LoggedinTemplate Not Displaying When Logged In?

Aug 3, 2010

The project is a default ASP.net Website built in vs 2010. I am new to asp.net and was just experimenting with the master page to only show a menu when logged in.

I have the following in the master page.


The AnonymousTemplate works fine. However when I log into my user the entire menu disappears. I have searched the web and the results were to look at my web config auth tag which looks like this.

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login.aspx" timeout="2880" />

What am I doing wrong?

PS. I have also tried to set the MENU IDS to the same name and that is not working either.

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I have a database called TASKMASTER which holds task related details of all employees and which has a primary key TASK-ID.I also have a table called called employeemaster which holds employee records and which contains username and password as well as the primary key employeeid.employee ID is a foreign key in taskmaster.

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//this is the label that shows the welcome text
{welcomeLbl.Text = "you are welcome, ";
//user.identity.name+"."; this is suppose to display the name of the current logged in user
welcomeLbl.Text += User.Identity.Name + ".";}

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My design time code is


and at code behind i tried this normally by string nm= LoginName1.Text ; LoginView1.Findcontrols("LoginName1"), using the LoginView1.Controls[0]. controls collection... (this get only controls from the anonymoustemplate)LoginView1_ViewChanged also doesent work because since the change in 2005 (or sth) logging in doesn't trigger this event (didn't try it, just read that it doesn't :)) but not able to access the value of loginname1.

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<asp:LoginView runat="server" ID="lvHeader">

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(b) Why does this same phenomenon affect the favicon as well; and,

(C) Why do some projects display the favicon fine when run under VS2010 WITHOUT the period being added?

I just do not understand what the period character in the url string is actually causing to happen and why it doesn't happen when it's missing.

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but it ALWAYS returns nothing ""

Is there some configuration in the ASP that I have to do first?

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Jan 2, 2011

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.ASPXAUTH which is a session cookie .ASPXANONYMOUS which expires in 3 months.

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I was trying to incorporate a functionality in my ASP.NET such that a DIV tag which contains the Profile Navigation Menu should only be visible if a person is logged in. I know the condition on how to if the person is logged in or not but wanted to know the method to toggle the div tag on/off based on person's logged in status.


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i need code for

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Feb 4, 2010

I have a controller that gets data based on current user that is logged in. And I would like to assign a local variable like this:


Somehow I cant get the value for current user logged in. How should I fix this? I need to use that "CustomerID" in lots of places in my controllerclass.

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C# - Check If User Is Logged In?

Dec 5, 2010

I am using Microsoft visual basic 2010 for a asp.net site using c#.

I am using the asp.net configuration for user registration. I have a comments form which I want to appear only if a user is logged in.

I now there is a toolbox helper thing called Login View which does exactly what I want but as soon as I put a form inside the code won't compile because it cannot find the textbox fields.

I have the following in NewsArticle.aspx:

<asp:LoginView ID="LoginView1" runat="server">
<div class="postcomment">[code]....

If I take the form out of asp:LoginView it works fine. Inside I get the following:

Error 2 The name 'txtTitle' does not exist in the current context NewsArticle.aspx.cs 59 53 Figmentville

Error 3 The name 'txtComment' does not exist in the current context NewsArticle.aspx.cs 59 68 Figmentville

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MVC :: Check If User Is Logged In?

Jun 2, 2010

I need to check if the user is logged in at any page, and if not, redirect to Account/LogOn.

An awful way to do it is by adding this code at the beginning of every method in the controllers:


But I hate repeating code so many times. Is there any way to make this check from a single place?

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Security :: Set A Visitor As Logged In?

Mar 27, 2011

I created my own register system with my own register form together with the asp.net login control

the user register and the data is sent to my custom table and I used a method that check if the user exists in my table and the asp.net login control display the correct result "if exists or not"

everything appears to work correctly but I cannot access pages that deny anonymous users with the configuration file.

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