MVC :: Creating A Web Application In IIS6 For Web App?

Mar 2, 2011

What are the steps for creating an MVC3 application on a remote server running IIS6?

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Deploy .net 4.0 Web Application On IIS6?

Jun 28, 2010

I've recently upgraded VS 2008 to VS 2010. On our server we have IIS6 installed and we can not change that in near future. Even though we will develop new applications to be deployed on IIS7 but if situation demands we may need to develop an application using .net 4.0 and to be deployed on IIS6, then in this case I wanted to know whether IIS6 supports .net 4.0 application or not?

If I can deploy, then do I need to take care of any configuration or any other setting I should change before deploying it?

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Use The <%: Tag On An Application That Will Be Hosted On IIS6?

Jun 9, 2010

Can I use the <%: tag on an application that will be hosted on IIS6? What about on an application targeted for .NET 3.5?

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Php - How To Add New Application Mapping In IIS6 And IIS 7 Programmatically Using WMI And C#

Feb 16, 2010

add php Extension to IIS6 and IIS 7 via Code in C# using WMi (System.Management). I cant use DirectoryEntry.

I am stuck with adding a new ScriptMap Object to IIS 6/IIS7.

I have read some posts at here and there and heard that adding new WMi object from Scratch is difficult.

I want to enable IIS 6/IIS7 to handle php as well as aspx files and be able to process them. I have extracted php zip archive to a directory on my system (not installed it). The propblem is i am able to modify existing ScriptMap objects but i dont get to understand the add a new ScriptMap Objects.

Also i am not sure whether adding the a new extensiuon handler to ScriptMap will solve the problem or not.

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Unable To Access HttpHandler Of An IIS6 Application?

Mar 25, 2011

I have created a handler in IIS7 on a Sample Web site and it works fine .That is i go to the InetMgr Open the Handler Mappings section create a new handler etc. It works fine .

Now i want the create the same handler on an web application which runs on an IIS6 and am unable access my handler . I have tried adding this under the httpHandlers section

<add verb="*" path="SampleHandler.discb"
type="Sample.Web.SampleHandler, Sample.Web" />

Im working on an IIS6 Asp.Net web application but on development server i have IIS7 installed. Nothing works . Am i missing out anything ?

Well this is the message i get when i open the Handler Mappings section

The applicattion is in an application pool that is running in classic mode , so you can manage ISAPI extensions and native modules that are mapped to paths . you must manage managed handlers (system.web/httpHandlers) directly in the configuration file.

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Change Application If Web Server Update From IIS6 To IIS7?

Mar 2, 2010

What need to change in application if web server update from IIS6 to IIS7?

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Iis6 - Application Lifecycle - How To Check Configuration Properties Exist

Feb 22, 2011

I've written a singleton class that exposes the web.config properties in a nice get property kind of way.

I want a Load method to parse the data in the config and set the public properties, and I want to throw exceptions (so they are logged in the EventLog) when a configuration key is missing or can't be parsed.

I tried placing the Load() code in Application_Start of the global.asax but then remembered this will only be run once, or until the application restarts.

Where is the best place to put code that you need to run 'everytime' your site is started/run by the user? I basically want the website to stop functioning if certain config properties cannot be loaded.

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Security :: Forms Authentication And IIS6 Default Application Mapping?

Apr 1, 2010

We're developping an application that uses forms authentication and URL rewriting ( In order to make extension-less URL rewriting possible we had to add a default application mapping for the aspnet_isapi.dll.

The problem we're experiencing now is that when the website is accessed by then the aspnet_isapi.dll gets the request and forms authentication forwards it to our login site, so the user gets redirected to instead of having default.aspx displayed (which is allowed to anyone).

Here's the part of web.config dealing with forms auth:

<deny users="?"/>
<allow users="*" />
<authentication mode="Forms" >
<forms slidingExpiration="true" cookieless="UseCookies" defaultUrl="default.aspx" loginUrl="default.aspx" name="gzfb_site_test" timeout="525600"></forms>
<location path="default.aspx">
<allow users="*"/>

I did quite some research on this problem but didn't find any solution. Is this scenario possible at all, or does default application mapping and forms auth using <deny users="?"/> interfere by design?

P.S. the problems only manifest when running on IIS 6, the Development Server handles it without any problems

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Configuration :: IIS6 Virtual Directory And Separate Application Pool?

