Security :: Access Loginname From LoggedInTemplate At Code Behind?

Jul 15, 2010

i want to access loginname of login view control for some other reason also i tried something like this but not working

My design time code is


and at code behind i tried this normally by string nm= LoginName1.Text ; LoginView1.Findcontrols("LoginName1"), using the LoginView1.Controls[0]. controls collection... (this get only controls from the anonymoustemplate)LoginView1_ViewChanged also doesent work because since the change in 2005 (or sth) logging in doesn't trigger this event (didn't try it, just read that it doesn't :)) but not able to access the value of loginname1.

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Similar Messages:

Security :: Find Control LoggedInTemplate And AnonymousTemplate?

Dec 17, 2010

I have 2 conditions while user is logged in i want to show menu from this

<asp:LoginView runat="server" ID="lvHeader">

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Security :: Why The Message Typed Into LoggedInTemplate Of The LoginView Control Was Repeated Several Times

Apr 27, 2010

In my Membership.aspx, I added a LoginView control. Then on the LoggedInTemplate, I typed "You are Logged in. Welcome," and a LoginName control. After testing from ASP.NET Development server and IIS server, now my LoggedInTemplate showed "You are Logged in. Welcome," several times before displayed only one LoginName/UserName. Why? Something wrong when testing in the ASP.NET Development environment or IIS server configuration?

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Security :: How To Get Firstname With Loginname

Mar 5, 2011

Is it possible to obtain instead of username, domain name?

I have tbl_membership and tbl_domain

tbl_membership JOIN with tbl_domain.

How do I get a domain name in the table tbl_domain to "<asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" runat="server" />"?

Do I have to use the "where" Is it possible otherwise?

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Security :: How To Change LoginName As A Link

Jun 6, 2010

As the title says, how do I change my Login Name control into a link?

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Security :: Display/capture Loginname Value In Textbox?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a code here where the loginname will display the computer name.I have another textbox,where i want the same loginname value to be displayed in the textbox.Here's my code :


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Security :: LoginName Turns In To The Name Of My Server And Not The Name Of The Username?

Mar 3, 2010

why when i'm loging in the loginName turns in to the name of my server and not the name of the username ... ? give some tutorials or articles about loginview.

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Security :: UserName (LoginName) Control Gets Changed?

Dec 22, 2010

What will happen if we follow below steps?

1) Open Login.aspx from our web site

2) Copy the address bar

3) Login it with User and Password

4) Open another Tab or another IE window paste the copied address and hit 'enter'

5) Login with another User Name

Now login with atleast 3 to 4 Users.

All Users should see same form but different contents.

Now, if we press refresh button then contents will get change but check wheather the Logged In User name is chaning or not.

I worked on VS 2010 default site.master.

Here, I already applied above process and when I do this my UserName (LoginName) control gets changed.

I ask the question here : And still I am doing R & D on it.

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Security :: Logout Does Not Refresh LoginName And LoginStatus?

Oct 16, 2010

i have a masterpage containing this code :


when i am logged in, everything works fine : loginName shows the login name and loginstatus shows "Logout" hyperlink. And it shows this wherever i am in the website (subfolder or root).

But when i click on logout hyperlink, i go back to homepage and then loginName shows the login name of the member who just signed out and loginstatus still shows "logout" hyperlink. That s wrong.

When i go on a subfolder page, the loginName shows "You re a member ?" and loginStatus shows "Log in". That's the right behavior.

After trying lots of time to log in and log out and understand why it works this way, i realised that when i click on the logout button and then wait about 20 sec, the loginName and loginStatus show "You re a member ?" and "log in".

Maybe i get it wrong, but it seems like there is a parameter to set somewhere so that it wont wait 20sec to refresh this data.

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To Implement Code Access Security, And URL Based Security Using The Roles & Types?

Apr 24, 2010

[ASP.NET 3.5, FormsAuthentication, SQL Server]

In the Roles table there is Role, and RoleType.

I have 3different roles, 2 of which have sub-roles.




I need to implement Code Access Security, and URL based security using the roles & types...

