MVC Default Model Binder - Bind A Multiselect Dropdown To An IList

Sep 13, 2010

I'm using MVC 2.0 in an ASP.NET application using NHibernate. I have a working View, Controller and data access layer using NHibernate that is able to display and save an entity with a relationship to another mapped entity: Person -- > Location It's using the HTML helper HTML.DropDownListFor() to display a list of all Locations. The user is able to select one of the Locations from the list, and press save. The default model binder correctly sets the value of the Location on the Person entity being saved. This location is an nhibernate mapped entity, and is instantiated and has the id value that was selected in the dropdown list. Obviously, since the dropdown list that holds locations only has the ids of the locations, the rest of the values for the location are null. This is OK. I am only trying to save the Person with a reference to an existing location.

So, here comes the complication. We have a need to change the relationship between the two entities. Now the Person can have a reference to many locations. Person.Locations will be an IList My question is, how do you get the default model binder to take selections from a multiselect dropdown and populate an IList. I've managed to save collections of entities in the past using the syntax [index].PropertyName as explaing by Phil Haacked .... [URL]

The issue here is that I have only a dropdown list, and it will post back to the modelbinder a repeating key with different values:

Person.Location.Id: 2
Person.Location.Id: 4
Person.Location.Id: 5

This, unfortunately, doesn't work. the Location list keeps coming back Null. Our UI guy is using a slick JQuery pluggin to display the items in the select list, so I'd rather not have to use a different UI.

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Default Model Binder Does Not Bind Model Class

Dec 28, 2010

I am trying to make a post that should use the Default Model Binder functionality in ASP.NET MVC 2 but unfortunately I can't get through. When I click on the checkout button I populate a form dinamically using jQuery code and then submit this form to the server. This is the form that get submitted

<form action="/x/Order/Checkout" id="cartForm" method="post">
<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="UDjN9RdWheKyWK5Q71MvXAbbDNel6buJd5Pamp/jx39InuyYIQVptcEubIA2W8DMUzWwnZjSGkLspkmDPbsIxy8EVuLvfCSZJJnl/NrooreouptwM/PaBEz2v6ZjO3I26IKRGZPqLxGGfITYqlf8Ow==">
<input id="CustomerID" name="CustomerID" type="hidden" value="1">
<input id="FirmID" name="FirmID" type="hidden" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[0].ServiceTypeID" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[0].Quantity" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[1].ServiceTypeID" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="CartItems[1].Quantity" value="1">

This is the jQuery code that handle the submit event for the form
$("#cartForm").submit(function (event) {
event.preventDefault(); var form = $("#cartForm");
var panel = form.parent(); panel.parent().block();
$.ajax({ type: "post", dataType: "html",
url: '<%: Url.Content("~/Order/Checkout") %>',
async: false, data: form.serialize(),
success: function (response, status, xml) { panel.parent().unblock(); },
error: function (response) { panel.parent().unblock(); } }); });

This is the controller action that should be get called
public virtual ActionResult Checkout( CartModel cart ) {
} And finally this is the CartModel class involved
public class CartModel : BaseModel{
public int CustomerID { get; set; }
public int FirmID { get; set; }
public List<CartItemModel> CartItems { get; set; }
public CartModel() { CartItems = new List<CartItemModel>();
} } public class CartItemModel : BaseModel
{ public int ServiceTypeID { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; } }

But the default Model Binder does not bind the web form data to a CartModel class. Using Fiddler I have been able to see that the data sent to the server is correct as you can see from the following snapshot.

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MVC :: Binding Class On Action Method Using Default Model Binder

Nov 7, 2010

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Binding Multiple Forms To Single Model Using Default Binder?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a complex page with several forms on it. The page is divided into sections, and each section has a continue button on it. The page is bound to a pageViewModel, each section addresses a different set of properties on the model. The continue button makes an ajax call to the controller, and the model binder binds it appropriately to the appropriate sections of the model. The section is refreshed appropriately. Finally, I would like to have a save button at the bottom of the page that takes all the forms, and binds all of the forms to the model. The model, at this point has all of the properties filled out, and can be processed accordingly. Can I accomplish this by some ASP MVC magic?

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MVC :: Access Model Validation Inside Custom Model Binder?

Sep 1, 2010

Is it possible, inside a Custom Model Binder, to fire "something" that "says" the value is invalid so it gets handled by validation part?

Basically, I am getting an exception when the value for the property is invalid.

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MVC :: Indicate To The Model Binder That Want To Update The List

Apr 17, 2010

I have a control that's bound to a list property. If I remove elements from that list using javascript and post, then the model gets updated, and the elements get removed.

Unless I remove all the items from the list. Then no names for that property go into the form data, and so the default model binder leaves the model's list untouched. This code from DefaultModelBinder.cs line 572 in the RTM sources makes it clear:


So how do I indicate to the model binder that I do want it to update the list and Ido want the list to be emptied?

