MVC :: Dropdownlist Template With Strong Typed Views?

Apr 12, 2010

Im trying to make a template for a dropdownlist.

In my Model i have:


The PageTemplate, is a class, but I what my view to render a DropDownList, that can set the key.

I have in my shared/EditorTemplates/String.ascs - witch is render as that template

But my /shared/DropDownList.ascs, does not render at all. why?

// dennis

In a sence im trying to recreate this article:[URL]

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for List<AnswerInfo>,


now, what i want to do is to place few textboxes on a view that allow users to input the Answer Text. after click the submit button. i want List<AnswerInfo> which contains the Text information pass to the controller. can anyone tell me how to do it?

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In my project I use Strong Types Views. Because I find it nice structured.

public abstract class AbstractViewData: View Page ( ICollection Foo; )
public class HTML Component View Data: AbstractViewData ( string Foo2; )

I have the same structure in my code, as in the corresponding pages.And here starts the problems. I would like to use HTML.Display (o => o.Foo) could be a customer for that matter.But my Strong Types Views have not posted Metadata Model into my classes.Like: Return View ( "FooView", customer); would.Is there a way to write some code that can solve this problem for me?

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CS1003: Syntax error, '>' expected
Line 118: public class views_report_intrestcalc_aspx : System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<List<Tuple<string, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState, System.Web.IHttpHandler {

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Object1 { Name, Age }
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C# - MVC Strongly Typed View With DropDownList

Jul 6, 2010

Long story short, I'm trying to add a few extra items to ViewData to make my life easier, and its an edge case that doesn't really justify its own model just for this one case. Keep reading for more specific details.

So I have a strongly typed edit view for one of my objects, everything works great until I try to put a dropdownlist on the view with an ID that does not match a property of my class.

I have this


My expectation is that in the controller action that accepts the POST, I will manually use the FormCollection[] to read out that ID and populate MyOtherModel with the correct ID.

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I was thinking I could use the DataSource properties but it doesn't seem to like the couple of ways I tried.

//set the datasource to the returned List<Cart>
this.cartDdl.DataSource = CartManager.Load(WebProfile.Current.UserName);
//set the DataValueField to the Cart.ID property
this.cartDdl.DataValueField = "ID";//would rather use the obj property Cart.ID
//set the DataTextField to the Cart.Description property
this.cartDdl.DataTextField = "Description";//would rather use the obj property Cart.Description
//Bind the ddl to the datasource
HOW I WOULD THINK IT COULD WORK this.cartDdl.DataValueField = ((Cart)this.cartDdl.DataSourceObject).ID; this.cartDdl.DataTextField = ((Cart)this.cartDdl.DataSourceObject).Description;

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MVC :: Dropdownlist Template Dosn't Show Dropdownlist?

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i am created a Template for showing dropdownlist when i used the Template by this code

<%= Html.Editor("ItemStatusID", "ItemStatusList")%>

i did see a text box no dropdownlist this is my Template


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Strongly-typed Or Weakly-typed Binding In Codebehind In Front End?

Feb 23, 2010

So my question is more in relation to what people consider to be the best practice and why:

I've been dropping literals into pages and repeaters and binding them in code behind for a while. Is this considered bad practice?


ASPX Page:

<asp: Literal id="litTextToInsert" runat="Server" />

Code Behind:

litTextToInsert.Text = objData.MyText;

OR (repeater):


I personally dont like doing this as i find it makes it harder for me to know if someone changed the field name, or mis typed it during development - the other way you won't know until the page loads.

With the strongly typed version if something changes in your DAL etc the build will break - letting me know I've messed up.

Why do so many people appear to use weakly typed code in ASP.Net (in examples, MVC, etc)?
Am i missing something?

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C# Web App Containing A Gridview Template Field With One Column As Dropdownlist?

Oct 8, 2010

my c# web app containing a gridview template field with one column as dropdownlist,drop down list contains 3 items such as disposed,fitted to,battery room,when i click edit button corresponding row is selcted bt dropdown list contain its first value ie disposed instead of actual values in database, i used the following code for retrieving values from dropdown during updation

DropDownList tb3 = (DropDownList )GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("drpstat")

my html code for my gridview is :-


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C# - Dynamically Adding A Dropdownlist To A Template Column Within Gridview

Dec 22, 2010

I have a gridview that I am dynamically creating and populating.

