JavaScript - GetElementById Not Finding Control Generated
Jan 4, 2011
I am simply trying to store a label in a variable in javascript but for some reason this isn't working with document.getElementById('control');. I know my javascript is linking to my html file fine because everything else works.
Here is my javascript code:
function performEvapCooledCircuit(txt)
var error = document.getElementById('lblError');
if (txt.value == null || isNaN(txt.value))
i am using the multiview control inside a page and i am trying to find a control using the javascript function document.getElementById. My Problem is that the function returns null cause it cannot find the control. When i open the code of the page from the browser the active view is not rendered so I think thats the reason why I am getting a null value from the function.
On the HTML code is rendered only the first view or the view that is activated on page load.
Is there any way to find a control inside the view using javascript? or I am doing something wrong?
I thought I heard we would be able to get the value of an asp:textbox by id with javascript in the .net 4 framework? was I mistaken? if not does anyone know the syntax?
I'm trying to get the Google map API to work with ASP.NET. I got it working on an HTML page but it does not work on a ASP.NET master page/content page. The problem seems to be getElementById not finding a div assigned to an ID.
I'm looking for an ASP.NET control that renders a tree structure, very much like the ASP.NET TreeView control, but filling the following requirements:
Dont uses tables for rendering tree structure. Markup Adhering to valid XHTML 1.0 Strict. Works with AND without javascript.
Also, if the control is licensed under a MIT och GPL licens that would be great, but commercial controls is also of interest.
Do anyone know of any such control? If not, well, then I'll simply have to write the control myself. More fun in my own opinion, but likely more time consuming.
In the Script documents that automatically generates how can I surround the whole generated scripts with try/catch statement to avoid 'Microsoft JScript Compilation error'
My issue is: i got a DevExpress control (ASPxGridView) that added and set-up in run time, since i activated the grouping functionality in the grid I still get JS error says ';' expected whenever i use (click) on one of grouping/sorting abilities, I activated script Debugging for IE, in the JS code turns out that there is no missing ';' and once i click ignore for the error msg that VS generates every thing works fine, and surly end-user can't see this msg so i figured out if i try/catch the script that may help avoid this error.
I have a control in a content page that I want to find the width and left attributes of the style. I am trying to find this from Javascript code that exists on the Master Page. How do I do that?
Then the following javascript will become generated (but below I have only copied the relevant part below) into the generated "mvcClientValidationMetadata": "Subject_validationMessage","ValidationRules":[{"ErrorMessage":"MyErrorMessage"
I know how it is possible to localize the messages in server validation, by adding your own localized message value to the ModelState, i.e. with the method 'ModelStateDictionary.AddModelError(key, "MyLocalizedMessage");' where the key can be retrieved as illustrated in the "GetErrors" method in the blog tutorial abot xVal [URL]
However, I have not figured out how to be able to customize the generated javascript, which I want to provide with the same localized validation messages as those that will become displayed when the server validation is executing (e.g. for clients that have disabled javascript).
Let me explain the case;On the page, i have a repeater which generates <tr>s and <td>s.On clientside, i have a js function which adds or deletes rows into that repeater-generated-table.The problem is, in this function, i dont only generate a simple row, a textbox (which i have to get its value on server side) is generated too. Is there any way to get value of client-generated controls ?
have several aspx pages and one site.master. I defined *.js file with any javascript functions. And now I want to find ID of FileUpload control on one of this subpage.
function CheckFile() { var filePath = document.getElementById('<%= this.fileUp.ClientID %>').value;
What is the best library/software to compress the dynamically generated javascript on server? I use javascriptzip to do so statically. Any solution for .Net platform? P.S. compression involves removing unnecessary spaces + language compression like changing new Object() into { }
I am working with a few .Net 4.0 webforms controls such as the Menu control and while I think it's great that I can now declare the way in which controls are rendered (i.e. as either tables or divs), I can't switch off the automagically-included javascript that manages the hover events for those controls, for example:new Sys.WebForms.Menu({ element: 'NavigationMenu', disappearAfter: 500, orientation: 'horizontal', tabIndex: 0, disabled: false }This appears at the bottom of every page that owns such a control.
I have a ListView (in an UpdatePanel) connected to a LinqDataSource. When the page loads and/or I navigate through Postback, the code snippet (below) will display the following output:
However, when I use a few DropDownLists (also in the UpdatePanel) to filter the results (reset the DataSource to a Linq query and call DataBind), the same Contact is displayed like this:
[email.gif] [email.gif]
If the parameter is a URL, the FormatEContact method will return:
So, after spending some quality time with Bing and Google, I've learned that the above js code is treated as just text and not evaluated. Therefore, the most often recommended solution is to eval() it. Unfortunately, I can't figure out exactly how, when or where to call eval().
What I'm trying to do is take an instance of a control, and figure out what the markup would look like based on the property values set in the code behind. We've built a web-based web form designer. At the end of the design process we save the markup. For simple controls with supported types, generating the markup was easy. For complex controls with nested properties or unsupported types, we're faced with creating a custom markup generator for each custom control. I was hoping to find info out there that would jump start this development effort.
In simple terms, I have this:
Dim Ctl as Control = CType(Asm.CreateInstance("MyNameSpace.MyControl"), Control) Ctl.Name = "Name of my control"
And I want to end up with this:
<cc1:MyControl ID="MyControl1" runat="server" Name="Name of my control" />
I created a HTMLExtension method for a DatePicker. I reference it from the view as follows (see bolded text for image location):
The HTMLExtension method:
Everything works when run on the development server but when run with IIS, the image is not found. Generally I would use "Url.Content" to fix these problems but I can't place that in the Javascript.
I have an application that makes a series of WCF calls that return JSON via JSONP. In turn javascript code will then bind that returned data to HTML controls.
When a bot / spider hits my application, no data would be indexed because javascript would not execute in the bot.
Ideally I'd like to not have to maintain two sets of data-binding code (one on the server side and one on the client side).
Essentially I need the resulting data to come downstream. I had were to.
1) link RSS/ATOM equivalent data 2) a backdoor HTML page 3) an HTML renderer that can execute an ASPX page server side ahead of time and then pass that off to the client
I have written an usercontrol with TinyMCE as a text editor for my web application.
This control is being used on webforms. When other control(s) perform a partial page refresh, the control no more remains a texteditor, is converted back to the same old textarea control. When updatepanel is not used, there is no problem.
Is this some kind of conflict between Microsoft Ajax and TinyMCE JavaScript or am I missing something ?
I created dynamically a table with 3 rows not by using table tag. I need to find these rows in scripting, in button click, if any of these rows is empty then need to generate an alert message like enter current row.
I have a nested table structure, a part of which is rendered by a ajax call that returns HTML from the server. The markup looks like this:
<tr> <td><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 1 --%> <%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 2 --%> </table> </td> </tr> </table> .. more html
In jquery, I need to insert this html for which i need an element to traverse to so that I can call the html() of that element. Unfortunately, if I use a div, for example:
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <div id="divAjax1"> <%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 1 --%> </div> <div id="divAjax2"> <%-- Content will be displayed from ajax call 2 --%> </div> </table>
the classes are setup such that the div or a span causes other issues.