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MVC Model Binder Not Working With A Dictionary?

Apr 4, 2011

Given the following view model and action using the DefaultModelBinder, it seems to ignore the dictionary, but bind all other properties correctly. Am I missing something here? Looking at the MVC source code this seems legit.

public class SomeViewModel
public SomeViewModel()

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MVC :: Model Binder To Collection Properties?

Jul 14, 2010

I need to bind a bunch of properties over my model entities. All of them uses the List<T> class. I already managed to write a model binder that can treat individualy types derived from that class, but i can't set the value of this property on the model. every time i check the model afer the bind process i see a list with 0 itens.

Here's how it runs.

After i post the values the model binder catchs up the types for bindingAt the custom model binder i check if this property is a List<T> typeIf it is then i perform the bind like it have to be, if not i let the default binder do the job.Finally i return the object binded. What happens next is the issue i've mentioned "i see a list with 0 itens" on the Model property.

Here is the code of Custom Model Binder:


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MVC :: Binder Does Not Bind?

Nov 4, 2010

I have a Create ViewPage strongly-typed with a ViewModel. I link the textboxes to the ViewModels properties using the HtmlHelper. On the POST Create method I get the ViewModel by parameter. The thing is that the ViewModel's Properties are empty, as if it has just been constructed. Also, there is no way it could have those values as Properties once all the constructors initializes all the values!

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Custom Model Binder For DropDownList Not Selecting Correct Value?

Sep 4, 2010

i've created my own custom model binder to handle a Section DropDownList defined in my view as:

Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Category.Section, new SelectList(Model.Sections, "SectionID", "SectionName"), "-- Please Select --")

And here is my model binder:

public class SectionModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName);
if (bindingContext.ModelType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Section)) && value != null)
if (Utilities.IsInteger(value.AttemptedValue))
return Section.GetById(Convert.ToInt32(value.AttemptedValue));
else if (value.AttemptedValue == "")
return null;
return base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);

Now within my controller i can say:

public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection)
var category = new Category();
if (!TryUpdateModel(category, "Category")
return View(new CategoryForm(category, _sectionRepository().GetAll()));

This validates nicely and the correct value for the section is assigned when the model is updated, however it does not select the correct value if another property doesn't validate.

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Custom Model Binder Option In MVC 2 RC - How To Iterate Over Form Values

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Viewmodel - Mvc Strongly Typed View Model With Multiselect

Jan 5, 2010

I would like to know how i can bind my form values to my strongly typed view from a MultiSelect box. Obviously when the form submits the multi-select box will submit a delittemered string of my values selected...what is the best way to convert this string of values back into a list of objects to attach to my model to be updated?

public class MyViewModel {
public List<Genre> GenreList {get; set;}
public List<string> Genres { get; set; }

When updating my model inside the controller i am using UpdateModel like below:
Account accountToUpdate = userSession.GetCurrentUser();

However i need to somehow get the values from the string back into objects. I beleive it may have something to do with model-binders but i can't find any good clear examples of how to do this.

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Data Controls :: Bind And Populate Multiple Select (MultiSelect) DropDownList With CheckBoxes From Database Using JQuery

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I am refering below url:


how to select items in dropdownlist if i bind it from database.

Once i select some items and save in database , after that i want items selected when page reloads that items bind in dropdown.

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SQL Reporting :: Values In Multiselect Dropdown Not Getting Selected When Select All Option Is Selected

Sep 22, 2010

Values in multiselect dropdown not getting selected when Select All option is selected for a SSRS dropdown. There are multiple dropdowns on the page. We have one dropdown whose output is being used to populate the second dropdown using a stored procedure. When we check the Select All checkbox on the dropdown then ideally upon page refresh all the values should get selected in the dropdown, but in this case the page refreshes back to the blank dropdown, forcing the user to select the values again. The next dropdown too does not get populated. This makes it impossible to run the report for all the cases by using Select All. We ran the report on differnet database environments. My current location is Mumbai,India, the report worked fine when we ran it on a Bangalore,india database. This issue occurs when we try running it on a Chicago database server. I am using SSRS 2005, SQL2005.

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MVC :: Bind To Model From DisplayText?

Nov 8, 2010

I am passing a model to a view. Some of the data in the model is just being displayed on the screen.Ex.


The data from the Text boxes are given back to the model when posted to the action method. The DisplayText data is not. It comes back null. How do I bind the data I'm displaying from the model back to the model when I POST back to my action?

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Localize Default Model Validation In Mvc 2?

Jul 1, 2010

[DisplayName("my date")]
public DateTime? DateReg { get; set; }

so if the user is going to pass in an invalid datetime value he will get this message "The value '02.07.201022' is not valid for my date."