Feb 17, 2011

Our website has all of the publicly accessible pages at the root and private pages (login required) in a folder below the root (call it "private").Private pages are accessed as want to run the pages in the private folder in a separate application pool without changing the URL for private users.I tried making the private folder a virtual directory but then the pages in the private folder did not render(I think because it did not find a web.config in the private folder).Is the answer to simply put a copy of the web.config that resides at the root in the private folder or is that problematic?

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Iis6 - Application With Windows Authentication And Custom Membership Provider Advice

Feb 15, 2011

I've been asked to upgrade a few applications and I'm planning on merging all of them into one application. I'm fine with this decision and have spoken with fellow workers and they also think it's the best option to go with.

The application will be accessed from a small group of users which belong to a larger domain. I'm currently planning on using Windows authentication and only allow this small set of users to access the application. Also there must be some role management, so that only certain users can view certain functionality.

I really don't want to have many different windows groups; so I want to avoid having to assign different windows groups to different folders and control permissions in the web.config.

What I'd like to do is:

- Assign one windows group to the small group of users who will access the page.

- Create a custom membership provider and control the user who accesses the application. Depending on the user I will then assign his current set of roles.

- Add an application setting to the web.config, with the name of the current administrator, so if he logs in, he will be assigned all roles, and will be able to create and assign roles to other users.

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Visual Studio :: 2010 Deploy MVC 2.0 Web Application To A Windows 2003 Server With IIS6

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to deploy my MVC 2.0 web application to a Windows 2003 server with IIS6, and can't find the means to do it. I read about clicking Build/Deploy, but I don't have this showing on my menu, and I have the professional version.

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C# - After Deploying 4 Web Application To IIS6 Server Worker Process Recycles Cause It To Stop Working Most Of The Time?

Jul 8, 2010

This is a really odd situation, so hopefully I can explain it well enough.

I am deploying an ASP.NET 4 webforms application to a Windows Server 2003 SP2 server running IIS6.

Here's the problem -- when the application pool recycles its worker process (w3wp.exe), about 80% of the time, I will get an ReflectionTypeLoadException error trying to access any page in the app that contains an EntityDataSoure every time I try to view it.

However (this is the interesting part) -- the other 20%, it works just fine. I've actually resorted to turning off recycling the worker process entirely for this application pool and just add/remove whitespace from web.config forcing the site to recompile until I get a "good" w3wp.exe.

If this isn't clear, what I'm saying is: the actual worker process doesn't work at all for pages containing an EntityDataSource for about 4/5 times it starts, but still manages to serve all other pages just fine. Once you get a worker process that manages to serve a page with an EntityDataSource, it works every time until that process gets recycled.

My question is, how can I debug this? It works fine on my dev machine, it works fine on the server as long as you get a good process running, but iisreset or a server restart or anything that kills the worker process is almost guaranteed to cause the site to not come back up and throw this ReflectionTypeLoadException.


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Drawback To Creating A Separate IIS Application Pool For Each Website / Application?

Jan 5, 2010

Currently, on our production IIS web farm, we host about 15 applications in a single App Pool (Default App Pool). There are two websites and about 13 virtual directories.A colleague has recommended that we change our IIS configuration so each application is a separate App Pool (with identical settings).

Is there any drawback or potential issues to doing this?Is it possible that ASP.NET applications could have been built with the requirements that they are all within the same App Pool?

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MVC :: Creating Wcf Service To An Application?

Sep 13, 2010

I wounder if there are some differencences when creating a wcf serivce to a MVC webbapplication.

how to create such a serivce for a MVC application. and returns a json object.

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Web Forms :: Creating FAQ Application In .net?

Sep 15, 2010

creating FAQ application in (there is some Question list and Multiple choice answers (select next ,perv) ) like online tests application ....

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Creating Menu In VB.Net Web Application?

Oct 6, 2010

I want to create menus like the ones in fireworks. How do i go about it in Tried migrating menu created in fireworks to; did not work. I am using VS 2008 version.

My appliction looks too academic. What can I do to make my web appl. more appealing. All the stuff I saw in macromedia fireworks are very interesting, how can I access such in VB.Net. I love coding with (Visual Basic precisely) but I am not getting my webpage to look like those I see on the net everyday.

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Creating RSS Feeds For Web Application?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a proble in my web application i need to create a page for RSS feeds. i am unable convert datatable data to axm and RSS FEEDs. actually i don't have a idea how to create RSS FEEDs .

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Creating A Web Service Application In .NET 4.0?

Mar 24, 2011

I am trying to create a web service application that will need to use .net 4.0 for my datamodeling and other things. I noticed in VS2010 when I select New | Project the "ASP web service app" option is available if .net 3.5 is selected in the combo box but if I change that to .net 4.0 the option goes away.

