MSSQL Server 2005 And ViewState?

Nov 2, 2010

Hows does one move viewstate to the MSSQL 2005 server? 2.0 Ajax project.

Can it be only done for a single aspx page or a group of pages, of does it have to be the whole application?

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Access :: Error In Loading Record From .xls From Server To Mssql 2005?

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protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string FileName = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName;
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The Files is not supported.You can only upload .xls Files format."; //} } //check if Files to be uploaded is with the extenstion name
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name              address                                          

rafi             frankstreet , chennai

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name              address                                          

rafi             frankstreet chennai

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<pre lang="msil">protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string FileName = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName;
string saveDir = @"";
string appPath = Request.ApplicationPath;


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Validation of viewstate MAC failed

I am not getting where this problem arise and what to do to solve.

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I am getting the following error when doing a search on my master page:-


Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
Basically if I load the site from my development PC it works okay but if I go to a web page on my site and then try it I get this error. If I go to a page that does not get a rewrite it also works.

Here is my search button code:-

Protected Sub butSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles butSearch.Click
If txtSearch.Text <> "" Then
Session("SearchFor") = txtSearch.Text
End If
End Sub

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Too many backup devices specified for backup or restore; only 64 are allowed.
RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

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This may not the best place for this question, but I'm going to give it a shot. I have a large (3GB) file that contains maybe 100 fields, CSV. ALL FIELDS are surrounded by double quotes, a standard CSV file. So, it looks like this:

"12345678", "SMITH", "JOHN", "GARLAND, TEXAS", "75043","","","","37" (and so on)

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function write_it(mystr)
&nbsp;if not isnull(mystr) then


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Oct 9, 2010

Now here is the weird thing. First i am running it locally on the built in vs2008 web server.I load my control in fine, do a postback from a linkbutton, locally on my machine it all works fine, no issue.However when it goes onto my host, it falls over with the message:

Failed to load viewstate. The control tree into which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree that was used to save viewstate during the previous request.Now i also load controls dynamically and use postbacks and things in the admin area of the site...and that works fine, however my front end just keeps failing? See the code behing below:


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when the page is not Posted back, I saved all values in the viewstate.

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State Management :: ViewState - Does The Master Page Have Its Viewstate

Apr 30, 2010

I have been getting this error a lot lately with some of my users, and I had a couple of concerns with view state and I have read so many articles but I am still lost..

1. I use masterpage on all the pages and I need viewstate for some of the pages but..

There is a page where a user will fill out the information and then submit this data to a cgi server, and it is where I get most of the Client Disconnected errors, what would happen if I disable viewstate when they click on that button?

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Does the master page have its own viewstate? Would I be able to make sure none of items on my master page are using the viewstate?

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C# - Page With ViewState Disabled Still Be Validating A Viewstate Field?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a shopping cart page (Cart.aspx) that has a button that will (sometimes) post to a third party payment gateway, if payment is necessary. The payment gateway will process the payment and then do a silent post to my website (Order.aspx) so I can update the order status.

Order.aspx always throws an invalid viewstate error, even though viewstate is disabled on the page.

What's happening is that Cart.aspx (which has viewstate enabled) posts to the payment gateway, and the gateway will post it back as part of the silent post. Even though Order.aspx has viewstate disabled and validation disabled, it still tries to validate the __viewstate field it's being given.

I know setting EnableViewState=false will disable the rendering of the __viewstate field, but if another page provides the field, shouldn't it still skip validation? I tried calling ViewState.Clear() on the Page_Init event of Order.aspx, but ViewState is apparently empty. how to get around this? I don't want to disable ViewState on Cart.aspx (in some cases it may be necessary), but I can't figure out how to clear it on Order.aspx.

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SQL Server :: Making Selections On Installation Of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Onto Laptop?

Mar 20, 2011

I need help making selections on my installation of SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition onto my Laptop (the only computer in my house). I need to develop a couple of different databases and use them from my Visual Studio applications. Then I will upload the SQL databases and the Web Applications to GoDaddy for deployment to general public.My question is that installation is asking me questions I honestly don't know how to answer because I am using a different SQL this time around after reformatting my hard drive"
1. Do I use Default or Named Instance?2. Do I use the Built-In System account or a Domain User account?3. If answer 2 is Domain User then I am in trouble because I don't think I have a Domain, and I don't know what one is. Where would I find the user name, the password, and the domain?

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