For instance, the (Subscriber/Basic) would need to view a different set of pages, and have different access to things then a (Subscriber/Business).

I think I can handle the Code Access security with a custom attribute, but I am unsure to how enforce a User be apart of 2 roles in the URL Authorization.

I am currently using the web.config to deny/allow access to the directories/pages.




Is it possible to force the user to be apart of 2 roles with this technique?

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Security :: User Must Not Be Able To Do Multiple Logins From Diff M/c Using 1 Loginname

Jan 22, 2010

I am working on site which requires to control user from its misusing. Say a user is login from 1 m/c the other user should not be able to login from other m/c with the same account, but user must be able to do multiple login of same user from the same m/c.

First I was hoping using the IP address check I will be able to do that but due to proxy many user will have a same IP address.

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Security :: Use Membership Roles And Access In Code?

Jan 20, 2010

in my app i want to create two types of users. (1) 'staff' (2) 'admin'

i have a page called registration which basically creates a user. i used the configuration wizard to create roles and set access rights to certain pages and this works great.

however, if i was to deploy this app then users wouldnt have access to the wizard therefore not be able to create users with roles/access.

so how can i do this in code? can i create a drop down in the registration page with two values (staff and admin) which will represent roles and then another drop down with access rights? (allow/deny)

how can i now program these drop down and make it work like i would normally do using configuration wizard?

View 8 Replies

C# - Code Access Security Policy - Deploying A Third Party Dll To Bin?

Oct 15, 2010

I'm working on a SharePoint solution which makes use of a third party dll (Telerik for Asp.Net Ajax - Telerik.Web.UI.dll) for rich experience. Since Telerik dll is a common assembly i have to deploy it to the bin folder of the webapplication instead of GAC. So here comes the problem.

WSPBuilder automatically deploys the dll to gac if the dll presents in the GAC folder. To deploy the telerik dll in bin i created the folder 80in and copied the dll there. I tried to build the wsp again and then went through the manifest.xml created. Great. The deployment target for the dll changed to WebApplication and wspbuilder was smart to create the cas policy itself.

<PermissionSet class="NamedPermissionSet" version="1" Description="WSPBuilder generated

But Wspbuilder was not smart enough to put the four part name of SharePointPermission IPermission class. But i learnt that CAS actually requires the four part name. So i decided to make use of the -CustomCAS command line option of wspbuilder.exe to pass my custom cas policy file.

Here is my custom policy file -

<IPermission class="AspNetHostingPermission" version="1" Level="Minimal" />

<IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="Execute" />[code]....

After i deployed the wsp i verified

* the dlls going to bin

* the trust level changed to custom trust level

* custom policy file being added to config folder

But when i run the page i get the following error -

screen shot -

Error -Execution Permission Denied

I've checked my entire application for any assembly references of the dll. But i was not able to find one.

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Security :: Prevent To Access Aspx Code For End-users Or Customers?

May 3, 2010

suppose we've created a web app for our customers.

how to prevent to access web page code (aspx code or behind code) for our customers ?

how to implement security and licensing information for web apps ?

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Security :: Create / Manage Access Rules For Membership Roles Through Code?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm using vs 2005 and 2.0 to create my website. Recently, I thought about applying membership instead of my customized security system in order to achieve higher security level and performance. At first thing went well, since it was easy to create/manage users and Role names from behind code, but when I came upon the "Access Rules" I faced what you can call it an 'obstacle' at least from my opinion.

The thing is, I don't want to use Web Site Administration Tool to create and manage my access rules which I'm going to assign to each of my dynamically created Roles. What I want to be able to do is make a page where the Admin can create/manage his desired Role(s) and also, create/manage the Access Rules, then add such Access Rules to the previously created Role(s).

Now, what I need to know first is... is it even possible to do such thing in the first place? Because the way i understand it is, since the access rules are stored in the web.config of each folder/directory that you apply them on then it shouldn't be allowed to modify it from the running/published website.

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LoggedinTemplate Not Displaying When Logged In?