After researching the only thing I found was a message where someone suggested to use the WCF web service option. I have never dealt with WCF before so I have no idea what path that will lead me down.

Here is my concern... we have existing web services developed in .net 3.5 that are already in use and we have windows based client applications that are developed in Delphi (version 7.0 to be specific) that already talk to these web services with no problems and no special coding required. Delphi can simply import the WSDL which generates an interface unit that gets compiled in and away we go. This new service app I need to create must also be accessed via the same Delphi apps.

The current asp web service apps generate 4 files when "published": web.config, .asmx file and in a in folder there is a .pdb and .dll file.

Can anyone tell me if support for this type of web service app is still available via .net 4.0 and if so how do I create the project or is that something that has been discontinued and thus no longer possible?

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MVC :: Creating Two Similar Application?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm building an mvc application and the customer asked to build a similar application that have almost the same controllers and views

of course I don't want to copy the same files to make new project , so How can I create the second project without using (Copy & Paste ) on code

of course it goes without saying that I have DAL and BLL so I'm not asking about those two layers , My question regarding the mvc interface layer only

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Security :: Creating User In Another Application?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm working on an application, where several products has their own website/application, while everything is stored in one SQL 2008 database.

When someone wants to buy a product (software licenses) they fill out a form and their info is transmitted to another site where all administration and payment is handled.

When the customer has payed with Paypal and is returned to the payment page, their info is saved to database, and a user account is created.

In order to create the user for the correct application, I use the following code to change the application name, create the user there, and change back.


This goes partly fine. The user is created in the aspnet_Users (in the wanted application) and assigned a role correctlu. When trying to approve the user, however, an error is thrown:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

The user is never created in the aspnet_Membership table.

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Creating Menus Dynamically In Web Application?

Sep 2, 2010

Im creating a web application in visual studio 2008.. in my application, i have manually created a menu control.. since, the menus changes by needs, i wish to load it dynamically from sql table..simple application which loads a menu control dynamically and i can develop mine using those concepts.

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Difference Between Creating Web Application And Website?

Feb 6, 2011

Why does an assembly get created when I am building a web site? I mean a web site and not a web application.

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C# - Creating 3D Visual In Memory Using WPF In Web Application

Jan 12, 2011

Bit of a weird title, but here's the deal. For a web site I'm working on, we have the need to generate quasi-3D images on the fly. Basically, it's for an art site, and we have the need to show a 3D representation of a Canvas given a 2D image (jpg). (See here for some context.) The approach we're taking is to leverage the WPF 3D API and create a Viewport3D in code, add a bunch of points to it with the correct dimensions, and then apply the textures from the original jpg appropriately. While testing it, I was testing it the whole time in a sandbox environment, and in the built in Cassini web server in Visual Studio. While trying to migrate it over to the actual code repository and testing it there, it stopped working. The image that's pumped out is the correct size, but is completely blank. It's totally black. After hours of banging my head against the wall, I figured out that it's an IIS issue. I created a simple sample app to demonstrate the issue (doesn't add images though it just paints all sides green), however since most of the code is largely irrelevant to the question, I won't put it here, rather I'll post a link to it:


If you do download it and want to run it, in the code behind of Default.aspx you'll see this:

protected void buttonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
var path = @"C: estoutputoutput.png";

Feel free to change that path to whatever, and make sure that the correct permissions are in place as it'll try to save a file there. If you try that sample in Visual Studio with Cassini, it'll work fine, and you should have a new file called "output.png" which has a green 3D cube. If you try it in IIS, you'll get a blank image. A few points: Before anyone asks, yes, I gave all the proper folders the correct permission issues. I also do the actual 3D generation and image saving on a separate thread with the Apartment state set to STA. know this is a bit of an unusual case of fusing WPF and ASP.Net, but by some chance, Is there some setting in IIS that I need to change? Is there some limitation to the WPF API that won't allow it to run out of IIS?

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Installation :: Creating MSI Package For Asp Application

Jan 21, 2010

I Created msi installer for my web application with the help of the following link. [URL] But when I insall application using this installer into my IIS under root dicrectory I can see my .cs files also. How to remove these .cs files from msi installer. ( I am using VS2005).

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Creating An Online Dictionary Web Application?

Feb 16, 2011

I am looking into creating an online dictionary.

1. Should I create my own application?

2. Or, should I use a premade web application if so, what?

3. What about open source application such as MediaWiki?

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