MVC :: Dynamically Fill An Anchor Tag At Runtime?

Mar 31, 2011

I want to create a mailto anchor tag at runtime. Is this possible? I've tried this:


Neither of these worked. I tried adding the "mailto:" in front of the {0}, but this just became part of the perceived URL. I read a post online about using data attributes to add the value as a property of a class, but I can't do that, as I'm stuck using .NET 3.5 for this project. I honestly didn't think this was going to be such a big deal. I just want to populate the email address of the anchor tag with a variable value.

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Sep 28, 2010

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array_random_init(); this creates a 10 element integer array from 1-20 - extract_question(i): this extracts a question indexed at i in DB, I created the controls and set the appropriate text in this function. - validate_question(i); this is called by button_click and validates the question i according to DB.

I understand I have to recreate the controls in Page_init on postback, but what should it look like? Do I need to add "if IsPostBack" in page_init, or do I create the controls in page_init() and reset their properties in page_load when I use extract_question(i)? Also, I cannot seem to clear the selected boxes on postback, I added page directive "enableviewstate=false" but it doesn't work.

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Dynamically Assign Click Event For Anchor Tag In C#?

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Using HtmlAnchor Or Hyperlink For Anchor Tag That Navigates In-page Named Anchor?

Apr 7, 2010

I am trying to render a simple hyperlink that links to a named anchor within the page, for example:

<a href="#namedAnchor">scroll to down</a>
<a name="namedAnchor">down</a>

The problem is that when I use an ASP.NET control like asp:HyperLink or HtmlAnchor, the href="#namedAnchor" is rendered as href="controls/#namedAnchor" (where controls is the subdirectory where the user control containing the anchor is). Here is the code for the control, using two types of anchor controls, which both have the same problem:


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drpV3.DataSource = n;

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Sep 18, 2010

SO I have created an object data source on a page from a table adapter using the various Wizards in Visual Studio.

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I want to display the entries in a Grid View when the page loads.

So I'm a bit stuck now as to how to set the two query parameters date1 and date2. I want to set date1 = now() and date2 = now() + 14 days.

How do I set those parameters when the page loads ?

Should I have used the adapter Wizard approach of do I have to write all the code in the code behind page ??

This is my datasource code'


This is my query string,


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Mar 17, 2011

I have created a gridview which adds a remove button through item template. I wish to know how do u remove the row from grid view dynamically depending upon the button he clicks ?

protected void RemoveBtn_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button clickedButton = sender as Button;
GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)clickedButton.Parent.Parent;
int rowID = Convert.ToInt16(row.RowIndex);

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May 24, 2010

I have a web user control with dynamic LinkButton think an event in which you assign events to them (LinkButton.Click + = new EventHandler (Method)).The problem is that these events do not run, I did test creating and if you run statically.Why is it??I need to be created dynamically at runtime.For Examples :

for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
Button boton = new Button();


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AJAX :: Dynamically Creating Accordions At Runtime

Jan 21, 2011

Newbie in using AJAX . Programming in C# and using SQL as a database. Here is my scenario. User selects a project and I want to display the subprojects related to that project. Here is the query I use to retrieve subprojects.

"SELECT SubProjectName,StartDate,Description FROM SubProject WHERE ProjectName'"+ddlProjectName.text+"';

Currently I store the results of the query in a Dataset. I want to get the SubProjectName in the Header of the Accordion and StartDate and Description values to the text box for each accordion. ( This is what I need to do in each accordian for each subproject)

<asp:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane2" runat="server">
<a href="" onclick="return false;" class="accordionLink">SubProject 1</a>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="td_left" colspan="2">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Start Date"></asp:Label>
<td class="td_left" colspan="2">
<asp:TextBox ID="StartDate" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<td class="td_left" colspan="2">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Description"></asp:Label>
<td class="td_left" colspan="2">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtDecription" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

How can I do this? Some code example would be great on how to creat the accordinas ,text boxes dynamically and fill the values.

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Web Forms :: Creating Imagebutton Dynamically At Runtime?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a requirement whereby one or more image buttons need to be created in a user control at runtime. The number of buttons is determined from a database where a user can add one or more rows that contain an image for each button, so if a user adds 3 images to a table, 3 image buttons are created. Ive used this code but I get an error at runtime

The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases.


this is the usercontrol aspx


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Data Controls :: How To Bind Jqgrid At Runtime Dynamically

Jan 24, 2016

i have bind jqgrid at runtime using append method like this:

Public Sub intializegrid()
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
sb.Append("<script type='text/javascript'>")
sb.Append(" $(document).ready(function() {")


while binding the record it throws error like "system.web.http unhandled  exception" at server end.and also none of the button is working after binding the Jgrid.

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Web Forms :: How To Create ASPX Page Dynamically At Runtime

May 1, 2013

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Add Header Row In GridView At Runtime

Oct 21, 2015

in a gridview i show the data as below

name mobile
celv 88073********
ram 8807 **326362

my need is

Details of Employee(this is gridview header i need it in run time)name mobile
celv 88073********
ram 8807 **326362

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Change Or Load MasterPage At Runtime

Oct 10, 2012

Can we change master page dynamically in ASP.NET ... If yes How?

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Security :: Dynamically Selecting Membership / Role Provider At Runtime?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm building an application that will be used by a number of different schools who want completely separate databases so I've decided to have multiple connection strings and membership/role providers in my web.config file. In my code, I'm trying to set which connection string and provider to use at runtime for the correct database according to the logged in user.

I'm coming into a lot of bits in my code that previously worked fine, that now don't. For example, I used to use:


But now that I've changed it to this, it doesn't work anymore:


The compiler tells me that AddUserToRole is not a member of 'r'. I've had similar problems not just with Roles but Membership too, like with calling CreateUser.

I'd still like to be able to use all these methods that I was using before which are extremely handy. I just want to be able to set the membership/role provider at runtime rather than use the default one. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a simpler way to go about this?

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Web Forms :: How To Dynamically Create Event For Controls Created At Runtime

Jan 28, 2010

i am adding rows and cells dynamically to asp table control...and i wish to put extract a particular cell's of the row when clicked ...

i.e. on clicking on a particular row ..say i need its 2nd col's value to be passed as session variable for inter page communicaton..

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MVC :: Load Partial Views Dynamically At Runtime Using Html.RenderPartial?

Jun 8, 2010

The following link describes the relationships between a Partial View and its parent in terms of ViewData: [URL] In relation to the text: "A partial view enables you to define a view that will be rendered inside a parent view. Partial views are implemented as ASP.NET user controls (.ascx).

When a partial view is instantiated, it gets its own copy of the ViewDataDictionary object that is available to the parent view. The partial view therefore has access to the data of the parent view. However, if the partial view updates the data, those updates affect only the partial view's ViewData object. The parent view's data is not changed"

how the parent view can make use of the new data added or existing data changed and updated, by the partial views? My question is around how to load partial views dynamically at runtime using Html.RenderPartial(...) whilst having one version of the data used and updated by the parent view and it's children.

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