Aug 3, 2010

The project is a default Website built in vs 2010. I am new to and was just experimenting with the master page to only show a menu when logged in.

I have the following in the master page.


The AnonymousTemplate works fine. However when I log into my user the entire menu disappears. I have searched the web and the results were to look at my web config auth tag which looks like this.

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login.aspx" timeout="2880" />

What am I doing wrong?

PS. I have also tried to set the MENU IDS to the same name and that is not working either.

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Security :: Creating Virtual Directory Through Code Showing An Error As Access Denied?

May 11, 2010

I am creating virtual directory from my C# code when i execute this code working every finely.

But problem is when i publish this code and access through iis it is showing an error as access denied .

i tried to give permissions to the folder in c:\inetpub\wwwrootfoldername Network service and users provided permissions of full control But still showing an error of Access Denied(mine is iis 5.0 in xp)

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Access :: How To Convert The C# Code To Access Sql To C# Code To Access Microsoft Access

Aug 12, 2010

I have a code to link to sql can anyone give me the same code for microsoft access....

int videoID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("server=WEBDESIGN-PC;database=Credentials;uid=sa;pwd=Azeem;");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM videopath WHERE videoID=" + videoID, conn);
SqlDataReader dtr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
FlashVideo1.VideoURL = Convert.ToString(dtr["Filepath"]);
Label1.Text = Convert.ToString(dtr["Filename"]);
catch (Exception ex)
Label1.Text = Convert.ToString(ex);

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Access :: Using The Code To Insert Data Into An Access Database?

Mar 23, 2010

I am using the following code to insert data into an Access Database. Also this is the sqlcommand.

UPDATE TASKS Set Notes="bunch of html code" WHERE APPLICATION="SomeApp"

However I get an error. How can I input data regardless of what is in the command area?

'Dim ConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|AddCol.mdb"

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Web Forms :: Support Legacy Code Without Access To Compiled Code Behind?

Mar 25, 2011

I have been asked to support a legacy app and I can't get access to the code behind files. I need to add a new feature that gets a list of items from the database on page_load, what way would adding an "in-page" page_load affect the compiled page_load?

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Security :: Dotnetzip < Access To The Path Is Access Denied

Oct 5, 2010

I trying dotnetzip on localhost everything works fine.but on a real dotnet hosting it raises error :

Access to the path 'C:inetpubvhostslahblah.comsubdomains
aporhttpdocsDotNetZip-luqevaxu.tmp' is denied.
using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(Server.MapPath("~")+"/"))

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Storing The LoginName In A Variable

Aug 13, 2010

I have a LoginName1, LoginView and Login Status on my Master Page. Whenever a user logs himself in, the LoginName1 displays (as for example):

Welcome omarakhtar

Now the only thing I want is how to store this omarakhtar into some variable? Kindly, let me know.

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Loginname Replica In The Textbox?

Feb 10, 2010

I have successfully implemented the LOGIN Control and it's working.Now in the default.aspx page I have added a Login Name control in this username is appearing.

But I want this name also should appear in the textbox1 And In textbox2 I want to display the CID of the user

For e.g: cid username password

22 test pass

After login in the application using user name and password in the default.aspx page i have added textbox2 in this value should appear 22(cid of test).

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Access Client Side Code From Code Behind?

Dec 10, 2010

Access client side code from code behind. Is there a way to do this? How can i do this?

I have an object embedded on my web form. I need to access this object and change its properties at runtime.
How can i do this?

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Security :: 4 Security Via Windows Authentication - Restrict Access To Safe / UCantSeeMe.aspx

Aug 18, 2010

I'm writing a simple Intranet application using windows authentication. I want to restrict access to Safe/UCantSeeMe.aspx. I am aware of the AuthorizeAttribute, but this only works on methods. I also found a good post on doing this with the MVC pattern, but I'm not using MVC. This can be done with roles in forms based security. I read on MSDN that using windows based security means roles are based on groups, but it doesn't go into any detail. how can I restrict access to Safe/UCantSeeMe.aspx?

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