. I put a break point in GetCountries(), but it never gets called. If I change the name of the method, I get an error. So it recognizes the method at compile time, but does not call it at run time. I'm guessing this is an embedded binding issue of some kind, but I'm hoping someone can save me a lot of time by pointing out the solution.

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Forms Data Controls :: Locate Autocompleteextender Inside Of Listview Inside Of Tabcontainer

Jan 25, 2010

I am loading the autocomplete extender properly but I need the PK from the selectedValue. I have looked at other examples and they do NOT show how to drill into the tabcontainer, then drill into the listview, and then locate the extender value. Here is what I have so far. My "TABCONTAINER" value shows the extender correctly but I am unable to locate it.


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Data Controls :: Access CheckBox Inside ListView Inside CheckChanged Event?

Feb 16, 2014

I need the ability to check a box and then store or remove the text of the checkbox clicked to my sql server database.  see my code below that is written in vb.

 <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="SBN_Company_Cat_Types.aspx.vb" Inherits="ShopBuyName_Test_Site.SBN_Company_Cat_Types" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">


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Forms Data Controls :: Change Visibility Of Imagebutton To False Inside Listview Inside

Sep 18, 2010

I'm trying to change the visibility of a imagebutton to false, if the imagebutton.ImageUrl="". The problem is that the imagebutton is inside "ListView2", and "ListView2" is inside "ListView1". Who can I do this in vb code... or even a javascript.

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Forms Data Controls :: Showing Linq Result Values Inside Dropdownlist Inside Listview

Jun 22, 2010

I have a listview that is showing its result by using a linq query. The linq query goes like this.


* db.Varer: Varer is a table that contains basic product information like proudct name, product nr. etc. ** a.fk_kategori_id == CatParamId : I'm just saying limit the result according to the Category ID (a.fk_kategori_id). The category id is coming from a dropdownlist (CatParamID) *** Join: Besides the Varer (Product) table I also have another table, Sizes. This Sizes table contains 6 columns (ID_Sizes (int) primary key and the columns: OneSize, S, M, L, XL, XXL all are bit (true or false)). There is a relationship between Varer table and Sizes table. It says that I can only insert a value into the "fk_sizes_id - column" of varer table if that value already exists as primary key within the Sizes table. **** I'm starting by picking basic product values like productId, ProductName etc from the Varer (a) table ***** Then I'm picking the corresponding Sizes values (onesize, s, m, ...) from the Sizes table. Now within my ListView I'm showing the above result by using Eval, like this.


And this works perfectly, but now comes the thing that is causing me trouble. I have the below drop down list (still within the ListView ItemTemplate):


I want this drop down list to be populated with only those of the "linq query's Sizes table result" that are true. By "Sizes table result" I mean these


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Data Controls :: Delete CheckBox Checked Selected Items In ListView?

May 7, 2015

Here i want Do project with Angular js..

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Data Controls :: Delete CheckBox Checked Selected Items In ListView

Jul 25, 2013

How to delete the row if checkbox is checked using listview of asp.net with c# ....

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Create A Paging Feature Like SOF With ListView?

Feb 23, 2010

Every time you search for post on SOF, you can browse through the result with page-navigation feature. How do I create a Paging feature like SOF?

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Cancel Paging In ListView Using DataPager?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm using a datapager control on my listview to perform paging in it.

When paging through the table, I need to perform some validations. When these validations are not successfull, the paging should be cancelled.

I currently perform the validation in the PagePropertiesChanging event of the ListView, however, the arguments do not provide a Cancel property.

protected void MyListView_PagePropertiesChanging(object sender, PagePropertiesChangingEventArgs e)
if (!Validate())
{ // cancel the paging action}

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Paging Not Working With ListView And WebService Using Linq

Dec 20, 2010

I have a simple page that looks up contacts using a webservice with a single method written in Linq. On the page, I have both a gridview and a listview with a DataPager to compare the two. I can get paging working just fine with the gridview, but the Linq code has to return all of the data on each call and let the web page pick out only a page's worth... not the best solution. I have been told that a ListView will solve this problem, but all the examples I have been able to find have the Linq code on the web page instead of in a separate layer (e.g. a webservice). Ideally, I should be able to tell the web service to bring back a specific page worth of data (starting record number and number of rows), but how do I get the ListView (or the DataPager) to fire an event that asks for this data?

Here is the ASPX code:
<asp:ListView ID="listPersons" runat="server"> <LayoutTemplate>
<table> <thread> <tr> <th> Site ID </th> <th> PersonID </th>
<th> Person Name </th> </thead> <tbody>
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" /> </tbody> </table>
<asp:DataPager ID="Pager1" runat="server" PagedControlID="listPersons" PageSize="5" > <Fields>
<asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowFirstPageButton="true" ShowPreviousPageButton="true" ShowNextPageButton="false" ShowLastPageButton="false" /> <asp:NumericPagerField />
<asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowFirstPageButton="false" ShowPreviousPageButton="false" ShowNextPageButton="true" ShowLastPageButton="true" />
</Fields> </asp:DataPager> </LayoutTemplate> <ItemTemplate><tr> <td> <%# Eval("SiteID") %>
</td> <td> <%# Eval("PersonID") %> </td> <td> <%# Eval("PersonName") %> </td>
</tr> </ItemTemplate> <EmptyDataTemplate> No data found... </EmptyDataTemplate> </asp:ListView>

Here's the code behind:
private void DoList(string Match) {
ContactsService cs = new ContactsService();
listPersons.DataSource = cs.Find(Match, 100 ); listPersons.DataBind(); }
and the web serivice:
public List<Person>Find(string Match, int Count) { if (Count < 5) Count = 5;
using (DataLayer.ContactsDataContext context = new ContactsDataContext()) {
var Persons = from p in context.Persons where p.PersonName.Contains(Match)
orderby p.LastName, p.FirstName select new Person() {
SiteID = p.SiteID, PersonID = p.PersonID, PersonName = p.PersonName, };
return Persons.Take(Count).ToList(); } }

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.net - Listview Paging Without Havind All Records In Memory?

Nov 9, 2010

In my asp.net page I have a listview that has a datapager defined in the LayoutTemplate.The listview is databound to a list of records. I know the total number of records ... but I don't load them from the db. I want to tell the pager at first request the total number of records and let it generate the pages and navigation. When the user click a page from the datapager I want to load the records from the db and update the listview binding to display results from that page. Is this possible with the listview and datapager from asp.net?

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Data Controls :: Paging ListView With DataPager?

Nov 1, 2012

I was wondering if there were any decent tutorials on paging the records in a ListView using a DataPager (Pager Control). I can get it to work with Drag and Drop but I can't seem to find a decent tutorial on doing it programmatically.

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