MSDeploy And "site Under Maintenance" Page / Finding Alternatives

Jan 26, 2011

I am new to MSDeploy as well as IIS admin.

In order to show a "site under maintenance" page we are looking at two alternatives.

1) Have an app_Offline.htm page and sync it to the server when maintenance starts.

2) Create a separate folder with a totally different site (which can show a lot more dynamic information than what we can with the app_offline page). During maintenance, it is being that we change the virtual folder mapping of the site to point to this other folder while we work on updating the site.

Is there a way to change the virtual folder to point to another folder using MSDeploy? Is there any other way to do this via a script rather than having to go to each server and manually change the folder ?

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So for so good, but in many situations it doesn't work:

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/T:Package /P:Configuration=Release

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-dest:contentPath="My Production Website",

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1. Where the Web Site "Start Options" are stored ?

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MVC :: Are There Any Validation Alternatives

Aug 4, 2010

Im looking for some input on a validation problem i have. My demands for validation are:

1. Able to do database checks

2. Error messages are custom and imported from other localized source as stringvariables(NOT resource files).

3. DRY serverside and clientside validation.

As far as ive seen data annotations dont work well under these cirumstances, custom attributes are needed just to be able to output the strings(wonder why this wasnt thought of). This isnt a dealbreaker but as ive tested sofar custom attributes must be added in the global.asax wich i 1. cannot get to work in the CMS im building this on and 2. i dont want to have to edit the global.asax everytime the scripts are implemented. Serverside this solution works fine though. From what ive read IDataErrorInfo should not be used? So havent really checked how to get this rolling with client-side either.

My thought was using custom service layer validation with xval but documentation is very poor to the extent i could find any(couldnt find any real nfo on how to implement xval with your own code, ie not using the autgened client-side metadata wich leads to the annotation problem described above). So i have a hard time finding any working solution other than to build something 100% custom.

Do anyone have a solution or perhaps some information or can steer me in any direction on the best way to getting this done in a good fashion other than building custom?

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.NET Alternatives To UDP Multicast?

Jan 8, 2010

I am looking for an alternative to using UDP multicast on the .NET Framework and am looking for suggestions.I need to send messages to several web servers running quite a few ASP.NET applications. These messages would be one-way only, coming from several different machines. UDP multicast would be perfect except that I can't use it due to it requiring administrative rights. See for details as to why.Is there something else that would work in a similar manner, allowing multiple applications to receive broadcast-type messages?

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