GridView myGrid = new GridView();
myGrid.Showfooter = true;
myGrid.Columns.Add(new BoundField() { HeaderText = "Serial #", DataField = "serial_number" });
myGrid.DataSource = myDS;

My problem is that I'm having problems figuring out how to add a templatecolumn with a dropdownlist in it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist In The Edit Template

Aug 24, 2010

I have a transaction table with a field called product. There is a limited number of choices for product so I also have a product table. I am showing the transactions in a ListView with a dropdownlist for Product. The field Product can be blank (all works well then). The user can leave the field blank or they can choose from the dropdownlist. I am running into a problem with the dropdownlist in the Edit Template. No matter what the product is in the transaction file, I get a page error of "ddlEditProduct has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items". I have verified the product does exist in the product table.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlEditProduct" runat="server"
SelectedValue='<%# Bind("Product") %>' >
<asp:ListItem Selected="True"></asp:ListItem>

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist In Listview Edit Template

Aug 20, 2010

In my edit template I want a dropdownlist containing a list of possible customers. The list is populated from a database table containing existing customers. If the main record has customer "XYZ", then I want that customer to be the default in the dropdown. I'm using VS 2008 and C# My markup for the dropdownlist is currently:


The dropdownlist is populated but the problem is it shows the first customer in the list. I don't want the user to have to rechoose customer if that is not what they are changing.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist In Item Template Of Gridview?

Mar 14, 2010

I am using with C#.

I have one gridivew, which is showing 20 records. And also, in item template of Gridview, I used one dropdownlist. It means there are 20 dropdownlist with all the 20 rows. That dropdownlist is already binded, means showing the records/items - 8 items. No issue with this.

Now, what I want is, when ever, I select any item from the drodownlist against each row in that gridview and click on the button "Save", it will save the id of all row with all the values of dropdownlist.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Value Of A Dropdownlist Within A DetailsView Template Field

May 18, 2010

I have a template field in a Details View which is a dropdown selection of values.While I can get the value of the textfields in the DetailsView by using: DetailsView1.Rows(i).Cells(1).Text.ToStringI don't know how do extract a value from a dropdownlist2 contained in the DetailsView.

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Finding Function That Populates A Dropdownlist Inside A Gridview Edit Template?

Oct 8, 2010

I am trying to have different options for different user roles. Here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: DropDownList Inside FormView Insert Template

Sep 13, 2010

I am trying to change the textboxes in the FormView insert template to dropdownlists but they keep setting the parameters to null. Here's what I have:


In Page_Load

CType(frmSurvey.FindControl("ddlYearOfQualification"), DropDownList).Items.Add(New ListItem("2010", "2010"))
CType(frmSurvey.FindControl("ddlYearOfQualification"), DropDownList).Items.Add(New ListItem("2009", "2009"))

and in the SqlDataSource

InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [tblSurvey] (... [YearOfQualification] ...) VALUES ( ... @YearOfQualification ... )

And in insert parameters:

<asp:Parameter Name="YearOfQualification" Type="Int16" />

And the insert fails with YearOfQualification as null. If I sue the standard textbox:

<asp:TextBox ID="YearOfQualificationTextBox" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("YearOfQualification") %>' />

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C# - Filter Subcategory Dropdownlist Inside Editable Template Of Listview / Formview

Aug 20, 2010

In my listview object insert/edit template, I have two dropdownlists (category, subcategory). When a user selects a category (autopostback), I would like the subcategory dropdown to filter to only the those that match the categoryID from the category ddl. This seems to be complicated by the fact that it is in a listview object. I'm currently using a queryextender on the subcategory datasource, but I'm not sure how to apply the selectedvalue of the category to the queryextender. The subcategory just shows all items and is not filtered. How do you accomplish this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Dropdownlist Parameter Value From Different Template Field In Detailsview

Mar 22, 2010

I've been struggling with trying to figure out how to do this for about 2 weeks now. I have a DetailsView with several template fields in it. The first field (Unit_Code) is a dropdownlist item where the user would select a Unit based off the Unit_Code's Unit Name. Further down I have a field named (System), system needs to get it's value from the selectedvalue or selectedindex that the user selected in the (Unit_Code) dropdownlist. I have another dropdownlist item (Component) that will need to get the selected value from System to sort on, so once I have the first Unit_Code to System figured out I should be able to figure out the System to Component part seeing as it will basically be doing the same thing.

My aspx page code is below:


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Data Controls :: Populate DropDownList In Edit Item Template Of GridView

Feb 25, 2016

I am trying to bind dropdownlist in Gridview under EditItemTemplate under RowBound event. But it gives me blank rows in the drop down list.Here is my Design 

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Description">
<asp:Label ID="lblDescription" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Description") %>' Width="400px"></asp:Label></ItemTemplate>


I see the dropdown but the dropdown is blank, but there are rows in the database for this column and in the footer row it is working fine.

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