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MVC :: Bind A Checkbox List To A Model

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying here to find a simple solution to bind an array of elements to a model using the MVC model binder. If I use the @Html.Checkbox helper now, it will generate me something like this :


I should be ok as it manage the checked in state and not checked in. The problem here is when I try to bind it back to the model (something really simple)


In the controller I try to bind it with the UpdateModel()


When I debug, the chk variable in the model is still null. I tried with IList<string>, bool[], IList<bool> nothing seems to make it. Is there any other way to deal with this else than form.GetValues("chk")[0].Contains("true") ?

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C# - Bind List From FormView To Model In Webforms

Mar 5, 2010

For a large fillin form I use the FormView for the magic databinding to my model. In this model I've a property called Rides (shown below), which exposes a list, which I obviously not want to be replaced entirely. So I made it readonly.

However, this way I can't use the databinding features anymore. Is there a common solution for this problem?


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Set Default Value As Empty String In Model In Mvc Application?

Mar 16, 2011

Is there any way that can I set default value as Empty.string in Model.

I have a column Name in the Model its not null field in the database with default value is Empty.string

is there any way that I can set this default property in the Model for this column?

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MVC :: Pass Model Bind Collection From One Controller To Another?

Apr 17, 2010

How to pass model bind collection from one controller to another?

I have this model class,

Public Class Sports
Private _SportsID As Integer
Private _SportsName As String


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MVC :: Bind ActionResult IEnumerable Property In Model?

Nov 23, 2010

How I can bind in my ActionResult IEnumerable property in Model.


public class Project
public int ProjectID {get;set;}
public IEnumerable<Category> Categories {get;set;}


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How To Bind Post Data With A Model That Contains Multiple Models

Nov 4, 2010

I have a parent View that uses a few partial views. Each partial view has its own custom model. The parent View is a model containing each of the partial view's model. In other words this parent View model is NOT flat.

How do i get POST data to bind with the parent's model object? Do i have to write a custom model binder?

Update I'm not binding to a collection of objects of the same type (ie: a collection of uploaded files). I'm binding to object that contains multiple of objects. For example:


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C# - Bind A Checkbox List To A Model Or Array Of Data

Feb 3, 2011

I am looking here to find a quick and easy way to bind a list of checkbox list items when the postback occurs in the model. Apparently the common way to do it now seems to do it like this form.GetValues("checkboxList")[0].Contains("true"); It seems painfull and not exactly safe. Is there a way to bind a list of checkbox (that are created with or without an helper in the view) or even an array of data for that matters during the UpdateModel(myViewModel, form.ToValueProvider()); phase which would populate an IList<string> or string[] inside of the model ?

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C# - MVC Dropdown List Isn't Binding To The Model?

Apr 29, 2010

I am trying set up a simple dropdown list but I dont seem to be able to get it to bind to the Model. I am using Asp.Net MVC and nhibernate.

My dropdown list is declared like so:

<%= Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Project, (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewData["Projects"], " -- Select -- ", new { name = "Project" })%>

I set up the select list like so:

ViewData["Projects"] = new SelectList(projectRepository.GetAll(), "EntityGUID", "Name", editEntity.Project);

This seems to bind the select list to the Dropdown fine, but the SelectedValue is not set.
it shows up as the default --- Select ---

Also when I save this data, the dropdown does not bind to the model, I have to manually set the object like so to save it:

entity.Project = projectRepository.GetById(new Guid(Request["Project"].ToString()));

I believe I have take the correct messures to have this item bind directly to my model. Is there something I am missing here?

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MVC :: Override Model Binding Failures Default Error Messages?

May 16, 2010

I am new to ASP.NET MVC and using ASP.NET MVC 2 with XVal. I am not using DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider and instead using NHibernateValidatorNHibernateValidator attributes. I would like to know that, when failing to provide a value for a non nullable type, how can i override the vanilla messages.There are actually two scenarios for non nullable type with model binding failure

1) when the data the user entered isn't compatible with the data type (for example, typing in "abc" for an integer field). The default message for this is: "The value [AttemptedValue] is not valid for [Property]."

2) when the user did not enter any data for a field which is not nullable (for example, an integer field). The default message for this is: "A value is required."

I know that the [Required] validator from DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider is treated specially during model binding failures on non-nullable types, so that you're not stuck with the vanilla message 'A value is required.'.

Also The DefaultModelBinder uses [Required] attribute for the second scenario only.Since I am not using DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider, I can not use [Required].Bearing in mind that I am already doing all the attribute validation and other business rules validation in my domain layer using XVal , What are my options here?

- Allow the model binding validation errors to occur, and then ignore and remove them from ModelState in my action method and refill it with my custom validation errors?

- Derive a custom model binder from and defaultmodel binder and override the onModeUpdated method ignoring all the validation?

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